Are we heading to a civil war

The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
When one is forced into a government pension program, you bet your ass he should collect, even though he preferred not to have it.

Let us opt out of your communist ponzi scheme and we won't draw on it later.
Think elmer declined his bush and trump tax cuts and paid in the extra?
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

Nah. People are to lazy to fight a civil war.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're suggesting a one party state with no tolerance for dissenting opinions?

A civil war is nothing but a RWNJ wet dream. It'll never happen.

IF Trump gets impeached, they'll be a tiny number of RWNJ that may try to start something, but they'll be seen as terrorists and dealt with accordingly.

IF Trump does not get impeached, liberals will just have to live with it until the next election.

Of course, if Trump does not get impeached (which is doubtful), he's F'ing things up so bad that we may have a nuclear war.

My bet is that he will get impeached. Republicans (the real ones, not the RWNJs), ought to wise up and get it over as fast as possible. Get him out of office, and Pence into office ASAP. It would be the best for the country - and the Republican party. The longer they wait the worse it will be for the country and for the Republican party.

If McConnell & Ryan would show that they have a spine, it would save the Republicans.

The next thing the Republicans should do is to kick all the RWNJs out of their party and start rebuilding it.
Nothing civil about war, boys.
The anti-Trump sources are planning to use intelligence not bullets to defeat the Trumpsters.

What intelligence is that? The Anti-Trump Leftists are TOTALLY unhinged, they exhibit minimal intelligence, there is nothing intelligent about SCREAMING and Banging Pots and Pans.
A correlation analysis has been done on years of education and who you voted for.
Trump supporters are substantially less educated than anti-Trump faction.
The educated conservatives are not fans of Trump. The less educated Democrats tended to vote for Trump.
Says the losing side....
In this case the dumb side won and the smart side lost.

Keep telling yourself that.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
nah ! there will be crying and screaming by left wing communists maybe some rioting and looting in good weather but civil war is a hardship a horror and the left doesnt have the iron in their cowardly spines to fight a war .
Your fearless leader Trump was as spineless as any human could be with Putin.
He unloads on Merkel and May and then is a lap dog for Putin. What a pathetic, spineless turd.
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

This is it in a nutshell. The Left refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election.
It is not the election, It is what Trump has done since the election - Trump has committed treason, as have his supporters that support him. Those that are left.

I guess with the economy doing so well and a record low unemployment rate the only thing the Left has is ridiculous accusations of treason for Russian meddling that Obama knew about. HAHAHAHA
The German economy was booming under Hitler when he started WWII.

Tell them why.
why don't you tell us why, I just know it was booming
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
When one is forced into a government pension program, you bet your ass he should collect, even though he preferred not to have it.

Let us opt out of your communist ponzi scheme and we won't draw on it later.
Think elmer declined his bush and trump tax cuts and paid in the extra?
No, but I am not advocating for a socialist or capitalist system. I am looking for an efficient system that is heavier on capitalism but has socialist reforms.
I know I paid substantially more taxes than you between my business and personally.
I find it ironic that those in the lowest tax brackets yell the most about our taxes not being fair.
why don't you tell us why, I just know it was booming
Wait. So, because our economy is booming and Hitler's Germany economy was also booming....Trump will start World War III and kill millions of Jews?

Sound reasoning.
No idiot, I was responding to those who say how can you complain about Trump because the US economy is booming.
The sole determinant of a good leader is not how the economy is performing.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
nah ! there will be crying and screaming by left wing communists maybe some rioting and looting in good weather but civil war is a hardship a horror and the left doesnt have the iron in their cowardly spines to fight a war .
Your fearless leader Trump was as spineless as any human could be with Putin.
He unloads on Merkel and May and then is a lap dog for Putin. What a pathetic, spineless turd.
he has put more sanctions on Putin than your leftist leader did ,hes killed hundreds of Russians in Syria,he has armed the Ukraine against Russia ,he has gotten NATO's countries to spend billion s more on defense against the Russians and China ,he has kicked out dozens of Russian diplomats and closed their embassy,he has imposed crippling sanctions on Russias economy ,he has increased natural gas and oil production that hurts Russia's hold on natural energy in Europe !!! he plays the good cop bad cop routine often like he did with kim jong un ! he also enforced the syrian red line against Russia's wishes ! these are just a few of the things he has done to curtail russias power ! something your wimpy America hating racist leader wouldnt do ......unless you call the Uranium 1deal taking a stand against them !
The right controls the government. Not much different than when Obama was president....
No idiot, I was responding to those who say how can you complain about Trump because the US economy is booming.
The sole determinant of a good leader is not how the economy is performing.
Well, idiot. You are the one making the comparison to Hitler, as if Trump, or any prior American president other than FDR was anything even close to Hitler. You compared Trump to Hitler.

