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Are we headed to war? Iraq embassy being evacuated

If might makes right, then Iran should steamroll Israel, if they can.

Of course, wittle baby Israel has to run to the USA for help.

Knows nothing of the Yom Kippur War.

Six Arab nations tried and failed to conquer Israel in 1973. I don't recall the US getting involved.

Iran wasn't involved in that one.

It's only a matter of time, when Israel falls.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Really, who is planning to attack Israel, a country recognized by over 160 countries around the world?
If might makes right, then Iran should steamroll Israel, if they can.

Of course, wittle baby Israel has to run to the USA for help.

Knows nothing of the Yom Kippur War.

Six Arab nations tried and failed to conquer Israel in 1973. I don't recall the US getting involved.

Iran wasn't involved in that one.

It's only a matter of time, when Israel falls.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Really, who is planning to attack Israel, a country recognized by over 160 countries around the world?

If might makes right to create Israel, then might makes right to destroy Israel.

If Iran can do it, it's not our business.

Poland fought for 800 years surrounded by enemies, without falling, it still fell.

It's only a matter of time before Israel falls, surrounded by enemies.
No...you don't think/care about them. You just want your neocon victory over Iran.

Well, ButtWhistle, you are quickly showing that your claim of a 125 IQ was a lie as well. You don't know what I care about, you think I want Americans to die? You really are an ass. But if we are to go to war with Iran, I want it to be for a good necessary cause and for us to accomplish our goal quickly.

Funny how we defeated Germany and Japan in just a few short years with crude weapons but now people think every war must run decades with no end in sight. You either commit to fighting a war to win, or you resign yourself to an endless police action. Trump ain't no cop.

You typed the following:

'If we go to war against Iran under Trump, I bet it goes a lot differently than our attack on Saddam Hussein under the Bushes.

THIS president has a set of balls the size of maracas. Trump is no police action president.'


'Yeah, what could the mightiest military on the planet with a budget of nearly a trillion dollars unleashed possibly do against a backward 12th century nation the size of Alaska run by ayatollahs?'

That is neocon talk. The talk of someone who does not have to put his own butt on the line.

If you truly cared about those troopers and their families - you would want Trump to avoid war AT ALL COSTS. And you would want him to honor his 'America First' promise.

But no...you sound like a guy who wants war....like it's 'some, damn football game'.

If you had put your neck on the line...okay. But you haven't. You say you have physical limitations? I call bullshit. I say you don't have the guts or the honor.
And you can always do volunteer service. But no...you cannot be bothered.

So you should hope for peace and keep your neocon drooling to yourself.

Maybe you are not calling for it as much as some.

But guys like you who refuse to stick their necks out for their country should shut the fuck up and hope for peace.

FU JACKOFF. Any idea how old I am? I almost died a few months ago of pulmonary embolisms. I can barely walk. FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on. HOW DARE YOU judge others you POS maggot fucking bullshiter termite. This has nothing to do with any of the crap you dream of. Like it or not you JERK, IF we go to war, WE GO TO WAR, it has NOTHING to do with whether you want to or not, whether men will die or not, because men ALWAYS DIE, some countries have volunteers that are GLAD to give their lives to defeat us, I hope we have a lot of people better than you. Your kind runs from a fight which is why we have this problem in the first place. If we go to war, you fight it to WIN, a DECISIVE win, not this screwing around like in Afghanistan and Iraq. The harder you kick the living shit out of the enemy, the less well they can fight back. Going in all out then SAVES LIVES both by weakening the enemy to the max before you put boots on the ground and by also defeating them more quickly. That is all I ever said or meant, shithead. The fact that you don't even know that tells me you don't know SHIT. Just like every other topic you stick your nose in on.

LOL...I run from a fight? I joined the reserves at 18. You never joined the military....and I am the one who runs from a fight? Riiiiiiight.


Iran lost upwards of 1/2 a million people killed in the Iran/Iraq war. They used human wave attacks - practically suicide. You think they will fight any less ferociously against America?
You can bomb the shit out of Iran - but unless you are willing to use nukes to completely obliterate it - you are going to be left with tens of millions of young men who will undoubtedly start a guerrilla war against their American occupiers. And you will NEVER win the 'Hearts and Minds' of the civilians. A war with Iran will cost thousands of American lives, tens of thousands of innocent Iranian civilian lives (and yes - they are people so they count to me) and untold trillions of dollars. For what?
So Iran cannot develop nukes (which they probably already have anyway).
That's ridiculous.

So let us know...how many American deaths is too many for you in this case? 1,000? 3,000? You are not only an ignoramus on military matters... you are also crazy if you think all that bloodshed and cost is worth it just to try and stop Iran from developing nukes.

