Are you a Republican or a Trumpster?

So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
Ignorant too.
Argument from ignorance.

Yes that is what all the far left drones "arguments" are..

Glad you can recognize that!
You have no clue to what either definition means , hence your ignorant repy.

Thank you for providing another example of an argument from ignorance.
Yes yours is
Deflect much?

More proof of my comments about far left drones!
Correction! your meaningless proclamations are proof of your delusions only.
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?
Thanks to career politicians... Lol
Could you tell us what the mcconnel, ryan, mccain, graham, gop policies are? Who the hell wants those liberal policies.[/QUOTE]

If your other half of your brain were functioning, you'd know that Ryan and company have long had a plan to CUT social security, CUT medicare, eliminate the Dept. of Ed., etc.......Are those "liberal" policies, nitwit?

The department of lack of education should have been kicked to the curb when Reagan was CEO of USA.INC. Do some research about Charlotte Iserbyt, she was in charge of the D.O.E and she was shocked and appalled at what she found. As far as S.S and medicaid goes? Give me back everything I have paid in as well as my employer and they can shut the whole fucking thing down as far as I am concerned...the ones that will be hurt the most are the illegals that have been draining it...fuck them and their anchor babies.
Yes that is what all the far left drones "arguments" are..

Glad you can recognize that!
You have no clue to what either definition means , hence your ignorant repy.

Thank you for providing another example of an argument from ignorance.
Yes yours is
Deflect much?

More proof of my comments about far left drones!
Correction! your meaningless proclamations are proof of your delusions only.

Yes I know far left drone, that is what you do constantly..

But it still does not change the fact that Obama is worse than Bush and you voted for that twice and given the chance will always vote for worse than Bush..
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.

See how the far left denies what Obama said about Iraq..

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success

The mistake that was made was the cut and run policy of your messiah!

Far left policies have failed not only the US, but the entire world.
You have no clue to what either definition means , hence your ignorant repy.

Thank you for providing another example of an argument from ignorance.
Yes yours is
Deflect much?

More proof of my comments about far left drones!
Correction! your meaningless proclamations are proof of your delusions only.

Yes I know far left drone, that is what you do constantly..

But it still does not change the fact that Obama is worse than Bush and you voted for that twice and given the chance will always vote for worse than Bush..
Only in your masturbation fantasy in reality not so much.
Your bias proves your stupidity.
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Yes we know you far left drones can only bash that which you can not understand, that is why bash reality so often..
Thank you for providing another example of an argument from ignorance.
Yes yours is
Deflect much?

More proof of my comments about far left drones!
Correction! your meaningless proclamations are proof of your delusions only.

Yes I know far left drone, that is what you do constantly..

But it still does not change the fact that Obama is worse than Bush and you voted for that twice and given the chance will always vote for worse than Bush..
Only in your masturbation fantasy in reality not so much.
Your bias proves your stupidity.

Yes Obama is worse than Bush!
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

I am an American and gave up mu U.S citizenship three years ago so I do not participate in these little reindeer games that are "elections". We have a "gubermint" that we see that is dysfunctional and inept...then there there is the shadow government ran by the international bankers/globalists that really call the shots. We live in a total illusion and totally detached from least some of us do.
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?
In all honesty, a voter cannot really be both a republican and a Trump supporter....In a sense, Trump HAS formed a 3rd party.....

As others have posted, Paul Ryan (and Preibus) have called for Trump to comply with GOP policies and ideologies, while Trump has clearly stated that it is not he who will conform to GOP policies and that his voters want the GOP to comply with HIS policies (as murky as these policies may be.)

Fully realizing that my own party is severely divided, the differences between Sanders and Clinton PALE in comparison to what the GOP and RNC is experiencing.......We are living in interesting times.

I am an American and gave up mu U.S citizenship three years ago so I do not participate in these little reindeer games that are "elections". We have a "gubermint" that we see that is dysfunctional and inept...then there there is the shadow government ran by the international bankers/globalists that really call the shots. We live in a total illusion and totally detached from least some of us do.
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?

Instead of being a lame flamer, why not attempt to debate me on what I contend? I gave out that same invite to Jillian and she totally bailed at the opportunity...I even gave her the opportunity to pick the topic on what she has a problem with......she bailed....will you? I have spent a great deal of time attacking certain things and I had my whole belief system changed and from that, I have been able to soak information up like a's all I do all day, every day. I download documentaries and lectures to my I-Pod, jot down notes and vet the information when time affords...what do you do to improve your knowledge base? Watch MSNBC? Read the newspaper? Why do you believe that you are more qualified to speak about the things that I do? I read download books off of the internet and read them until I go to sleep...I average one every three days. You really ought to read John Perkin's book "Confessions of An Economic's an eye opener and you can download it on a PDF file.......learn, grow, evolve. I have other suggestions but you should start with that one.
I've told you this before nothing you present is debatable because it has no basis in reality.
So you spend your way into prosperity? Just run up more and more debtt?

You do not run on budget?

You do not conserve?

Everyone is conservative by nature, but only far left drones preach a debunked gospel that they are not.

Well, we did spend 2.5 TRILLION on a war for oil, and fucked up the entire middle east....Money well spent?

More far left drone dogma not based on reality.

Even Obama claimed as a victory, so does that make Obama liar?
Making comments on a subject you know nothing about again. ?

Once again proving my comments about far left drones..

See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.
The voices in your head tell you to say that. ?
Your comments on the president are beneath notice ,except for the minimal comedic value.
Other then that they have no value whatsoever.

