Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.


In all honesty, I can hold whatever beliefs I want and vote for whoever I want.

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
The abortion issue is not relevant to the socialist/capitalist debate. Trump is for replacing Obamacare, but he hasn't said he wants "Canadian-style health care universal insurance." What I've heard him say is that he wants market reforms and government subsidies to those who can't afford insurance.
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker

Seriously, you would have to up the ante just to be considered a "stupid piece of shit". You are proof positive that the majority of leftards don't have the slightest clue.

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
The abortion issue is not relevant to the socialist/capitalist debate. Trump is for replacing Obamacare, but he hasn't said he wants "Canadian-style health care universal insurance." What I've heard him say is that he wants market reforms and government subsidies to those who can't afford insurance.

I could fix this country and start other countries on the road to prosperity and solvent in less than a year if I could implement a few simple changes and make a few tweaks here and there. It's not that fucking hard and it's almost too fucking simplistic. We have been bound by invisible chains and conditioned to believe certain things. It's not complicated at all.......fucking simple.

We are being controlled by an oligarchy of old fucks that believe that they have a divine right to rule over us and like little bees in a hive, we go about making honey for the fucking Queen while never questioning the yolk that has been put upon us....fuck that. It's time to rise up and throw off the shackles.
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

I am an American and gave up mu U.S citizenship three years ago so I do not participate in these little reindeer games that are "elections". We have a "gubermint" that we see that is dysfunctional and inept...then there there is the shadow government ran by the international bankers/globalists that really call the shots. We live in a total illusion and totally detached from least some of us do.

For once I agree with you. You and those like you live in a total delusion and are totally detached from reality.

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
The abortion issue is not relevant to the socialist/capitalist debate. Trump is for replacing Obamacare, but he hasn't said he wants "Canadian-style health care universal insurance." What I've heard him say is that he wants market reforms and government subsidies to those who can't afford insurance.

Yet he hasn't given a single specific for how or what he is going to change. You don't really think he will be able to kill Obamacare before he has an acceptable plan to replace it with, do you?

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
The abortion issue is not relevant to the socialist/capitalist debate. Trump is for replacing Obamacare, but he hasn't said he wants "Canadian-style health care universal insurance." What I've heard him say is that he wants market reforms and government subsidies to those who can't afford insurance.

Yet he hasn't given a single specific for how or what he is going to change. You don't really think he will be able to kill Obamacare before he has an acceptable plan to replace it with, do you?

Sure. What we had prior to Obamacare is far superior to it, so why do we need a replacement?

Such as....such as you ask?

Well, not to interfere with your ignorance....but did you know that Trump is for a Canadian-style health care universal insurance?
Ask Trump if he would outlaw abortions? Ask him if he is now in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

You are dumber than a box of melted candles.......but there are other right wing idiots that will always back up your stupidity.
The abortion issue is not relevant to the socialist/capitalist debate. Trump is for replacing Obamacare, but he hasn't said he wants "Canadian-style health care universal insurance." What I've heard him say is that he wants market reforms and government subsidies to those who can't afford insurance.

Yet he hasn't given a single specific for how or what he is going to change. You don't really think he will be able to kill Obamacare before he has an acceptable plan to replace it with, do you?

Sure. What we had prior to Obamacare is far superior to it, so why do we need a replacement?

So you think healthcare reform was unneeded? Dumb, aren't you?
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

War for oil?! HAHAHAHA!

And still you're going to vote for the woman that voted for that war.

Hypocrite much?
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.

And more lies.

LIberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
It's a little shocking how economically socialist Trump is. In many ways he's come across as far more extreme than even Sanders.

Such as?
His support of tariffs, subsidies, taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and opposition towards free trade.

Good think the allowing of slave labor goods into this country to compete with workers that are paid a living wage is a GOOD thing? Nicely done, you have just proven that you are one stupid motherfucker

He pointed out a valid flaw in your claim of "Free Trade".

And you were completely unable to answer him.

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