Are we heading to a civil war

Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
That has nothing to do with defending the principles of America, boy.
By the way, what weapon and glass produced those deadly results? At what range?

Cheap glass, .22 caliber bullet, 15-ish yards.

It really doesn't vary much unless beyond 75, though. I've been doing this for a while. :rolleyes:

Even @ 100, aim up a hair, dead on.

150, aim up a little more.
We have a Civil War every four years.

dimocrap scum LOST and they haven't stopped trying to undermine the results since.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

You freaks really can’t see with that log in your eye. The right spent almost all of Obama’s presidency trying to undermine his electoral wins. Just as they did with Clinton too.

The log. You need to pull that whole forest our of your eye .

It's classic how Japanese Anime Faun completely twisted the metaphor about the log in your eye when it was accurately in his to begin with
^^^ kaz = just another butthurt loser who’s still aching from the last ass-kicking I gave him.


You aren't intelligent enough kick anyone's ass kid. Your game is simply to try and scream the loudest and run around thumping your chest claiming to have "won".

Spits another yutz who’s standing behind Kaz on the butthurt loser line.

I think the left is suffering from something similar to the law of diminishing returns.

The end of the world has come and gone so many times since the Trump administration began, that the efforts to stir people up is simply less and less effective over time. People are just becoming desensitized to it. Worse, it has become a "boy who cried wolf" situation. There have been so many false claims out there, that I am not sure anyone believes anything anymore, people just assume everything reported is false or an agenda is in place.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

The left is wanting one. Of course, they have armed criminals on their side but they are no match for the patriots. Thank God that they haven't disarmed the rest of us. They would lose miserably if it came to that.
If you are experienced with bullets you are the man and I do not want to mess with you.
I bet the babes flock to you because you are experienced with bullets.
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
And they called Obama the most divisive president ever:
If you are experienced with bullets you are the man and I do not want to mess with you.
I bet the babes flock to you because you are experienced with bullets.
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.

Come get woosy.....
If the left continues their violence against conservatives then eventually conservatives will fight back.

I’d like to think we will get out the highway before we reach that point
If you are experienced with bullets you are the man and I do not want to mess with you.
I bet the babes flock to you because you are experienced with bullets.
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.

Why would I run from a Russian?
I highly doubt will be seeing them in Texas anytime soon.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.
NO. No. no.
Russia has done it's job well of accentuating the areas that divide us. Maybe we need to shut down social media for six months and let people start talking to each other face to face again for awhile.
That is where this poison is coming from. If we can't control ourselves here, maybe we need to not have "here."
Social media AND the MSM.
No, but the left is becoming increasingly violent.

dimocrap scum have ALwaYS been violent.

Check out their history. After the Civil War, they started the KKK to keep them darkies in line. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The KKK was started to fight, and murder, Republicans. It wasn't until the 1880's that they started murdering more Blacks than white Republicans. FACT.

That wen ton for DECADES. Moving into the 20th Century, their communist fellow travelers were very violent during Union Strikes.

In the 1960's they discovered they could organize College kids and teach them to be violent.

Then they convinced Black People to become violent.

Then there was the riots after any and everything they didn't like came to pass. Anything. Even if it was phony like the Tawana Brawley scam.

Then there was Occupy, Anitfa......

dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS had a violent arm of their party.

But they're nothing to worry about. A half dozen well-trained Boy Scouts could take them out.

They're only effective against soft targets. The unarmed or when they have you outnumbered 20 to 1

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's just that simple

Yep, the party of slavery and segregation. A history of violence .

My grandma stopped 3 klansmen (Democrats) from lynching her daddy with a butcher knife.

If you think I won't fight, and am skilled, and motivated to preserve America for future generations, you're a dumbass.
Your grandma stopped some right wing Christian terrorists from lynching her father?

Good for her!

Nothing civil about war, boys.
The anti-Trump sources are planning to use intelligence not bullets to defeat the Trumpsters.

Not very intelligent, but, the Left is using cultural revolution--and then afterward, bullets where necessary. I hear the lead prescriptions are being filled as we speak. They intend to conquer from the top down, kill the king, and after, use our very own patriotism to ensure loyalty to the Revolution. Good plan--if they hadn't already been thoroughly infiltrated. Think CQB on a national, city by city level. More likely is that no American will even know power has or might have changed hands. Too much interference.

The thing is, they are about 5000% less experienced with bullets than real Americans.

Sure, they'll get them a gun. Good luck with that having 30 years+ experience with one.

Agreed. But it's the ones not prancing around behind ski masks or holding care bear signs we need to look out for. It's the Wiley E. Coyote what's been blown up too many times and learned something. Meep, meep.
If you are experienced with bullets you are the man and I do not want to mess with you.
I bet the babes flock to you because you are experienced with bullets.
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.

Why would I run from a Russian?
I highly doubt will be seeing them in Texas anytime soon.

Early 90's, Killeen era, a few got busted trying to buy base directory phonebooks from privates. Course, back then I think they still answered to Mr. Soviet.
If you are experienced with bullets you are the man and I do not want to mess with you.
I bet the babes flock to you because you are experienced with bullets.
I am no "babe." Just a hairy East Texas dude. But, I will be flocking to him, because I don't want to face that gun when the shit hits the fan.
Are we heading to a civil war.
As Trump's actions become more controversial, the pro-Trump and anti-Trump forces become more defined and more divided.
The differences grow between the group's with polar opposite views of what the USA is and what it should be.

I do not feel the two groups can co-exist in our country. One group has to change or go.

So you're actually ready to get it on?
Oh Joy!!!!!
I've been looking for a reason to rotate my ammo stock.
Another tough dude who owns a gun. Of course if he is a Trump supporter I am guessing if the foe was a Russian he would run the other way and show he is actually a woosy dude.

Why would I run from a Russian?
I highly doubt will be seeing them in Texas anytime soon.

Early 90's, Killeen era, a few got busted trying to buy base directory phonebooks from privates. Course, back then I think they still answered to Mr. Soviet.

The only Russian I've ever met was an exchange student.
I screwed the shit out of her and she told me she loved Texans.
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America CAN be saved from liberalism without a civil war.

All it takes is an Ebola-like virus that infects only Democrats.
Trump has many Democratic supporters. This is not about Democrats and Republicans, this is about pro-Trump and anti-Trump.
True conservatives are embarrassed by Trump.
I am embarrassed about Trump supporters not Republicans.

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