Israel is the country that is freaking out about Iran nukes...let them invade them (if they want).

America should mind her own damn business.
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No...you don't think/care about them. You just want your neocon victory over Iran.

Well, ButtWhistle, you are quickly showing that your claim of a 125 IQ was a lie as well. You don't know what I care about, you think I want Americans to die? You really are an ass. But if we are to go to war with Iran, I want it to be for a good necessary cause and for us to accomplish our goal quickly.

Funny how we defeated Germany and Japan in just a few short years with crude weapons but now people think every war must run decades with no end in sight. You either commit to fighting a war to win, or you resign yourself to an endless police action. Trump ain't no cop.

You typed the following:

'If we go to war against Iran under Trump, I bet it goes a lot differently than our attack on Saddam Hussein under the Bushes.

THIS president has a set of balls the size of maracas. Trump is no police action president.'


'Yeah, what could the mightiest military on the planet with a budget of nearly a trillion dollars unleashed possibly do against a backward 12th century nation the size of Alaska run by ayatollahs?'

That is neocon talk. The talk of someone who does not have to put his own butt on the line.

If you truly cared about those troopers and their families - you would want Trump to avoid war AT ALL COSTS. And you would want him to honor his 'America First' promise.

But no...you sound like a guy who wants war....like it's 'some, damn football game'.

If you had put your neck on the line...okay. But you haven't. You say you have physical limitations? I call bullshit. I say you don't have the guts or the honor.
And you can always do volunteer service. But no...you cannot be bothered.

So you should hope for peace and keep your neocon drooling to yourself.

Maybe you are not calling for it as much as some.

But guys like you who refuse to stick their necks out for their country should shut the fuck up and hope for peace.

Every American has a right and a responsibility to be concerned about when the armed forces of the United States are used overseas to protect American interest. Most Americans cannot serve in the United States military. You would have to have a standing military of over 15 million for that to be even remotely possible. But every American can and should vote on these issues and voice their opinions. Its their responsibility to do so as citizens of this country.

Nearly all Americans supported military operations to track down and kill Osama Bin Ladin. But 85% to 90% of Americans were not serving or have ever served in the military. Every citizen, regardless of whether they have served in the military, has a right and a responsibility to judge whether they support military action in any particular situation.

Right to judge? Sure.

Be gung ho like toobfreak is when he did not even serve/volunteer to help.

Not in my book.

And you can join the reserves you know - that is not part of a 'standing army'? That's what I did.

As far as I am concerned - it should be like Switzerland...everyone who can has to join the reserves after serving in the 'standing army' for a relatively short period.

Anyway, I am not talking to you about this...I am talking to toobfreak.

Good day.

Look shithead, what have you done? I don't think you have ever done jack in your life. You balless coward afraid to fight all you care about is yourself. Years ago I worked for a defense department subcontractor doing dangerous work making the special armor plating that keeps soldiers alive. We risked our lives every day. Still paying the price for that. People died there. More danger than a lot of people in the military ever see unless they go into actual forward combat fighting. I have a lot of friends that retired from there with illness and suffering the rest of their lives, far more than you ever did, you POS. Tell us what great sacrifices you ever made for this country? Peeling potatoes in Pensacola Florida? If you ever saw combat, you'd be the first one to run out and desert like that other POS your buddy Obama traded the Al Quada fighters for. FUCK YOU.
No, sorry, Israel is as legitimate. Blame the Turks for losing the war, I guess. But israel is a legitimate country. You can either have pragmatic discussion, or you can waste your time deluding yourself that Israel is not a sovereign , legitimate country. Two choices.

Your arguments are laughable.

Iran might support some terrorists.

Israel is actually a terrorist, and has been since it's founding.

As for Ottomans losing, it wasn't their land, it was Palestinian Arabs who owned more land than Jews.

The Ottoman Empire was the ruler of all of the Israel/Palestine territory from 1515 through 1917. Over 400 years, that was recognized by all other nations as territory belonging to the Ottoman Empire. You obeyed Ottoman law if you lived there, and were only allowed to live there if Ottoman Empire allowed you to. You can't start talking about anyone's right to the land there(in order to form a new country) until the Ottoman Empire was dissolved at the end of World War I.

No more war mongering with Iran, over terrorist Israel!

Palestinians lived there long enough to gain a Palestinian Arabic dialect, they owned more land, and made up the majority.

Why can't Zionists ever have the decency to admit Israel stole that land?

