Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

I think the problem will eventually solve itself as the number of guns keep increasing and arms manufactures keep increase the kill power of guns and ammunition, the high court will stop ignoring the first phrase of the 2nd amendment, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". When firearms in hands of public threaten the security of the country, and very few owners of guns are members of a well regulated militia, then what is justification of the right to bear arms.
That won't happen for another 30 or 40 years, if not longer, or not at all.
What are you talking about, you gaslighting gun grabber?

You decry the violence in schools and public spaces.

You deny the efficacy of the unfettered self-defense of law-abiding citizens and hardened school security. You stupidly characterize these things as the stuff of paranoia in the face of a very real, on-going threat.

So what are you proposing we do?
The stupidity exists solely with you and others on the right, advocating for meaningless nonsense such as arming teachers.
The reprehensible right doesn't care about addressing gun crime and violence, instead they contrive ridiculous, idiotic non-solutions like arming teachers.
The commie left also doesn't give a rat fuck about actually addressing gun crime and violence. The commie left just wants to make sure that the law abiding are disarmed so you can have your communist revolution without getting rightfully smoked.
Post the data then. I'll take my best shot with it but there are other factors that would need to be factored in.
Since you referenced actions taken on handguns, tell me which one you were referring to. That will help narrow down the field.
And your proposal to get rid of the bazillion guns is what? The reality is that we have them and we cannot get rid of all of them. Any gun confiscation wouldn’t result in only law abiding citizens losing their guns. I don’t understand why gun grabbers don’t get this point.

I think most anti-gun follks are city dwellars who have never even seen a gun, much less an AR, unless it is in the hands of a gang member. Away from the large blue cities, guns are everywhere and people aren’t scared of them. It is a common occurrence at get togethers for the guys to break away from the pack and discuss sports and check out their buddy’s gun collection. These aren’t crazy people, just people who like to hunt and target shoot and would of course use these guns for protection if necessary. Some of these folks are the ones that would be forced to give up their guns. The gang bangers give stricter guns laws two thumbs up. They are all for less resistance.
What you 'think' is wrong.

Exploring solutions to gun crime and violence is not to be 'anti-gun.'
Oh yea? How long did it take for evaluations to be made and then programs to then be implemented? 10 years? Based on nothing but your stupid ass feelings?

So it's fine when you make up stupid bullshit. Oh I see.
And just like that. Big Bend Texas runs off.

Funny how he’s allowed to make up stupid bullshit and then run away when called out on it.
The only thing running here is your mouth.

There's zero evidence supporting your proposed "solution" and you just can't get over that fact.
Looks like you don't want to address your hardened schools "fact" since Columbine that you were running your mouth about. Don't think that went unnoticed.

Good call on your part.
To pass legislation, you have to identify the problem and what you are out to legislate.

How can you do that with a side that has no interest in working on facts, but hype and lies?

Look, I want to resolve this too. But the left seems more interested in saying one thing and doing another. Given that, how can I trust their intent?
You're not interested in resolving anything with ridiculous lies about 'the left.'
They don't think that at all. In fact that's what they want.

Take guns away from law abiding citizens and only the police and bad guys have the guns. Us not being able to defend ourselves would greatly increase crime. So how then would we fight big crime? The same way we fought big business, big pharma, big tobacco, and that is with a bigger government.

I tell all these anti-gunners to have a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, put it on their front porch, and get back to us in a few months (if you're still alive) to tell us how that worked out for them.
This is a lie.

As already correctly noted, there has never been legislation to 'ban' or 'confiscate' guns, nor will there be.

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