Are we heading to a civil war

If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

Yeah, Trump claimed 3 to 5 million illegal votes. Yet when pressed to show the evidence, he abandoned his “election integrity commission” and refused, failing miserably.

Perhaps you’ll do better. Show us the evidence.

And while we are on the topic of “outrageous lies”, how about the evidence backing the birther conspiracy, pizza gate, the Seth rich conspiracy, the “Hillary had Stevens killed” conspiracy, the “obama had Trump tower wiretapped” conspiracy, the “global warming is a hoax by the Chinese” conspiracy, the “obama is a secret Muslim” conspiracy, the “Obama’s shadow government” conspiracy.....

If they are worth fighting a war over, surely you can back them up.
. Breaking news - San-francisco registering illegals to vote in school board elections.... Hmmm.

You were saying ??
All that can be said is that you're a flaming Imbecile as San Francisco is not registering illegals to vote in school board elections.

WTF is wrong with you rightards? WTF do you get this shit?? :dunno:
I shouldn't respond. Got it
Don't lower yourself to his level. He is already looking pretty bad, lol.

Gracie: Kaz and Elmer are the same

Gracie: Don't lower yourself to his level.

Maybe you could have made that point the first time
Heat makes my brain slow down. And its HOT here. Damn landlord doesn't have a swamp cooler OR air conditioning. No excuse..but its an excuse of some sort, lol.
I shoulda just butted out myself.
Get a box fan... Cops will stop the big right-wing Civil War...
I have a box fan. It just blows the 90 degree air around and doesn't do a damn bit of good. Which is why I am moving. The new place has air conditioning.

Sounds like a good plan. Sorry, I get so sick of leftists always tell me how stinking rich they are on the Internet and I have to mock them for that. Particularly when their argument is that I don't want welfare because I'm poor and uneducated. I shouldn't have given you a hard time, you said nothing wrong.

They were also all in the military, they are Christians and gun owners. That's how they know that the rich, Christians and gun owners are evil. They are one!
I didn’t want to go back to “might makes right” but fuck all y’all. I am taking your shit and your woman. You can cry in the corner or die trying to stop me.

If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

Yeah, Trump claimed 3 to 5 million illegal votes. Yet when pressed to show the evidence, he abandoned his “election integrity commission” and refused, failing miserably.

Perhaps you’ll do better. Show us the evidence.

And while we are on the topic of “outrageous lies”, how about the evidence backing the birther conspiracy, pizza gate, the Seth rich conspiracy, the “Hillary had Stevens killed” conspiracy, the “obama had Trump tower wiretapped” conspiracy, the “global warming is a hoax by the Chinese” conspiracy, the “obama is a secret Muslim” conspiracy, the “Obama’s shadow government” conspiracy.....

If they are worth fighting a war over, surely you can back them up.
. Breaking news - San-francisco registering illegals to vote in school board elections.... Hmmm.

You were saying ??

Voting for the school board if your child is in public school isn't the same thing as voting in an election for congress or president.

All some illegals can do is vote for the school board and only if their child is in public school in the same district as the election for the school board.

That isn't voting in an election for congress or president or any other elected office. It's also not every illegal in San Francisco voting in all elections for every race in that election.

Your point is meaningless.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.

is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

Yeah, Trump claimed 3 to 5 million illegal votes. Yet when pressed to show the evidence, he abandoned his “election integrity commission” and refused, failing miserably.

Perhaps you’ll do better. Show us the evidence.

And while we are on the topic of “outrageous lies”, how about the evidence backing the birther conspiracy, pizza gate, the Seth rich conspiracy, the “Hillary had Stevens killed” conspiracy, the “obama had Trump tower wiretapped” conspiracy, the “global warming is a hoax by the Chinese” conspiracy, the “obama is a secret Muslim” conspiracy, the “Obama’s shadow government” conspiracy.....

If they are worth fighting a war over, surely you can back them up.
. Breaking news - San-francisco registering illegals to vote in school board elections.... Hmmm.

You were saying ??

Voting for the school board if your child is in public school isn't the same thing as voting in an election for congress or president.

All some illegals can do is vote for the school board and only if their child is in public school in the same district as the election for the school board.

That isn't voting in an election for congress or president or any other elected office.It's also not every illegal in San Francisco voting in all elections for every race in that election.

Your point is meaningless.

the point is that non citizens should not live permanently in our country and receive the benefits of citizenship. Who do you think is paying to have the kids of illegals in our schools? YOU and ME, dude.,
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.

is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
Most of us will take out more from Social Security and Medicare than we put in. Especially with Medicare.
Of course some of the righties on here are the worst of the worst, ready for Civil War --you are out of your minds.

Perhaps if you guys weren’t so violent we wouldn’t have to be prepared for the worst


Wait a minute. You people have been screaming for decades that liberals hate guns. That they want to take guns from everyone and stand around singing kumbaya.

Now you're saying we're violent?

You people need to get your lies straight. Decide on one and stick to it.

That way you don't read like an illogical fool.
Do you think your bullcrap you just spewed will fly ??? Good grief... Why do you think the left wants the guns in many people's opinions or minds now ?? It's because if they (the radical left were to knowingly), become violent or abusive or controlling in a super oppressive way, and they were to do this against those for whom the left would want to target and control, then the one's targeted for such violence to occur upon their person will be armed in order to stop the violence against their personhood, upon their family members or even upon their friends.. It will be done through a position of strength instead of through a position of weakness.

