Are you better off than you were four years ago?

2 sandwiches and a glass of wine, $36

Ever heard of buying a loaf of bread and making your own sandwiches? Ever heard of a thermos and lunch box? Sorry, but I know what it is to be really poor, hated it, and long ago learned to make adjustments.

Yeah, capitalism is a bitch. Life can be tough. You seem to have learned only to complain about everything.


“How did all this happen … to decent hardworking Americans?”

Must be them Democrats! Working with those Chinese who work for peanuts! Those fucked up refugees from South America — Cubans, Venezuelans, Salvadorans & Mexicans — why can’t they just stay the fuck out of our country and stop hooking our kids with all those drugs? That’s why we need to build a Wall. Really.

But those Muslims are the worst! Either they’re too fucking rich from the oil wells we developed, or fucking terrorists … or both. Sometimes I confess I wonder: Could it all be the Jews fault? Nah. They are the “Chosen People” — as the Bible says. Chosen for what I really don’t know.

Oh, and damn those Ukrainians! They asked for it. Fuckers want to live like Europeans … or us. Fat chance. They’re Nazis I hear. Maybe they didn’t quite deserve to be invaded, I wouldn’t go that far, but that Putin is a real leader, maybe even a genius. Now the Demonrats say we must help them with our tax dollars … the Ukrainians? What about us? No wonder we have inflation and debt!

The blacks here get all the privileges. Criminals and drug dealers and everybody cheating everybody. That’s America. And it’s all the Swamp’s fault. Trump is our savior. He will teach ‘em all a thing or two. Fuck Mike Pence! Mike Johnson is the man! Make America Great Again!

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For all those who "think" they are better off now than 4 years ago........

A time of unprecedented danger:

It is 90 seconds to midnight​

All that "happiness" could go up in flames really quickly if your President "Keeps Making America Abnormal Again"
You Dimocrats have destabilized world peace through glaring ineptitude and Hamas vs Israel is the opening salvo.

You may want to get inside that vault with all your "better offness" if you want to live to enjoy it.

Maybe GG will give you the current address of his trailer.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

damn, the jealousy on this forum is reaching new heights.

you morons tie your success to one party or the other and then get pissed off when those of us who do not are thriving.
266 a month for phones, I pay 34.48 a month for two lines. 266, I haven't paid that much in more than a decade, since I dumped AT&T.

I got to pay off two phone then dump att,

I am going to pure talk

I fell for the att free phone scam and they said the never got the phones I turned in and that att don't make mistakes
Yeah, capitalism is a bitch. Life can be tough. You seem to have learned only to complain about everything.
And you don't seem to be, you are so stupid you don't understand what this thread is about.

The OP asked, I am replying, sharing my life with all of you.

You are another arrogant stupid Democrat proving the mentality of democrats is no different than the democrats of the past who were masters over the slaves. Only difference is you can't whip me.

The OP asked, I answered, your life is worst than it could be. And that is a fact
Are you making more than $7,000 a year more, if not you're not gaining any ground. That's what it's costing the average family due to inflation.


can your break this 7000 figure down for us?

Is that for a family of 4?
Inflation has been terrible. It was also inevitable, given what happened: Historic inflationary stimulus/Fed intervention + decades of deficit spending + massive demand due to the stimulus + global supply chain collapse + late action by the Fed to address the resulting inflation.

Unfortunately, many are choosing not to understand what happened. Politics soils everything it touches.
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Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Better off as in standard of living, finances etc..

Well, with the cost of energy, fuel prices, inflation on practically everything etc.. I can't see many being better off financially. Despite interest rates increasing, they would need a considerable amount of savings for any interest to offset the rise in cost of living.

As for standard of living, I was just reading an article about the exodus of Americans from major cities due to crime, homelessness, tax costs etc..

So, some might be better off, some will claim they're better off, but they'll be few and far between who are. I would bet £10 that those who are Left Wing on here how say they're better off, have to say that, but they're not. They won't show face.

Bidenomics collapsed.
Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Personally, yes

But then again i realized a long time ago that whatever idiot is shining the seat of a chair with his ass in the oval office has very little effect on my life
Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
/----/ I trade stock options as my primary income source in retirement. I'm making about 20% of what I made three years ago. Fortunately, I live comfortably within my means, (unlike Congress), but it really sucks for many people.
My nephew likes to buy a new F150 every five years or so, but he got sticker shock when he priced a new one. $60,000. and 7% finance charge. Bidenominics.
Does anyone seriously believe that the US is better of at this point of Biden's presidency that it was at the same point in Trump's presidency?

Trump (October 2019): America is great again.

Biden (October 2023); We are in deep shit.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, I’m better off.

Thanks for asking.
The OP asked, I am replying, sharing my life with all of you.
Right, and I’m telling you you come off as a whining self-entitled pussy. I know many in far worse financial shape than you. Hell, sounds like you earn way more each year than I ever earned. And you’re better off than scores of ethnic white and African-American blue collar men with families I worked side by side with for decades. You probably lived in better and safer neighborhoods too.

You are another arrogant stupid Democrat proving the mentality of democrats is no different than the democrats of the past who were masters over the slaves. Only difference is you can't whip me.

I shared a bit about my own life and tried to share what little wisdom my life experience taught me. I am not a Democrat and not your master. Take my advice or ignore it. I am in no way responsible for your misery.

Are you better off than you were four years ago?​

That question takes on a different dimension in the wake of the error of Trump. It typically refers to our own financial situations. But now it includes consideration of whether the prez is a criminal and a traitor. Whether he defends an enemy despot over our intel agencies. Whether he defrauded voters by paying hush money to a porn star to buy her silence right before the election. Whether he is an inveterate liar. Whether he is willing to orchestrate a coup to maintain power.
How? you pay a ton more for nearly everything, and that's directly related to Biden's policies that have increased inflation.

Do you enjoy a massive inflation tax?
With all that extra money I have in my pocket from Trump's tax cuts, I don't even notice the inflation.

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