Are You Going to Hell?

Don't believe lying MSM and political correct carrier politicians, Hell is in reality waiting for you.
Stop to commit sin and begin to study the Holy Bible, otherwise you are lost.

The Bible is a book written by corrupt men who made it up 1500 years ago. They stole from several older religions.

Are you referring to the account of Genesis? Or something else?

The new testament.

The modern scholarly consensus is that the figure of Moses is legendary, and not historical, although a "Moses-like figure may have existed in the mid-late 13th century B.C." Certainly no Egyptian sources mention Moses or the events of Exodus–Deuteronomy, nor has any archaeological evidence been discovered in Egypt or the Sinai wilderness to support the story in which he is the central figure. The story of his discovery picks up a familiar motif in ancient Near Eastern mythological accounts of the ruler who rises from humble origins

The foundation of your myth is a lie. The Jews predicted a Jesus figure would come someday and some Jews invented a new religion about 1500 years ago.

Jesus, Mohammad, Joseph Smith are all real people but they are legions. Lies.

Theists must have been frustrated they weren't converting more sinners so they made up that god visited and you say we are hard wired. Yea, to be brainwashed with lies sure.

Both Moses and Jesus were historical figures. They really did walk the earth. A submerged land bridge was discovered with artifacts nearby which supports the account of exodus. I suspect the account of exodus is similar to the account of Genesis which is the allegorical account of an actual historical event.

The Messiah predicted in Judaism (at least the one you are referring to) pertains to end of days which means that the time for that has not occurred yet. Jesus was not fulfilling that prophecy. It wasn’t the time for that. He had another task.

I remembered that when Christians invented Christianity, they used that Jewish prophecy to say look the Messiah has been sent just as predicted. Jews don't believe that Jesus was the messiah that was predicted but a lot of Christians do/did.

The founders of Christianity used that prophecy and make it hard for Jews to call bullshit on their own prophecy.

Most people today don't believe Moses was a real person. Nothing saved of his? And nothing saved of Jesus except for a shroud that isn't even probably legit? Pretty pathetic for such historic figures.

More like the greatest legend stories ever told.

You weren’t around when Christianity was founded so you can’t remember that.

As to what you were told second hand that is called hearsay. No where in the NT does it make the claim. So I don’t know where you got that from. Was it an atheist website perchance?

It seems you expect evidence like it happened yesterday instead of thousands of years ago.
Oh yeah this thread is the voodoo and magical stuff you claim instead. Its still the same ole bs you guys put out over and over again when y'all come into a religious post where people share and discuss what faith and beliefs they have so you can do some more whining. Hell is simply that place in the spirit where peeps like you and Joe have turned their backs on God. It is the absence of God in your life and being you don't have it you somehow think you must think you can affect someone else with all your little rants.

Doesn't that make your God sound kind of insecure, that he needs to eternally punish people who don't believe in him?

The absense of God in my life means that, unlike when I was Catholic, I don't feel guilty about having simple human emotions. (Although more than a few of my friends have observed that I'm an Atheist with a Catholic value system.
And you will be judged on your ignorance an immorality
Your magical threats, spells and trinkets carry no weight here, shaman. Put down the dead chicken , adjust the bone in your nose,and go have a drink.

And, to be sure: my morals are far superior to anything found in the vile Bible myth. The evil,vain fake god of the Bible doesn't get to judge me. I will judge him. And I have, and he is immoral and evil.

I've seen little evidence that your morals are superior to those found in the scriptures.

God will judge all men on the day of judgment. You are accountable for your actions.
Like I said you ate some bad meals apparently and now you seem to want to blame that on everyone.

No, I specifically blame the lying assholes who told me if I prayed REALLY Hard, my mom's cancer would get better.

And then this BITCH of a nun had the fucking nerve to show up at her funeral and say God had a reason.

Fuck Religion. Fuck liars with bibles. And Fuck you too, I wouldn't want you to feel left out.

Your mom will live again. I'm sorry for your anger and hopelessness
Your mom will live again. I'm sorry for your anger and hopelessness

I always have hope and I enjoy my anger. If you are on the business end of my anger, you've probably done something to deserve it.

But getting back to the subject of Hell. Let's say you had a friend.

And this friend was constantly insisting you praise him, do what he tells you to do, and threatens to punish you if you don't adore him enough.

I think you'd want this person the fuck out of your life as quickly as possible.

So if you wouldn't tolerate this behavior from a friend, why would you tolerate it from a God?
Oh, the first four commandments.... to start with. Man, the guy has a fragile ego.

Remember, the whole premise of this thread is that God will totally send you to Hell if you don't believe in him.
To begin with, the premise is wrong (something I learned as a child). Second, the first four commandments are for our benefit, not God's. It sets the type of priorities we should have for a fulfilling and peaceful life.