Right now it's all just a back and forth where wit and intellectual debate is taking place as it should be, but one never knows when it might turn bad, and that's a problem these days it seems more and more and more.

Hopefully it will remain peaceful into the future, but many feel that everything is riding on all this craziness being projected today, and many have been taking it to far. Time for cooler heads to prevail on all sides.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.


Wars are fought by young people. Most of the people here bitching and complaining are old.

Young people are too busy looking at their screens.
it is going to be the young people's world. They need to get off their butts and claim the future. Do not let these idiot old people Trump supporters take controll
Young people get old you dummy.
If the Left keeps going down the path of persecuting and harassing conservatives, telling outrageous lies and distortions about Republicans, refusing to obey federal immigration laws, refusing to crack down on dangerous Hispanic gangs, trying to abolish ICE, trying to confiscate private firearms, trying to throw elections with illegal voters, stoking the fires of racial tension and class warfare, etc., etc., yeah, I think we could end up in a civil war.

If conservatives would stop fighting the middle class in higher wages and lower costs would be a great start.
I would also like to point out that everything Mike Griffith says is total BS GOP propaganda. The dupes live on imaginary planet... The reason behind the GOP insanity.

He could be a Canadian fake like Bripat. Or worse........Russian.
Stop listening to the voices in your head.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.

is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
Most of us will take out more from Social Security and Medicare than we put in. Especially with Medicare.

first you have to make 65, those who die before 65 get nothing and neither do their heirs. I'm not sure where the break even point is on SS payments, depends on how much you paid in during your working years, medicare depends on whether you are well or sick.

But because of the way both have been mismanaged, those working today are paying for those receiving today. Ponzi scheme gone wrong due to government greed and mismanagement.
As long as we keep trying to fight the culture wars via government, we're going to have bitter, divisive politics.

is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
Most of us will take out more from Social Security and Medicare than we put in. Especially with Medicare.

first you have to make 65, those who die before 65 get nothing and neither do their heirs. I'm not sure where the break even point is on SS payments, depends on how much you paid in during your working years, medicare depends on whether you are well or sick.

But because of the way both have been mismanaged, those working today are paying for those receiving today. Ponzi scheme gone wrong due to government greed and mismanagement.
That would be as usual Republican greed and mismanagement... D u h.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

It's clear that the democrat Party > Country has no desire to cooperate; they might need to relocate to the Progressive nation of their dreams, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, et. al.
is socialism vs capitalism a culture war? or a propaganda war?
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
Most of us will take out more from Social Security and Medicare than we put in. Especially with Medicare.

first you have to make 65, those who die before 65 get nothing and neither do their heirs. I'm not sure where the break even point is on SS payments, depends on how much you paid in during your working years, medicare depends on whether you are well or sick.

But because of the way both have been mismanaged, those working today are paying for those receiving today. Ponzi scheme gone wrong due to government greed and mismanagement.
That would be as usual Republican greed and mismanagement... D u h.
Hey progduppe, welcome back. Glad they gave you back internet privileges on your ward
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

It's clear that the democrat Party > Country has no desire to cooperate; they might need to relocate to the Progressive nation of their dreams, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, et. al.
Nobody is going anywhere, brainwashed functional a******. Because you can't and we are Americans who care about truth and justice, idiot.
Our government has always been a blend of capitalism and socialism.
The idiots that criticize socialist reforms and the collect their social security check and Medicare are hypocrites.
The subsidized farmers need to realize this is a socialist policy as is any subsidized business.
We all need to realize we are a hybrid of socialism and capitalism and neither socialism or capitalism works in it's purest form in the real world.

somewhat true. However, social security and medicare are not benefits, we paid for them our entire working lives, its our money that was taken from us without our permission and now is coming back to us (if we live long enough).

farm subsidies are stupid, they accomplish nothing except running small farms out of business.

Yes, some government assistance programs are needed, but we have far exceeded the need in this country when we give benefits to people who are not even citizens.
Most of us will take out more from Social Security and Medicare than we put in. Especially with Medicare.

first you have to make 65, those who die before 65 get nothing and neither do their heirs. I'm not sure where the break even point is on SS payments, depends on how much you paid in during your working years, medicare depends on whether you are well or sick.

But because of the way both have been mismanaged, those working today are paying for those receiving today. Ponzi scheme gone wrong due to government greed and mismanagement.
That would be as usual Republican greed and mismanagement... D u h.
Hey progduppe, welcome back. Glad they gave you back internet privileges on your ward
I am here everyday, dingbat. Are you ever right about anything? LOL!
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

It's clear that the democrat Party > Country has no desire to cooperate; they might need to relocate to the Progressive nation of their dreams, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, et. al.
For the billionth time, we are talking about all the other modern rich countries which are all all Socialist. Not third world, not communist for crying out loud. Why are we, the richest country in the world, the only one without good Healthcare Day Care vacations paid parental leave infrastructure cheap College and training living wage? Scumbag lying thieving GOP and silly dupes like you...
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

It's clear that the democrat Party > Country has no desire to cooperate; they might need to relocate to the Progressive nation of their dreams, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, et. al.
For the billionth time, we are talking about all the other modern rich countries which are all all Socialist. Not third world, not communist for crying out loud. Why are we, the richest country in the world, the only one without good Healthcare Day Care vacations paid parental leave infrastructure cheap College and training living wage? Scumbag lying thieving GOP and silly dupes like you...
Laughing so hard on the train to New Haven

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