Its not about who owns the majority of the land. Its about each group having the right to form a new country on the land they do own after the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist as a country around 1918. Israel has a right to exist. So does a Palestinian state have a right to exist. The UN partition plan of 1947 was the perfect agreement. It split everything down the middle. Essentially 50% of the Jews and 50% for the Palestinians. Jerusalem was supposed to be a UN city.

Today of course, the old UN partition plan is no longer possible. The most land a Palestinian state will have is the current occupied West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinians should be allowed to form an independent state in these areas.

When are you giving up your land to Native Americans?

As for Iran, we shouldn't be saber rattling there, for Israel's sake.

The United States was formed from land that was owned by the British Empire in 1783. In, 1803, the United States doubled in size when it purchased land from France in the Louisiana Purchase. The United States received most of the rest of its land from Mexico after the Mexican/American war of 1846 to 1848. The only land that could said to be specifically Native American land that was taken by the United States was the land that now makes up the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. But that land has been apart of the United States for over 170 years now. The Native Americans who lived there are either long gone, or their descendants have become American citizens and become apart of America's diverse and growing population.
Fuck that. Your personal problems are yours and irrelevant. That your keyboard warrior ass, having no skin in the game, wants to advocate for a conflict where there is no need and nothing worth the cost to be gained, only reinforces the objective observation that thou art a contemptible asshole.

I advocate for nothing douche-bag but a quick and effective and successful war that ends quickly and we win decisively with a minimum of casualties IF we go to war. All the rest is your fantasy masturbations. What do YOU advocate for, a LONG war with HIGH casualties?
[LOL...I run from a fight? I joined the reserves at 18. You never joined the military....NEOCONS MAKE ME SICK...

Sorry to bust your bubble little baby but signing up for the reserves is nothing compared to ACTUAL COMBAT. You don't have to be in the military to face danger, serve your country or be in a fight. I bet I've faced danger and been in fights that would make you shit your underwear. And I'm not no fucking Neocon you IDIOT. If we go to war (and I doubt we are), I just want it to be a quick, decisive victory for US, shithead.

And I wouldn't put your IQ past 85.
No...you don't think/care about them. You just want your neocon victory over Iran.

Well, ButtWhistle, you are quickly showing that your claim of a 125 IQ was a lie as well. You don't know what I care about, you think I want Americans to die? You really are an ass. But if we are to go to war with Iran, I want it to be for a good necessary cause and for us to accomplish our goal quickly.

Funny how we defeated Germany and Japan in just a few short years with crude weapons but now people think every war must run decades with no end in sight. You either commit to fighting a war to win, or you resign yourself to an endless police action. Trump ain't no cop.

You typed the following:

'If we go to war against Iran under Trump, I bet it goes a lot differently than our attack on Saddam Hussein under the Bushes.

THIS president has a set of balls the size of maracas. Trump is no police action president.'


'Yeah, what could the mightiest military on the planet with a budget of nearly a trillion dollars unleashed possibly do against a backward 12th century nation the size of Alaska run by ayatollahs?'

That is neocon talk. The talk of someone who does not have to put his own butt on the line.

If you truly cared about those troopers and their families - you would want Trump to avoid war AT ALL COSTS. And you would want him to honor his 'America First' promise.

But no...you sound like a guy who wants war....like it's 'some, damn football game'.

If you had put your neck on the line...okay. But you haven't. You say you have physical limitations? I call bullshit. I say you don't have the guts or the honor.
And you can always do volunteer service. But no...you cannot be bothered.

So you should hope for peace and keep your neocon drooling to yourself.

Maybe you are not calling for it as much as some.

But guys like you who refuse to stick their necks out for their country should shut the fuck up and hope for peace.

Every American has a right and a responsibility to be concerned about when the armed forces of the United States are used overseas to protect American interest. Most Americans cannot serve in the United States military. You would have to have a standing military of over 15 million for that to be even remotely possible. But every American can and should vote on these issues and voice their opinions. Its their responsibility to do so as citizens of this country.

Nearly all Americans supported military operations to track down and kill Osama Bin Ladin. But 85% to 90% of Americans were not serving or have ever served in the military. Every citizen, regardless of whether they have served in the military, has a right and a responsibility to judge whether they support military action in any particular situation.

Right to judge? Sure.

Be gung ho like toobfreak is when he did not even serve/volunteer to help.

Not in my book.

And you can join the reserves you know - that is not part of a 'standing army'? That's what I did.

As far as I am concerned - it should be like Switzerland...everyone who can has to join the reserves after serving in the 'standing army' for a relatively short period.

Anyway, I am not talking to you about this...I am talking to toobfreak.

Good day.

