Are you a Trump loyalist? However remote the possibility, try, even if for a moment, to consider these things:

Yes, like I wrote in the OP,

Why is 'TDS' a thought-terminating cliché? Your intent on mentioning is to kill the conversation, and it also serves to curtail your critical thinking skills. That is true because that term only resonates in the right wing brain.

Demagogues implant thought-terminating clichés in your brain via repetition, because they want you compliant, complicit, and complacent.

Unless you can snap out of your stupor, you'll never know it is happening to you.

No clichés, just facts. How many pos+ Biden threads have you et. al. started? How many Trump Derangement threads have you et. al. started?

From a Brits point of view, I wouldn't be worried about Republicans, I would worry about the mental health of Democrats with their dilemma over Trump, you guys have it bad.

I know you're trying to spin it against Right Wingers, but I would suggest Democrats go and get psychiatric help, and I sincerely mean that.

There's an element of loyalists with all politicians, it's just that mouth frothing over Trump has taken over Democrats lives. It's unhealthy for you.
What more to be said? Simple, pure horseshit. Homelessness has always been a problem, and even more so when Reagan defunded mental health facilities when he was Gov in CA.

That didn't actually happen.
The majority of the Mental Health facilities that closed, closed in the 1990's after Wilson formed a task force that found costs had skyrocketed.
As Governor, Reagan SIGNED bipartisan legislation that limited the ability of vindicative hospitalization by family members or civil courts.
Wrong, I lived there then, I remember Reagan as governor And yes he did.

Wasted breath is that which is spent on those like the poster you addressed here, who lives for hearing the sound of its own voice.

There's also another element to it, which I caught a couple days ago....He slathers his bloviating OP text walls with numerous points, which are stand-alone matters to discuss.....It's a flood-the-zone technique designed to confuse and muddy the waters.....Then he turns around and demands to have a concise, content filled conversation....It's duplicitous and disingenuous as fuck.
There's also another element to it, which I caught a couple days ago....He slathers his bloviating OP text walls with numerous points, which are stand-alone matters to discuss.....It's a flood-the-zone technique designed to confuse and muddy the waters.....Then he turns around and demands to have a concise, content filled conversation....It's duplicitous and disingenuous as fuck.

Probably best ignored.
There's also another element to it, which I caught a couple days ago....He slathers his bloviating OP text walls with numerous points, which are stand-alone matters to discuss.....It's a flood-the-zone technique designed to confuse and muddy the waters.....Then he turns around and demands to have a concise, content filled conversation....It's duplicitous and disingenuous as fuck.

The left's favorite tools -- duplicity and disingenuity.

I used to listen to Rush from time to time. He never took on an intelligent debater from the left. He selected who he wanted so as to impress his right wing fans.
You can’t make that statement. So, you’re just a boob
I am not a Trump loyalist. I have never voted for him.

Having watched the Democrat party (to which I once belonged) turn utterly authoritarian and completely illiberal in representing globalists intent on destroying American sovereignty, I WILL vote for him in 2024 of he is the choice.

A vote for the Democrat party is now a vote for The World Economic Forum.
Over the years, I have witnessed a phenomenon occurring primarily on the right, that many of those on the right, which has burgeoned since Trump (though it has been going on for much longer than that), that their minds have become a bucket of mush filled with thought-terminating clichés ("TDS" "deep state" "fake news" "commies" "leftists" etc) and tired right wing tropes which are engineered to curb critical thinking and kill dissent, with the specific purpose of making the base compliant, complicit, and complacent.

As a man of 72 years, I've heard similar tropes going back to the days of the John Birch Society in the 60s. Their radical views were tolerated by the conservative leaders, but they gradually took things too far and William F Buckley, the granddad of conservatism during those years, as the founding member of the National Review, pushed the group to the sidelines. Once Buckley passed, the right no longer had a filter, and the group morphed into the T party, then the Freedom caucus, and now they are the MAGA movement, and in Trump, they have found their champion Trump, slightly older than myself, must be acutely aware of the history of the GOP, and how to manipulate their flock, and he easily took over the party, he knew the tropes they wanted to hear.

