Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Do you read your own articles that you post? It says right there that Trump was unhappy (not livid) because they raised the interest rates twice earlier during his presidency.
Yes. They did. Know why he was livid?

Because it was shaking the economy. If it was the “strongest economy in 50 years”, surely it could handle a 2% interest rate.
NY and IL are about the only places they can talk about. California, Maryland and New Jersey have given control to commissions.

Furthermore, it’s Dems in court fighting against constitutionality of this.

The larger concern in my mind are states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Blue states with blue governors but state legislatures in control of Republicans due to gerrymandering. And these are the states that have a lot of power in electing presidents. A legislature screwing with the electoral vote is really concerning to me. It didn’t happen last time but came DAMN close.
Hahaha…but but but…higher wages. No slaves working for slave wages.
Which is it?
Hahaha…do you see why we say you can’t get out of your way?
Who exactly is getting higher wages? Not all that many people. The vast majority Americans wouldn’t see any increase.
Who exactly is getting higher wages? Not all that many people. The vast majority Americans wouldn’t see any increase.
Hahaha…Leftists never can understand that wages paid at the bottom set wages all across the wage spectrum.
If a journeyman drywall hanger is paid $40 an hour what does a skilled tradesman, an electrician or plumber have to make? What does a college educated civil engineer have to make?
Hahaha…Leftists never can understand that wages paid at the bottom set wages all across the wage spectrum.
If a journeyman drywall hanger is paid $40 and hour what does a skilled tradesman, an electrician or plumber have to make? What does a college educated civil engineer have to make?
Paying a drywall hanger more doesn’t increase wages for a civil engineer.

Are teachers going to be paid more if cooks make more? No.

Are computer programs going to be paid more if hotel maids make more? No.

What actually is going to happen is widespread business closure because they don’t have labor.
You're right. It's a ridiculous question.

You never asked that question when trump was there. You never mentioned the ridiculous tariffs and the farmers suiciding because of it.
How about doing something about that you jerk.
You just did.. thanks for joining

I'm in Vermont so ...
jerky may have definition different from you
”Trump destroyed me emotionally and basically had me in a virtual straight jacket…My personal feelings aren’t hurt anymore so yeah, we’re better off now…just don’t look at any metric that actually matters to the state of the union.”
I was just answering the topic question. Your post has nothing to do with anything, just random flaming. So okay, random guy.
Paying a drywall hanger more doesn’t increase wages for a civil engineer.

Are teachers going to be paid more if cooks make more? No.

Are computer programs going to be paid more if hotel maids make more? No.

What actually is going to happen is widespread business closure because they don’t have labor.
Ofcourse it does…nobody would go to school, pay tens of thousands in tuition for several years to make a construction workers wage.
Ofcourse it does…nobody would go to school, pay tens of thousands in tuition for several years to make a construction workers wage.
People already to go school for several years to make the same as construction workers.
Paying a drywall hanger more doesn’t increase wages for a civil engineer.

Are teachers going to be paid more if cooks make more? No.

Are computer programs going to be paid more if hotel maids make more? No.

What actually is going to happen is widespread business closure because they don’t have labor.

If a drywall hanger makes close to what a civil engineer makes, who would waste all that money on college?

I've spoken with drivers in the past that told me college was a huge waste of money. They got their degree, were able to get a job, but truck driving paid better which is why they were truck drivers in the first place.

Back in the 80's I was involved in medical fixing home medical equipment. In the morning we all gathered at the coffee pot, and had various conversations before getting to work. At the time, UPS was on strike. We were opening up a pharmacy in our building; not the kind that serves the public, but to make various medications for our home customers. At the coffee pot, we struck up a conversation about the UPS strike. Our newest employee, the pharmacist stood there listening on. She was a bit shy as she was only with the company a few weeks. During our conversation, she walked away in a rage. We kind of looked at each other like WTF is she mad about?

The coffee gang broke up and as I was leaving, the pharmacist (still very angry) approached me. She had her monthly pharmacy magazine in her hand. She said READ THIS!!! The article was about the UPS strike. In it they claimed the senior drivers at UPS were making 52K a year. A pharmacist on average made around 60K per year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist! Do you know what my parents went through? Had I known this bullshit, I wouldn't be overseeing this pharmacy construction project, I'd be dropping off packages right there (pointing to our overhead door where UPS dropped off).

The industry was hurting for pharmacists for years after that. Today a pharmacist makes twice as much as a pharmacist made back then. You have to make it worth the effort to make such an investment.
NY and IL are about the only places they can talk about. California, Maryland and New Jersey have given control to commissions.

Furthermore, it’s Dems in court fighting against constitutionality of this.

The larger concern in my mind are states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Blue states with blue governors but state legislatures in control of Republicans due to gerrymandering. And these are the states that have a lot of power in electing presidents. A legislature screwing with the electoral vote is really concerning to me. It didn’t happen last time but came DAMN close.

Still, Republicans are not singling out blacks to make it harder for them to vote. They are trying to favor their party only. It has nothing to do with race as you claim.
If a drywall hanger makes close to what a civil engineer makes, who would waste all that money on college?
People that don’t want to hang drywall!

Manual labor really tears people’s bodies up. it’s not for everyone.

Not everyone wants to drive a truck. It’s associated with extremely unhealthy lifestyles.

Lots of people aren’t willing to sacrifice their bodies to make a buck.
Charles Murray's latest book promotes the idea that we just HAVE to give up this crazy idea that everybody should take out huge loans to go to college. And instead train skills.
Yes. They did. Know why he was livid?

Because it was shaking the economy. If it was the “strongest economy in 50 years”, surely it could handle a 2% interest rate.

Again, they kept raising it on him, something they didn't do with DumBama. And the reason they could raise rates IS because the economy was doing so well.
Charles Murray's latest book promotes the idea that we just HAVE to give up this crazy idea that everybody should take out huge loans to go to college. And instead train skills.
Sounds good if you want a society comprised entirely of cogs in a machine.

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