Paws101, are you turning down the opportunity to debate me on a topic? I mean, we can allow the masses here to decide on which one is getting the better of seem to think you know so fucking much....prove it. Any moron can lamely flame....let's see what you think you know. We are not in the "flame zone"...this is about debate and proving yourself....are you gonna bail like Shillian did?????
The department of lack of education should have been kicked to the curb when Reagan was CEO of USA.INC. Do some research about Charlotte Iserbyt, she was in charge of the D.O.E and she was shocked and appalled at what she found. As far as S.S and medicaid goes? Give me back everything I have paid in as well as my employer and they can shut the whole fucking thing down as far as I am concerned...the ones that will be hurt the most are the illegals that have been draining it...fuck them and their anchor babies.

What is often frustrating about these threads is the lack of continuity on what the orginal issue and response were all about.....

I am NOT here defending the Dept. of Ed. (DOE is used for "Energy").......I was responding to some dingbat who stated that Ryan and company's policies are "too liberal"....and I responded that abolsing or cutting SS, Medicare and Dept. of Ed are NOT liberal policies.....

If you're looking to begin a thread about your inside knowledge of the Dept. of Ed.....Feel free to start one.
I am an American and gave up mu U.S citizenship three years ago so I do not participate in these little reindeer games that are "elections". We have a "gubermint" that we see that is dysfunctional and inept...then there there is the shadow government ran by the international bankers/globalists that really call the shots. We live in a total illusion and totally detached from least some of us do.
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?
I am an American and gave up mu U.S citizenship three years ago so I do not participate in these little reindeer games that are "elections". We have a "gubermint" that we see that is dysfunctional and inept...then there there is the shadow government ran by the international bankers/globalists that really call the shots. We live in a total illusion and totally detached from least some of us do.
Bahahahaha! if you don't vote don't bitch.
So you're a persona non gratia .
Then your opinion means less than zero.

Simply means that I am awake.....and I know infinitely more than you...FACT!
The hypnotized never lie do ya?

Instead of being a lame flamer, why not attempt to debate me on what I contend? I gave out that same invite to Jillian and she totally bailed at the opportunity...I even gave her the opportunity to pick the topic on what she has a problem with......she bailed....will you? I have spent a great deal of time attacking certain things and I had my whole belief system changed and from that, I have been able to soak information up like a's all I do all day, every day. I download documentaries and lectures to my I-Pod, jot down notes and vet the information when time affords...what do you do to improve your knowledge base? Watch MSNBC? Read the newspaper? Why do you believe that you are more qualified to speak about the things that I do? I read download books off of the internet and read them until I go to sleep...I average one every three days. You really ought to read John Perkin's book "Confessions of An Economic's an eye opener and you can download it on a PDF file.......learn, grow, evolve. I have other suggestions but you should start with that one.
I've told you this before nothing you present is debatable because it has no basis in reality.

Really? Then prove it and let the people here be the judge.......stop being a coward....anyone can lamely flame. Back up your talk with "facts"......
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.
Hey nat don't waste your time attempting to debate intelligently with kosh it must be obvious by now he's a nut job.
The department of lack of education should have been kicked to the curb when Reagan was CEO of USA.INC. Do some research about Charlotte Iserbyt, she was in charge of the D.O.E and she was shocked and appalled at what she found. As far as S.S and medicaid goes? Give me back everything I have paid in as well as my employer and they can shut the whole fucking thing down as far as I am concerned...the ones that will be hurt the most are the illegals that have been draining it...fuck them and their anchor babies.

What is often frustrating about these threads is the lack of continuity on what the orginal issue and response were all about.....

I am NOT here defending the Dept. of Ed. (DOE is used for "Energy").......I was responding to some dingbat who stated that Ryan and company's policies are "too liberal"....and I responded that abolsing or cutting SS, Medicare and Dept. of Ed are NOT liberal policies.....

If you're looking to begin a thread about your inside knowledge of the Dept. of Ed.....Feel free to start one.

I simply responded to what you if you thought the department of lack of education's demise was such a bad you think differently?
See how the far left deflect from the fact that their Messiah called Iraq a success.

If Obama called Iraq a success he was "dead" (pardon the expression) wrong.......

NOW, take the time to ponder who made the worst mistake....the guy that wrongly called it a "success" or the guy who sent 4,000 plus Americans to die in that hell hole and spent 2.5 trillion for that little adventure of Cheney.
Hey natural don't waste your time attempting to debate intelligently with kosh it must be obvious by now he's a nut job.

Says the far left drone that denies reality! But the OP is also a known far left drone as well.

See how the far left will deny reality and facts when they are faced with them?
The department of lack of education should have been kicked to the curb when Reagan was CEO of USA.INC. Do some research about Charlotte Iserbyt, she was in charge of the D.O.E and she was shocked and appalled at what she found. As far as S.S and medicaid goes? Give me back everything I have paid in as well as my employer and they can shut the whole fucking thing down as far as I am concerned...the ones that will be hurt the most are the illegals that have been draining it...fuck them and their anchor babies.

What is often frustrating about these threads is the lack of continuity on what the orginal issue and response were all about.....

I am NOT here defending the Dept. of Ed. (DOE is used for "Energy").......I was responding to some dingbat who stated that Ryan and company's policies are "too liberal"....and I responded that abolsing or cutting SS, Medicare and Dept. of Ed are NOT liberal policies.....

If you're looking to begin a thread about your inside knowledge of the Dept. of Ed.....Feel free to start one.

They are when they propose cutting one cent for every billion spent.

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