Make no mistake, Trump does not believe a word of what he says, he knows the types of right wing thought-terminating clichés will control his fock, and controlling his base is all he is interested in. In fact, Trump has changed parties no less than 6 times. During his Celeb Apprentice days, he was a democrat, we have videos of him praising democrats during this time, and this is because he knew that celebs are mostly liberal, and naturally he was a dem to curry favor with celebs. But to run for president, he knew the right would be much more receptive to a billionaire, so suddenly, he is now a 'Republican'. The point is, he is whatever the situation demands, he has no core values, he is the quintessential opportunist, the word's greatest conman, and PT Barnum would have loved him, and WC Field's famous quote, "You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool some of the people some of the time,'s just enough to make a good living".

Ask yourself: Why does a billionaire solicit donations? Well, for a conman, if one can, then, why not?

THere is a reason Trump is under attack. It's not because of blind hatred. It's because we, on the left, are not infected by Trump, he has chosen your side so it is much easier for us to see right through his methods. He's using all the same tricks every demagogue in history has used, and it's so obvious I wish I could get on the roofs across the land and shout it, but the right's minds are closed, Trump has successfully mesmerized millions, and they are compliant, complicit, and complacent, it's as if it were right out of an Orwellian script. We loath Trump BECAUSE he doesn't have your interest in mind, only that of Trump, and we don't want such a man ever to have his finger on the nuke football, if you don't mind. This isn't blind, this is well reasoned, well thought out and well understood.

Our intentions are just, and for the national interest. Trump is a threat to US National Security, and he must be stopped by any legal means possible. It is sad that many on the right cannot see it, but there it is. But some sensible souls on the right are with us, such as the good folks over at the Lincoln Project. Read Rick Wilson's book, 'Everything Trump Touches, Dies'. Listen to the videos of Steve Schmidt, another co-founder of the Lincoln Project. it is their goal to resuscitate the GOP to it's original conservative traditions and roots, and Trump has taken it astray, and they know, as we know, he is taking the GOP right over a proverbial cliff. His movement will be disastrous, should Trump win a second term. His only motivation now, is not policies for the good of our country, his motivation is REVENGE, and only revenge, and that is the wrong reason to be president.

Once the MAGA cultist's brain is infected, it appears that for most, there is no escape, resistance, it seems, for many, is futile. They have been programed, via months and months of repetition and propagandistic oratory and TV punditry by Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin et al., causing the MAGA base to hate the left and accuse the left of that which they are complicit, which IS the intent of the program by their right wing controllers, who do not have their (or your) best interests in mind, only that of Trump and his ilk. These facts are coming to light in the Dominion law suit. Fox pundits have knowingly been going along with the scheme and have been intentionally lying to their base. However, Fox will not report on the Dominion law suit, but you will find all about it on YouTube.

Some have made it out, but few are so able.

If you haven't, try and escape, you'll be glad you did.

Link up!
Over the years, I have witnessed a phenomenon occurring primarily on the right, that many of those on the right, which has burgeoned since Trump (though it has been going on for much longer than that), that their minds have become a bucket of mush filled with thought-terminating clichés ("TDS" "deep state" "fake news" "commies" "leftists" etc) and tired right wing tropes which are engineered to curb critical thinking and kill dissent, with the specific purpose of making the base compliant, complicit, and complacent.

As a man of 72 years, I've heard similar tropes going back to the days of the John Birch Society in the 60s. Their radical views were tolerated by the conservative leaders, but they gradually took things too far and William F Buckley, the granddad of conservatism during those years, as the founding member of the National Review, pushed the group to the sidelines. Once Buckley passed, the right no longer had a filter, and the group morphed into the T party, then the Freedom caucus, and now they are the MAGA movement, and in Trump, they have found their champion Trump, slightly older than myself, must be acutely aware of the history of the GOP, and how to manipulate their flock, and he easily took over the party, he knew the tropes they wanted to hear.

