Are we moving into the nuclear threshold.

I think that everybody who matters in the US and Russia are aware that a first strike is of no importance. Neither side's nuclear capabilities depend on that.
I would have thought that a first strike on the other's nukes would win the war. However it is true that that would result in the nuclear winter death for everyone else in time. I have read that Russia's new nukes cannot be identified by the Wests Nuke detectors.
I said in a previous post that the idea of militarily surrounding Russia's western borders with american military bases would go down in History as one of the worst geopolitical blunders of the 20th century.

But if the conflict escalates to a nuclear exchange (God forbid), that disastrous, absurd, gratuitous act of hostility towards a country who had just peacefully ended the Cold War, will be "promoted" to the biggest geopolitical blunder in the entire history of the human race, past, present and future.
I said in a previous post that the idea of militarily surrounding Russia's western borders with american military bases would go down in History as one of the worst geopolitical blunders of the 20th century.

But if the conflict escalates to a nuclear exchange (God forbid), that disastrous, absurd, gratuitous act of hostility towards a country who had just peacefully ended the Cold War, will be "promoted" to the biggest geopolitical blunder in the entire history of the human race, past, present and future.
It would. We have to hope Biden's advisers are sane if it gets to that.
I think it's a squabble between kissing cousins that shouldn't be our business except we purposely provoked the whole thing.
I say let them hammer it out & mind our own business from here on out.
It's not like the people in the regions that Russia just annexed wanted any part of the corrupt Ukrainian govt.

I also think the globalists want a population reduction & the chaos needed for the reset they have talked about before denying it as a conspiracy theory
Utterly stupid post. A war in the heart of Europe directly impacts the United States. It is in fact "our business" and always will be.
Russia has apparently been testing nukes today, however you do that, and has a massive convoy of trucks that carry nukes heading towards Ukraine. Russia said that Putin would be looking at the areas he annexed. Putin will used nukes if he feels the Russian Federation is under threat and it appears he does. I can't believe the way people just pretend this does not exist. It may not be all out nuclear war right away but the chances are strong that is where it will go. What do you feel about the possibility of the Ukraine war going nuclear.

Good. Fire the Nukes. Putin has been claiming he would fire them for months. At this point he is the worlds worst pathological liar. At this point I wouldn’t trust a Russian if they said Night was Dark and Day is Light.

So call his bluff. He doesn’t have much time left. The way the Ukrainians are kicking the Russian asses they’ll be in Moscow by Spring.
Why would anybody think that?
Put your confederate emotions on the back burner and join the discussion.

Or even better, put a cork in it and learn to listen to logic.
We in the states teach our children how bullies work from the time they are in diapers. Mutual assured destruction. Better understand how that works. It's no bluff. Putin thinks he can attack Europe and our allies get his ass kicked and then threaten nukes. Hell to the no. He gets away with it once he does it again. Hell to the no. Better to die in our boots than Neal to Putin. Fuck Putin and his threats.
Utterly stupid post. A war in the heart of Europe directly impacts the United States. It is in fact "our business" and always will be.
Utterly stupid idea that we have to be the prison guards for the world.
You can make it your own personal business by volunteering to go over there.
Leave me & mine out of it.
Russia has apparently been testing nukes today, however you do that, and has a massive convoy of trucks that carry nukes heading towards Ukraine.
No, Russia has not tested any nukes. Russia's strategic missile forces always do their training in the fall, but so far nothing is announced. Some of the missile forces are actually deployed in Ukraine already- another illustrtion of Putin's manpower problem.

The train is not carrying nukes. Those are garden variety fuel and cargo trucks. There are 2 light APC's at the very end of the video that may or may not be mine clearing vehicles belonging to the 12th GUMO. They are a variant of a common Russian APC (Called a Vystrel).

It doesn't mean anything.

ussia may use a tactical nuke ...

Tactical nukes don't exist. Nukes are nukes. The moment Russia starts a nuke is perhaps also the moment a third world war will begin. Result of the first day of a world war 3 in a scenario of the cold war are about 900 million dead people which will be directly killed from the NATO. How many people the Russians and Chinese will be able to kill on this day in this scenario I don't know. But this will anyway only be the begin of the real problems - independent from the starting scenario - which are described with the sentence "The living will envy the dead".
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Too late.

Stupid idiots from NATO, USA and EU had escalated the situation sky high, we are on the bring of the nuclear WWIII

Shut up, Russian. Go home and let all others live in peace by doing suicide in your own country. And after your death hurry up to find your hell so I'm not able to find you first and I will not have to stretch you to a very long spaghetti in a black hole before you will arrive there.
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No one is nuking anyone.

Putin made parts of the Ukraine for the laws of Russia to the territory of Russia. So he is now in theory able to use the laws Russia made for the scenario "defense war". Putin is a master in the scenario breaking the spirit of laws by not breaking the formal structure of laws. That's also a character of the leaders of the Trump clan.

I fear how Putin really thinks no one knows - but it is also possible that Putin is only a slave - for example from the Chinese. In case the Russians had destroyed their own piplelines Nordstream 1+2 then perhaps China gave the Russians the order to do so. I don't know what "the Chinese" - whoever this is - thinks about the scenario "nuclear war in Europe".
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Going nuclear would be foolish. If America retaliated it would be the end of Russia. If America hit Russia with even fraction of their missiles there would be no more Russia.
... and no more USA. ... Indeed I fear intercontinetal nukes from Russia (or perhaps also from other places of the world) will for sure start in case of every thinkable nuclear war scenario - independent from anything what the USA is doing or not doing.
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I think that everybody who matters in the US and Russia are aware that a first strike is of no importance. ...

Do you use alcohol? Do you use drugs? Do you have any psychological problems?

And what do you think happens if Russia hits the US?
Are you even aware of Russia's modern nukes capabilities or do you actually believe we could "win" an exchange?
Russia has hypersonic & maneuverable missiles that launch multiple guided warheads.
We can't stop them so destroying Russia would be the most Pyrrhic victory in the history of bad decisions.
Both countries, all of Europe & much of the rest of the world would be devastated within minutes & many of the survivors would die off soon after.

If Putin were to launch a limited strike in Ukraine, would we retaliate? It would be the end of the world as we know it.

Why can't we admit it's none of our business what happens between these corrupt cousins on the other side of the world & stop emptying our arsenal in a futile defense of a corrupt regime where only the elites have a stake?

I doubt that it is easy for the USA to stop a totally normal intercontinental rocket which flies without any sophisticated form of technics. Speed up to 25,000 km/h = ~15,000 miles per hour.
The slogan of the Republicans should be:
Mad criminals, Biden and the Democrat рarty are leading us to a nuclear holocaust!
I thought it was Trump that would kick off a nuclear war... that's what you TDSers said....
Correction... it will be idiot Joe Biden that does that....

The stupid politics of Donald Trump is a main factor for this what happens now in the Ukraine. He made a lot of nonsense in this context and reduced many possibilities. He made the whole situation also more nuclear explosive when he left with the USA the INF-treaty in February 1st 2019. Russia made in this context clear that it will start intercontinental nukes in case intermediate range nukes will fly from Europe direction Russia.
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The slogan of the Republicans should be:
Mad criminals, Biden and the Democrat рarty are leading us to a nuclear holocaust!

Do you really think this is now a theme for the election campaign in the USA in 2024?

PS: Oh by the way: Are you not a Russian disinformant? What do you think will we do to stop Putin?
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