Are we heading to a civil war

I think the war is over....we won in November...but if the left still wants to get it on....I'm their huckleberry.....

Sadly, too many Right wingers feel the same way, and will comfortably sleep in on election day, feeling safe in their "Trump" safety bubble, handing the Left (who will be out in insane numbers similar to Obama's election) a significant surge in power grabbing.

This crazy thinking that "we've won" is one of the Left's best weapons.
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we are already in one. So far its a war of words. If it becomes a war of weapons, we have the guns, the police, and the military, the left has Hollywood and doesn't know which bathroom to use-----------it will be a short war.

Wishful dreaming. The reality is the Left will soon regain power and with it the incremental disarming of America. It's coming. Connect the dots. Be realistic and look at how far we've already fallen.

You've got this relatively small group that convinces itself that today's Americans are like those of an era past where people actually stood up for what was right. The same people always laughed and said China could never be a military threat to the US.

The Left will corrupt the government and use it against the opposition. Happens in most 3rd world countries and that's exactly what the US is rapidly becoming.

No wall will be built, no borders closed. A silent majority effectively has no voice.

The Left actually see the Right wing as funny for it's delusions of war and resistance. since it doesn't exist, they may be justified in laughing.
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we are already in one. So far its a war of words. If it becomes a war of weapons, we have the guns, the police, and the military, the left has Hollywood and doesn't know which bathroom to use-----------it will be a short war.

Wishful dreaming. The reality is the Left will soon regain power and with it the incremental disarming of America. It's coming. Connect the dots. Be realistic and look at how far we've already fallen.

The Left will corrupt the government and use it against the opposition. Happens in most 3rd world countries and that's exactly what the US is rapidly becoming.

If Hillary had won I would agree with you completely, but she lost so there is hope. More and more people are waking up, this is far from over. Do not give up.
I think the war is over....we won in November...but if the left still wants to get it on....I'm their huckleberry.....

Sadly, too many Right wingers feel the same way, and will comfortably sleep in on election day, feeling safe in their "Trump" safety bubble, handing the Left (who will be out in insane numbers similar to Obama's election) a significant surge in power grabbing.

This crazy thinking that "we've won" is one of the Left's best weapons.
the right wing has no social plans or infrastructure plans, only tax cut economics.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
we are already in one. So far its a war of words. If it becomes a war of weapons, we have the guns, the police, and the military, the left has Hollywood and doesn't know which bathroom to use-----------it will be a short war.

Wishful dreaming. The reality is the Left will soon regain power and with it the incremental disarming of America. It's coming. Connect the dots. Be realistic and look at how far we've already fallen.

You've got this relatively small group that convinces itself that today's Americans are like those of an era past where people actually stood up for what was right. The same people always laughed and said China could never be a military threat to the US.

The Left will corrupt the government and use it against the opposition. Happens in most 3rd world countries and that's exactly what the US is rapidly becoming.
y'all have nothing but cognitive dissonance, anyway. the Right Wing refuses to pay Arming America Tax Rates. that is why the left doesn't take the right wing seriously. they simply are not, capitally serious enough, when it really really matters.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.

is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
we are already in one. So far its a war of words. If it becomes a war of weapons, we have the guns, the police, and the military, the left has Hollywood and doesn't know which bathroom to use-----------it will be a short war.

NRA nuts will be gunned down like ducks in a row
If Hillary had won I would agree with you completely, but she lost so there is hope. More and more people are waking up, this is far from over. Do not give up.

She's rumored to be running again in 2020. We'll see.

I sincerely hope the dems are stupid enough to run her again. she is old, sick, angry, corrupt, and a criminal. More of that would come out in another campaign. I think the truth about Webb Hubbell's daughter Chelsea would also come out. But the dems have not shown much intelligence lately so they just might be that stupid.
I sincerely hope the dems are stupid enough to run her again. she is old, sick, angry, corrupt, and a criminal. More of that would come out in another campaign. I think the truth about Webb Hubbell's daughter Chelsea would also come out. But the dems have not shown much intelligence lately so they just might be that stupid.

But, she represents the establishment. They want her. Look at Trumps 2nd choice for SCOTUS. He's voted along establishment lines and against the Constitution MANY times. He helped secure Obamacare. Trump is showing that he's aligning with the powers that pull the strings. Where's the Wall?

I agree that many are becoming disgusted with the Democrats who traditionally supported them. But to "fill the gap", the borders are weakened, bringing in Dem voters.
SanFrancisco for example just voted to allow illegal to vote in local elections. This is simply a strategy to get them on voting rolls and with proper ID to vote in the mid terms and in 2020. Like I said, the Left is disregarding everything in it's path and will stop at nothing.
Non-citizens, illegal immigrants now may register to vote in San Francisco school board elections

I hate to tell ya but the corruption in politics is deeper than most are aware.
Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still
I sincerely hope the dems are stupid enough to run her again. she is old, sick, angry, corrupt, and a criminal. More of that would come out in another campaign. I think the truth about Webb Hubbell's daughter Chelsea would also come out. But the dems have not shown much intelligence lately so they just might be that stupid.

But, she represents the establishment. They want her. Look at Trumps 2nd choice for SCOTUS. He's voted along establishment lines and against the Constitution MANY times. He helped secure Obamacare. Trump is showing that he's aligning with the powers that pull the strings. Where's the Wall?

I agree that many are becoming disgusted with the Democrats who traditionally supported them. But to "fill the gap", the borders are weakened, bringing in Dem voters.
SanFrancisco for example just voted to allow illegal to vote in local elections. This is simply a strategy to get them on voting rolls and with proper ID to vote in the mid terms and in 2020. Like I said, the Left is disregarding everything in it's path and will stop at nothing.
Non-citizens, illegal immigrants now may register to vote in San Francisco school board elections

I hate to tell ya but the corruption in politics is deeper than most are aware.

I agree with all that. The SFO illegal voter initiative will be shot down in court. Allowing non citizens to vote will fail in even the 9th circuit. the wall is being built, albeit too slowly, illegal immigration is being stopped, again too slowly.

the establishment in both parties is being exposed, that's why they all hate Trump. If he makes two terms I think much of the mess can be corrected, if not, the USA is probably over.
I think the war is over....we won in November...but if the left still wants to get it on....I'm their huckleberry.....

Sadly, too many Right wingers feel the same way, and will comfortably sleep in on election day, feeling safe in their "Trump" safety bubble, handing the Left (who will be out in insane numbers similar to Obama's election) a significant surge in power grabbing.

This crazy thinking that "we've won" is one of the Left's best weapons.
the right wing has no social plans or infrastructure plans, only tax cut economics.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Well, they're putting a three foot break down lane on Route 1. And they'll hot top over the bumps. That's a start.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

BOTH extremes need to change. What a majority of Americans long for is moderation.
One thing for certain: Donnie Dumpster will NOT be turning us into a White Nationalist autocracy.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

BOTH extremes need to change. What a majority of Americans long for is moderation.
One thing for certain: Donnie Dumpster will NOT be turning us into a White Nationalist autocracy.

Donnie Dumpster will NOT be turning us into a White Nationalist autocracy.

Doubt he has plans to...

but a nice piece of propaganda, by any means.

(you need posters)

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