Make no mistake, Trump does not believe a word of what he says, he knows the types of right wing thought-terminating clichés will control his fock, and controlling his base is all he is interested in. In fact, Trump has changed parties no less than 6 times. During his Celeb Apprentice days, he was a democrat, we have videos of him praising democrats during this time, and this is because he knew that celebs are mostly liberal, and naturally he was a dem to curry favor with celebs. But to run for president, he knew the right would be much more receptive to a billionaire, so suddenly, he is now a 'Republican'. The point is, he is whatever the situation demands, he has no core values, he is the quintessential opportunist, the word's greatest conman, and PT Barnum would have loved him, and WC Field's famous quote, "You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool some of the people some of the time,'s just enough to make a good living".

Ask yourself: Why does a billionaire solicit donations? Well, for a conman, if one can, then, why not?

THere is a reason Trump is under attack. It's not because of blind hatred. It's because we, on the left, are not infected by Trump, he has chosen your side so it is much easier for us to see right through his methods. He's using all the same tricks every demagogue in history has used, and it's so obvious I wish I could get on the roofs across the land and shout it, but the right's minds are closed, Trump has successfully mesmerized millions, and they are compliant, complicit, and complacent, it's as if it were right out of an Orwellian script. We loath Trump BECAUSE he doesn't have your interest in mind, only that of Trump, and we don't want such a man ever to have his finger on the nuke football, if you don't mind. This isn't blind, this is well reasoned, well thought out and well understood.

Our intentions are just, and for the national interest. Trump is a threat to US National Security, and he must be stopped by any legal means possible. It is sad that many on the right cannot see it, but there it is. But some sensible souls on the right are with us, such as the good folks over at the Lincoln Project. Read Rick Wilson's book, 'Everything Trump Touches, Dies'. Listen to the videos of Steve Schmidt, another co-founder of the Lincoln Project. it is their goal to resuscitate the GOP to it's original conservative traditions and roots, and Trump has taken it astray, and they know, as we know, he is taking the GOP right over a proverbial cliff. His movement will be disastrous, should Trump win a second term. His only motivation now, is not policies for the good of our country, his motivation is REVENGE, and only revenge, and that is the wrong reason to be president.

Once the MAGA cultist's brain is infected, it appears that for most, there is no escape, resistance, it seems, for many, is futile. They have been programed, via months and months of repetition and propagandistic oratory and TV punditry by Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin et al., causing the MAGA base to hate the left and accuse the left of that which they are complicit, which IS the intent of the program by their right wing controllers, who do not have their (or your) best interests in mind, only that of Trump and his ilk. These facts are coming to light in the Dominion law suit. Fox pundits have knowingly been going along with the scheme and have been intentionally lying to their base. However, Fox will not report on the Dominion law suit, but you will find all about it on YouTube.

Some have made it out, but few are so able.

If you haven't, try and escape, you'll be glad you did.

For goodness sake project much?

some of the answers are here.

most people leave because the abuse of the group makes life terrible enough to break the indoctrination. This takes more time to develop, because maga has only been around for five years, cults take many more years for the abuse to develop.
This from a cultist who believes men can have babies? 🤡
No clichés, just facts. How many pos+ Biden threads have you et. al. started?
Biden is not a threat to National Security, but I've defended him many times.
How many Trump Derangement threads have you et. al. [sic] started?
None. How many questions have you asked in life with an assumed premise? Probably many, eh?
From a Brits point of view, I wouldn't be worried about Republicans, I would worry about the mental health of Democrats with their dilemma over Trump, you guys have it bad.
Such an opinion are weasel words. "mental health of democrats' is not a coherent, nor substantive position, it's just a rant, a sentiment, and as such, is a non argument. But, you're entitled to hold a weasel worded opinion.
I know you're trying to spin it against Right Wingers, but I would suggest Democrats go and get psychiatric help, and I sincerely mean that.
I'm not questioning your sincerity. You're just wrong.
There's an element of loyalists with all politicians,
Not knocking loyalty, unless the loyalty is the 'cult of personality' type, which, of course, it is when it comes to Trump.

"In my not-so-humble opinion".
it's just that mouth frothing over Trump has taken over Democrats lives. It's unhealthy for you.
He's running for office, he's a threat to US national security, so, he's fair game and the concern has merit.

Your concern over my health does not.


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