Are we heading to a civil war

Of course some of the righties on here are the worst of the worst, ready for Civil War --you are out of your minds.

Perhaps if you guys weren’t so violent we wouldn’t have to be prepared for the worst
What crap... Every other weekend there are a million Democrats protesting and no violence. But you brainwashed twits think they are all antifa and black gang Bangerz... LOL. Democrats are totally against violence... Just look at you gun nuts threatening people and Civil War in this thread. Get a grip

You guys are violent all the time
I thought we were all pussies... We are no different from you people except we are not brainwashed with hate and Bs. Only the Republicans have a propaganda machine, plus we don't believe lies.

You are one of the most hateful people on this board

Are talking about Frankie Fig ?

He's also one of the most ignorant.

I have him on ignore.
the future of the country is working class. Crazy Bernie, Pocahontas etc...all working class champions!

Exactly; down with the bourgeoisie. Viva la proletariat! No.
i'm not a Marxist, i'm a democratic socialist!

Too late. The baby goes out with the bath water. Analytical Marxists only--on holidays.
i'm not a Marxist, I'm HUMAN!
There are no marxists in America. that is dictatorship owning all business and industry, you brainwashed twits.
Perhaps if you guys weren’t so violent we wouldn’t have to be prepared for the worst
What crap... Every other weekend there are a million Democrats protesting and no violence. But you brainwashed twits think they are all antifa and black gang Bangerz... LOL. Democrats are totally against violence... Just look at you gun nuts threatening people and Civil War in this thread. Get a grip

You guys are violent all the time
I thought we were all pussies... We are no different from you people except we are not brainwashed with hate and Bs. Only the Republicans have a propaganda machine, plus we don't believe lies.

You are one of the most hateful people on this board

Are talking about Frankie Fig ?

He's also one of the most ignorant.

I have him on ignore.
You can't handle the truth super duper poop
We have a Civil War every four years.

dimocrap scum LOST and they haven't stopped trying to undermine the results since.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

You freaks really can’t see with that log in your eye. The right spent almost all of Obama’s presidency trying to undermine his electoral wins. Just as they did with Clinton too.

The log. You need to pull that whole forest our of your eye .

It's classic how Japanese Anime Faun completely twisted the metaphor about the log in your eye when it was accurately in his to begin with
^^^ kaz = just another butthurt loser who’s still aching from the last ass-kicking I gave him.


Faun is kazzing again. You took a parable about humility and turned it into an attack. That's pretty pathetic, kazzer Faun.

And you're boring the shit out of me. You just repeat the same thing over and over. And wow, this is your smack? And you're a grown man? You sound like a 16 year old who doesn't get out much. How's your home ec class going?

You freaks really can’t see with that log in your eye. The right spent almost all of Obama’s presidency trying to undermine his electoral wins. Just as they did with Clinton too.

The log. You need to pull that whole forest our of your eye .

It's classic how Japanese Anime Faun completely twisted the metaphor about the log in your eye when it was accurately in his to begin with
^^^ kaz = just another butthurt loser who’s still aching from the last ass-kicking I gave him.


You aren't intelligent enough kick anyone's ass kid. Your game is simply to try and scream the loudest and run around thumping your chest claiming to have "won".

Spits another yutz who’s standing behind Kaz on the butthurt loser line.


I'd say grow a pair, but maybe you should focus on growing one to start.

Dude, you're boring as shit. You just keep saying the same thing over and over and over
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.

Why would I run from a Russian?
I highly doubt will be seeing them in Texas anytime soon.

Early 90's, Killeen era, a few got busted trying to buy base directory phonebooks from privates. Course, back then I think they still answered to Mr. Soviet.

The only Russian I've ever met was an exchange student.
I screwed the shit out of her and she told me she loved Texans.
I think you screwed Putin dressed as a woman.
There is no way you would know if it was a woman or a man because you have never had sex with a woman.

What are you twelve?
Americans are too lazy and complacent to have a civil war
The log. You need to pull that whole forest our of your eye .

It's classic how Japanese Anime Faun completely twisted the metaphor about the log in your eye when it was accurately in his to begin with
^^^ kaz = just another butthurt loser who’s still aching from the last ass-kicking I gave him.


You aren't intelligent enough kick anyone's ass kid. Your game is simply to try and scream the loudest and run around thumping your chest claiming to have "won".

Spits another yutz who’s standing behind Kaz on the butthurt loser line.


I'd say grow a pair, but maybe you should focus on growing one to start.

Dude, you're boring as shit. You just keep saying the same thing over and over and over

Then pounding it's chest screaming "I WON"!!!!!
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
Silly fool, Rural America and urban America will never have the same interests... They were never meant to have the same interests
Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .
As Donald Trump says, there are good people on both sides.
Far more who support slavery and segregation voted for Trump than any other candidate, regardless of political party.
Trump is the candidate of white supremacists. They endorsed him.

I'm not doubting the ignorance on both sides but recently the left has become radicalized.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

You're right. I expect the left to become more violent .

No, you're wrong.
Maybe you missed that little old primary in the 14th Congressional District of New York?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just won a House primary as a write-in — for a district she wasn’t intending to run in
We don't need guns.
Guns are for cowards.
I didn't know she was a write in! Awesome little girl.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
NO. No. no.
Russia has done it's job well of accentuating the areas that divide us. Maybe we need to shut down social media for six months and let people start talking to each other face to face again for awhile.
That is where this poison is coming from. If we can't control ourselves here, maybe we need to not have "here."
Progressives want to have total control of those they disagree with... They will never be happy till that happens
Nothing civil about war, boys.
The anti-Trump sources are planning to use intelligence not bullets to defeat the Trumpsters.

What intelligence is that? The Anti-Trump Leftists are TOTALLY unhinged, they exhibit minimal intelligence, there is nothing intelligent about SCREAMING and Banging Pots and Pans.
A correlation analysis has been done on years of education and who you voted for.
Trump supporters are substantially less educated than anti-Trump faction.
The educated conservatives are not fans of Trump. The less educated Democrats tended to vote for Trump.
Says the losing side....
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

This is it in a nutshell. The Left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.
It is not the election, It is what Trump has done since the election - Trump has committed treason, as have his supporters that support him. Those that are left.

I guess with the economy doing so well and a record low unemployment rate the only thing the Left has is ridiculous accusations of treason for Russian meddling that Obama knew about. HAHAHAHA
we are already in one. So far its a war of words. If it becomes a war of weapons, we have the guns, the police, and the military, the left has Hollywood and doesn't know which bathroom to use-----------it will be a short war.

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