Now, continue with your pants shitting and lies about how rich you are.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
nah ! there will be crying and screaming by left wing communists maybe some rioting and looting in good weather but civil war is a hardship a horror and the left doesnt have the iron in their cowardly spines to fight a war .
Your fearless leader Trump was as spineless as any human could be with Putin.
He unloads on Merkel and May and then is a lap dog for Putin. What a pathetic, spineless turd.
he has put more sanctions on Putin than your leftist leader did ,hes killed hundreds of Russians in Syria,he has armed the Ukraine against Russia ,he has gotten NATO's countries to spend billion s more on defense against the Russians and China ,he has kicked out dozens of Russian diplomats and closed their embassy,he has imposed crippling sanctions on Russias economy ,he has increased natural gas and oil production that hurts Russia's hold on natural energy in Europe !!! he plays the good cop bad cop routine often like he did with kim jong un ! he also enforced the syrian red line against Russia's wishes ! these are just a few of the things he has done to curtail russias power ! something your wimpy America hating racist leader wouldnt do ......unless you call the Uranium 1deal taking a stand against them !
Many of the sanctions were set by Congress and they and Congress has had to force his hand to implement. He still has not implemented all sanctions approved by Congress.
Why are Russian politician and the Russian press praising him and saying how good the summit was.
There articles in the Russian press on how important it is that Trump stay President of the USA.
Trump is Russia's friend.
No idiot, I was responding to those who say how can you complain about Trump because the US economy is booming.
The sole determinant of a good leader is not how the economy is performing.
Well, idiot. You are the one making the comparison to Hitler, as if Trump, or any prior American president other than FDR was anything even close to Hitler. You compared Trump to Hitler.

Now, continue with your pants shitting and lies about how rich you are.
You are dumber than I thought. You definitely lack critical thinking skills.
I am not saying Trump is Hitler. I am saying that Hitler and Germany in the 1930's is an example that you do not judge a leader solely on how the economy is doing.
Dumb is dumb, what can I say
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.


Remind the democrats that Libertarians and Conservatives are armed to the teeth.
The right controls the government. Not much different than when Obama was president....
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.


Remind the democrats that Libertarians and Conservatives are armed to the teeth.
The idiots that think the next war, of any kind, will be won with guns is an absolute stupid idiot.

For those who have lots of guns because they are scared that the government will come after them and they can defend themselves with guns are dumber than dumb.
The government will use a drone to blow you and your guns away.They will use cyber weapons that take you off the grid. Even are founding Fathers were smarter than the gun nuts today. They specified freedom to own ARMs not guns. Drones, Cyber weapons are arms. As you focus on your fricking guns your real enemies are arming themselves with modern weapons.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're suggesting a one party state with no tolerance for dissenting opinions?

A civil war is nothing but a RWNJ wet dream. It'll never happen.

IF Trump gets impeached, they'll be a tiny number of RWNJ that may try to start something, but they'll be seen as terrorists and dealt with accordingly.

IF Trump does not get impeached, liberals will just have to live with it until the next election.

Of course, if Trump does not get impeached (which is doubtful), he's F'ing things up so bad that we may have a nuclear war.

My bet is that he will get impeached. Republicans (the real ones, not the RWNJs), ought to wise up and get it over as fast as possible. Get him out of office, and Pence into office ASAP. It would be the best for the country - and the Republican party. The longer they wait the worse it will be for the country and for the Republican party.

If McConnell & Ryan would show that they have a spine, it would save the Republicans.

The next thing the Republicans should do is to kick all the RWNJs out of their party and start rebuilding it.
Common sense is what you are lacking
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're suggesting a one party state with no tolerance for dissenting opinions?

A civil war is nothing but a RWNJ wet dream. It'll never happen.

IF Trump gets impeached, they'll be a tiny number of RWNJ that may try to start something, but they'll be seen as terrorists and dealt with accordingly.

IF Trump does not get impeached, liberals will just have to live with it until the next election.

Of course, if Trump does not get impeached (which is doubtful), he's F'ing things up so bad that we may have a nuclear war.

My bet is that he will get impeached. Republicans (the real ones, not the RWNJs), ought to wise up and get it over as fast as possible. Get him out of office, and Pence into office ASAP. It would be the best for the country - and the Republican party. The longer they wait the worse it will be for the country and for the Republican party.

If McConnell & Ryan would show that they have a spine, it would save the Republicans.

The next thing the Republicans should do is to kick all the RWNJs out of their party and start rebuilding it.
Common sense is what you are lacking

I'll bet you say that to everyone that has an IQ considerably higher than yours.
It's classic how Japanese Anime Faun completely twisted the metaphor about the log in your eye when it was accurately in his to begin with
^^^ kaz = just another butthurt loser who’s still aching from the last ass-kicking I gave him.


You aren't intelligent enough kick anyone's ass kid. Your game is simply to try and scream the loudest and run around thumping your chest claiming to have "won".

Spits another yutz who’s standing behind Kaz on the butthurt loser line.


I'd say grow a pair, but maybe you should focus on growing one to start.

Dude, you're boring as shit. You just keep saying the same thing over and over and over

Then pounding it's chest screaming "I WON"!!!!!

Aren't you glad Faun keeps letting us know that he's winning though? How else would we know?

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