Are You an Organ Donor? If No- Why Not?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I thought of this as I was updating my personal info. Are you an organ donor? Maybe I have a bit more compassion for my fellow human than one might think was possible.

But I'm curious how others came to their own personal decisions on donating organs after death.

What do we know about death? We have heard people claim they died and came back.

Giving the 1% opportunity to take your organs might rush their decision. (Yes, Doctors are 1%.)

I think donating organs should be celebrated like the death of a young one or a soldier. But I also think there should be more than a yes/no question.

Do YOU want students to poke at your tissue like a worm or a toad in Science class?
Do YOU want your body to be used to save a life?
What if poking at your body in Science class saved many lives?

Yes/No is not reasonable on this topic.
I'm actually not an organ donor because of my mother, she would be torn up enough if I were to pass away before she did, but her having to deal with having my body carved up at the same time would likely be too much. My mother is extremely soft...

I'll likely reconsider becoming a donor after she passes, though I'm not sure my horrible eating and smoking habits would be all that conductive to being that useful heh I've been trying to quit smoking at least (waiting for approval to try that Chantix stuff) so maybe in what? 5-10 years my lungs will be worth sharing. Can't fix my eating habits too much though, I just don't get hungry often enough to bother and I just can't stay away from the bacon... I guess I'll have to ask my doctor if it'd be worth it...
It is phenomenal that such progress has been made in reconstructing the body. That is good.
When organ transplants and donating began so long ago, the eventual market and demand for supply immediately made obvious that abuses would take place. That is not good. It is known that 'harvesting' is taking place in scenarios Steven King would have been hard-put to imagine.
Developing organs from the body and from stem cells is the answer. By not donating, we put greater pressure on such development. The sooner this happens, the sooner the techniques of safely placing them where they are needed in the ailing person can be used properly.
By not donating, we put greater pressure on such development. The sooner this happens, the sooner the techniques of safely placing them where they are needed in the ailing person can be used properly.

That's an interesting take on the subject, thanks for sharing. :thup:
I am paying to be frozen, if its possible the way I die, for the off / low chance my ailment is curable and I am revivable years later.
I used to have a dirty joke for this question... but anyway, yes.
I am paying to be frozen, if its possible the way I die, for the off / low chance my ailment is curable and I am revivable years later.

I've heard of that. Didn't Ted Williams kids freeze him or something?

when i first got my license (early '80s) i signed right up to be an organ donor. it was a standard question on the application and i felt of course i should do that to help others... when my mother found out, she flipped out and made me take it back. i was a young athlete with a perfectly healthy body which she felt put me in danger of having my organs taken too soon. if i ever got into a serious accident she felt my organs would be sacrificed to save another. i hadn't thought of that, but i guess she was probably right, so i did what she told me to do and took the organ donor designation off my license...
They can take whatever they want when I go.

It's not like I'll be needing the parts.
I am not an organ donor. There is no reason to save the life of an organ donor. They are worth way more dead than alive.

It is also way to creepy to build people out of dead body parts.
I did it the last time I renewed my drivers license.
I figure if there is anything useful (good luck there)then maybe I could help someone.
Even if it helps a registered Democrat...

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