Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Ok so you want teachers armed. why weren’t teachers armed there already?

For the same reason many schools are not secure. What's the chance of it happening here? Everybody thinks that way. Good reason too. I understand there are about 200,000 public schools in the country. We get an attack like this about once a year or so. It's like playing the lottery where you figure the money spent just isn't worth it.
So you give me an unrealistic hypothetical question and then accuse me of being a liar when I don’t answer it the way you want me to? LoL

I did give you my honest answer. I don’t know which is more effective. I would need to look at some data but unfortunately it doesn’t exist.

It’s still an unrealistic question and I still support both.

There is data out there, and the data reveals that most mass shooters like to target facilities that have gun restrictions like schools. When they go on their crime spree they want the least resistance as possible.
You really are a dumbass…..

We gave the government emergency protection orders….and they didn’t use them…

We did something and the government screwed up…

Now you want to give up guns to the government that can’t stop an 18 year old

You truly are stupid
You dumbass. You moron. You idiot.

I want to do something that works. Obviously we haven’t gotten there yet.

You've never been successful at that, ANY TIME IN HISTORY.

You've tried a thousand times.

You're a dimwit if you think it'll work this time.

Well at least you admit that you have no problem with psychopaths like Ramos getting to legally purchase an AR-15. The other cowards around here agree but won’t admit it.
For the same reason many schools are not secure. What's the chance of it happening here? Everybody thinks that way. Good reason too. I understand there are about 200,000 public schools in the country. We get an attack like this about once a year or so. It's like playing the lottery where you figure the money spent just isn't worth it.
I agree that that idea isn’t practical, but that’s what you conservatives are pushing for.
There is data out there, and the data reveals that most mass shooters like to target facilities that have gun restrictions like schools. When they go on their crime spree they want the least resistance as possible.
We don’t have data on how effective it would be pass federal law to raise the minimum age limit on long guns. So I can’t compare the two but I’m in favor of both.
Well at least you admit that you have no problem with psychopaths like Ramos getting to legally purchase an AR-15. The other cowards around here agree but won’t admit it.
You cant stop him, dumbass.

There is NOTHING you can do, to stop a psychopath who wants a weapon, from obtaining one.

If you want to do something that works, pay attention. I have security credentials and I've been advising corporations and governments for 40 years.

HARDEN THE FACILITY. That's number one


POST ARMED SECURITY. That's number three

Every corporation in the world, and every government in the world, handles security this way.

Spouting the same crap over and over doesnt make it work your boring me
Not my fault you confirmed my point for me.

And it’s supposed to be “you’re boring me” by the way.

So you suck at math, spelling, and reasoning. Other than that you’re doing a great job.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


Go to South Africa and see what they want it to be like.
The richest live in compounds.
The semi rich have to fork out a huge chunk of their money on security.
The Middle Class do what they can, but never enough.
The poor just get screwed over.
Go to South Africa and see what they want it to be like.
The richest live in compounds.
The semi rich have to fork out a huge chunk of their money on security.
The Middle Class do what they can, but never enough.
The poor just get screwed over.

You just described the democrat play book
You don’t want to do that.:..if you were interested in what works you would do what we say…
I’ve already stated that I’m on board with just about anything right now. I’m tired of your excuses for your failures.

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