Look shithead, what have you done? I don't think you have ever done jack in your life. You balless coward afraid to fight all you care about is yourself. Years ago I worked for a defense department subcontractor doing dangerous work making the special armor plating that keeps soldiers alive. We risked our lives every day. Still paying the price for that. People died there. More danger than a lot of people in the military ever see unless they go into actual forward combat fighting. I have a lot of friends that retired from there with illness and suffering the rest of their lives, far more than you ever did, you POS. Tell us what great sacrifices you ever made for this country? Peeling potatoes in Pensacola Florida? If you ever saw combat, you'd be the first one to run out and desert like that other POS your buddy Obama traded the Al Quada fighters for. FUCK YOU.

LOL. Cry me a river. You want a medal?

Let me give you a little advice...I would not run around saying those things (in real life) to people who actually served in the military. They may not react too well.
Just sayin'.

Oh...and military personnel see LOTS of danger even when they are just training...believe it or not.

As for me? I joined the reserves when I was 18. Did my time and was discharged. And no, I saw no combat because my unit never saw any combat.
I don't mind if you call me a coward. But I would appreciate it if you would not call those whom I served with cowards just because we saw no action. With one or two exceptions - they were all fine, brave men/women, IMO. People who gave up their time for their country.

And I still think neocons who never served are assholes who make me sick.

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We seem to be headed towards war.

And, to make matters worse, there is no visible casus belli anywhere in sight.
[LOL...I run from a fight? I joined the reserves at 18. You never joined the military....NEOCONS MAKE ME SICK...

Sorry to bust your bubble little baby but signing up for the reserves is nothing compared to ACTUAL COMBAT. You don't have to be in the military to face danger, serve your country or be in a fight. I bet I've faced danger and been in fights that would make you shit your underwear. And I'm not no fucking Neocon you IDIOT. If we go to war (and I doubt we are), I just want it to be a quick, decisive victory for US, shithead.

And I wouldn't put your IQ past 85.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I never said I was brave or special for joining the reserves. I simply said I served my country in the reserves and that I saw no combat.

What I did say is that you sound like a neocon and you are advocating war and claiming you know how to fight one when you have never served and you face no harm if America does go to war.

And neocons who never have served make me sick (unliterally).
LOL. Cry me a river. You want a medal?

Apparently you do. All you talk about is yourself. What dd YOU actually get from training on the weekend in the Reserves, a hangnail? I got a ruptured L4/L5 disc and partial paralysis from doing civilian work providing protection to help keep our soldiers safe. But unlike you, I'm not the one wanting a pat on the head for it. And I'll never get special loan rates, pension or even free healthcare for it. The funny thing is you served in the weekend reserves but I actually faced a lot more danger, paid a higher personal price, saved a lot more lives and gave greater service to my country.

Did Einstein ever serve in the military? Fight in a war? I don't think so. THAT BASTARD! But he invented the atom bomb that won WWII. Some people serve best with their minds. Others with their hands and backs. You served with your ass.
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Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth
You are volunteering to go over that and fight in a conflict which we really don't need to get into, right?
If attacked, we will respond.

And hopefully with something beyond the ridiculous "proportional response" demanded by the Socialist Internationale.

No reason to to have massive numbers of troops "go over there". Missile them into rubble and let them rot. They've been far more trouble over the last 40 years than they are worth.

I agree, the Troops are just a show of force. Don't cost much to send them there. If they weren't there, they'd be back at Base swilling PX Beer all day. Or painting rocks.
So when are Trumps spawn signing up?
I never said I was brave or special for joining the reserves. I simply said I served my country in the reserves and that I saw no combat.

Sorry but BFD. People I worked with had major operations, heads cut open, heart attacks, permanent back injuries, some even died (I saw one guy melted alive when he was hit with molten steel) all to provide protection for the military, special metals, special plating made from depleted uranium for tanks and personnel carriers, jets, etc. You signed up to march around on the weekends and train and you want your ass kissed. I have a permanently bad back that can hardly stand out of it and you dare call me a neocon warmonger just because I want us to WIN a war quickly and decisively if we go into it? You got your nerve.
Fuck that. Your personal problems are yours and irrelevant. That your keyboard warrior ass, having no skin in the game, wants to advocate for a conflict where there is no need and nothing worth the cost to be gained, only reinforces the objective observation that thou art a contemptible asshole.

I advocate for nothing douche-bag but a quick and effective and successful war that ends quickly and we win decisively with a minimum of casualties IF we go to war. All the rest is your fantasy masturbations. What do YOU advocate for, a LONG war with HIGH casualties?
All wars start with both sides saying it will successfully be over quickly.

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