Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Good post.

I try to show our resident libbies the truth.

2A doesn't come from the NRA, it comes from me. You and me.

People like me, there are MILLIONS of us in the United States. We are ordinary citizens, we have families and jobs and we care about our kids.

These are the rules I play by, and my family plays by:

1. You will not disarm us, you won't even regulate us. We believe in self defense, and defense of family and property. You will not trample on our natural rights. Period.

2. If you try, we will ignore you, and if that fails we will oppose you, and if that fails we'll get in your face and make you stand down, and if that fails you better look for a place to hide.

3. I do not care in the least that there are bad guys and crazy people running around with guns. It has nothing to do with me. Why do you think I have guns in the first place? It's to PROTECT myself from people like that

4. I raise my kids to be capable and aware. Both my pre-teen kids are trained weapons experts. I don't care if it's illegal, and neither do the ranges we visit and the people who sell us ammo.

5. If the lefties want to INFRINGE on all this, we can just as easily walk to the corner and buy from the cartels. The feds have proven themselves to be not only entirely ignorant of the black market, but also entirely incapable of stopping it.

I have never personally been an NRA member. Never gave them a dime. That's because, I don't much care what gun control laws may pass or not pass. The only law I care about is the highest law in the land, and it says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and that seems crystal clear to me
Yes,most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
Another lie.

No one seeks to 'disarm' anyone.

Really? Dementia's gun plans are to allow any Tom. Dick or Harry to sue gun manufacturers for harm done by anybody with their products. That means if a cop needs to shoot a criminal in self-defense, the criminal or his family can sue the manufacturer of the gun police used.

Now what do you suppose would happen to our gun manufacturers when hundreds or thousands of people are suing them? That's right, they would all have to close down. That means what? There would be no place for Americans to purchase guns any longer.

So don't give me this BS nobody wants to disarm anyone.


"I'm too much of a closed-minded, blind partisan rightwing hack to consider other points of view."

Not at all, but I don't have all day to address a dozen of them. But since you decided to chime in, take two or three you wish to discuss and we'll discuss them.
The reprehensible right doesn't care about addressing gun crime and violence, instead they contrive ridiculous, idiotic non-solutions like arming teachers.

So what's a smarter solution, to have nobody in a school with a gun when they're attacked by a nutcase gunman?
Why do you obsess over Gun Free Zones?

They were never meant to mean it was impossible to bring a gun. What it means is they do not want people carrying guns that could be tempted to use them

Do you want the guy at a football game who roots for the other team and is pissed at you for mocking his team to have a gun?

Do you want some drunk at a bar to have a gun?

Does a teacher who is telling a parent that their child is failing want that parent carrying a gun?

If they are all law abiding people, why not? You are another one that thinks guns make decisions on their own. No I don't think people should be tanked up in public and using a gun. That's why there are laws against it in all states. It's called discharging a firearm under disability.

It's well known that most shooters look to commit their crimes in gun-free zones. There is a reason for that.
If they are all law abiding people, why not? You are another one that thinks guns make decisions on their own. No I don't think people should be tanked up in public and using a gun. That's why there are laws against it in all states. It's called discharging a firearm under disability.

It's well known that most shooters look to commit their crimes in gun-free zones. There is a reason for that

Absolutely not
Some gun owners are assholes and shouldn’t be trusted in situations where they may lose their tempers
Why just one?

I don’t know which one is more effective so I don’t know which I’d pick. I like having SROs on schools.

Really? You don't know which one you'd pick? I think you're lying just to try and support your point. Anybody would pick an armed or otherwise secured school because it would work. If you make a law about the age requirement being 21, you and I both know that won't stop anybody who wants a gun to get one, and then march right into that unsecured school your kid is attending.
Really? You don't know which one you'd pick? I think you're lying just to try and support your point. Anybody would pick an armed or otherwise secured school because it would work. If you make a law about the age requirement being 21, you and I both know that won't stop anybody who wants a gun to get one, and then march right into that unsecured school your kid is attending.
You asked me an unrealistic hypothetical question and then complain about the answer I give lol.

Whenever you’re ready to go back to reality, I still support both.
Absolutely not
Some gun owners are assholes and shouldn’t be trusted in situations where they may lose their tempers

Studies show that CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens in the country, and that includes police officers. Anybody that would commit murder because they had a gun likely means they were not legally allowed to be in possession of one in the first place. Guns don't make murderers out of law abiding people.
You asked me an unrealistic hypothetical question and then complain about the answer I give lol.

Whenever you’re ready to go back to reality, I still support both.

You just couldn't give an honest answer because you know where I was going with all this. A secure school building is much, much safer than any stupid age law for legal gun purchases.
You just couldn't give an honest answer because you know where I was going with all this. A secure school building is much, much safer than any stupid age law for legal gun purchases.
So you give me an unrealistic hypothetical question and then accuse me of being a liar when I don’t answer it the way you want me to? LoL

I did give you my honest answer. I don’t know which is more effective. I would need to look at some data but unfortunately it doesn’t exist.

It’s still an unrealistic question and I still support both.

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