This perspective has nothing to do with a fragile ego, but rather someone who cares about our lives. Thus, fragile ego aside, we can open our eyes to a more in depth look at God and what He reveals about Himself. Notice His vulnerability. He comes to us as a child; in doing so, He is not above death; He needs the help of physical beings to assist others; He is not found in power and might, but rather the tiniest of whispers.
But getting back to the subject of Hell. Let's say you had a friend.

And this friend was constantly insisting you praise him, do what he tells you to do, and threatens to punish you if you don't adore him enough.

I think you'd want this person the fuck out of your life as quickly as possible.

So if you wouldn't tolerate this behavior from a friend, why would you tolerate it from a God?

When Jesus was around in the first century the people thought of God as a tyrant that you had to bow down to and worship or he would mess you up and if he wasn't around his believers would happily mess you up in the name of God. By a superficial and ignorant reading of scripture they came to the belief that God was a capricious and puerile petty tyrant, harsh, judgmental, and like you say, insecure..

Jesus came around studied the same books and came away with the understanding that God is more like a loving and benevolent father, not a scumbag, even during a time of brutal roman oppression.

In the same way you think of hell and the torments described as just more biblical evidence that God is a scumbag and if it was a real thing, an afterlife place of eternal torment for people who won't kiss his ass, he would be, but that isn't what hell is or what God is about according to Jesus.

When Jesus asked the pharisees how they were going to escape the condemnation of hell, he was not talking about some afterlife place of punishment, he was talking about the hell they were already in, singing the praises of an intolerant scumbag consequently becoming intolerant scumbags themselves.

Hell is a state of confusion, a degenerating condition of the mind, that has nothing whatever to do with torture or punishment.

Its about cause and effect.

If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
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If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?
If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?

Kangaroos? How did God save the kangaroos? lol...

Stop with the stupidity already.

How do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell that you are already in?
If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?

Kangaroos? How did God save the kangaroos? lol...

Stop with the stupidity already.

How do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell that you are already in?
I just log off this site. :biggrin:
Am I going to Hell?

Well... I am not a religious man, though I do try to treat people with respect, I try not to be a jerk, I try to be helpful... I open doors for women, help older folks when I can... I do my best to lead what some would call a morally good life, faithful to my wife, good to my kids and grandkids...

All that being said, I'll say this... If heaven is full of the assholes I've met on message boards who say THEY'RE going to heaven, then I can only hope my ticket is punched for Hell...
What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?
What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?

The law of God is the firmament, the basis of heaven, the world above. Lawlessness is the firmament of the earth, the world below.

Conform to the instruction of the law and you will enter the kingdom of Heaven here and now on earth.

If not hell is all your life will ever be. Your world will be without shape or form and void, and darkness will cover the face of the deep, everything, no matter how much you whine about it, no matter how many times you go to church, no matter how loudly you curse the sky, will remain an incomprehensible mystery.

Even so, in the dungeons of hell, many people have had the best times of their lives.

God really isn't such a meanie .
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What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?
Heaven and hell are choices. People of faith see heaven as an existence where they choose to be with God, to love and to serve Him and our fellow beings. Hell is the opposite, where one chooses an existence apart from God, from love, from service.

Not saying anyone else should believe this. I do have a testimony of heaven. This life is important, but it is a shadowy existence as opposed to the afterlife. Funny how physical reality is the shadows whereas the afterlife is the greater reality. People of faith do not need to be told this. Atheists will toss this testimony aside as a brain burp. In either case, live this life with all the love your heart can generate; don't pass up any opportunity. Whether one believes in the afterlife or not, there will be fewer end of life regrets.
What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?
Heaven and hell are choices. People of faith see heaven as an existence where they choose to be with God, to love and to serve Him and our fellow beings. Hell is the opposite, where one chooses an existence apart from God, from love, from service.

Not saying anyone else should believe this. I do have a testimony of heaven. This life is important, but it is a shadowy existence as opposed to the afterlife. Funny how physical reality is the shadows whereas the afterlife is the greater reality. People of faith do not need to be told this. Atheists will toss this testimony aside as a brain burp. In either case, live this life with all the love your heart can generate; don't pass up any opportunity. Whether one believes in the afterlife or not, there will be fewer end of life regrets.

Until you get life in this world right, there will be no place for you in the next one..

You worship a human being as if he was God.

If scripture is true, you are already dead. You have your reward already, dreaming about how good life might be if you ever get out of prison or die..
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Until you get life in this world right, there will be no place for you in the next one..

You worship a human being as if he was God.

If scripture is true, you are already dead. You have your reward already. Dreaming about how good life might be if you ever get out of prison or die..
I know following what Jesus taught and welcoming his guidance is giving me a better and more fulfilling life than what you teach could ever do. I've chosen the better part, know where it leads in the afterlife, and have no regrets. I have peace, joy, and hope. Your posts reflect a darkness and bitterness, things I want no part of.
What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?

The law of God is the firmament, the basis of heaven, the world above. Lawlessness is the firmament of the earth, the world below.

Conform to the instruction of the law and you will enter the kingdom of Heaven here and now on earth.

If not hell is all your life will ever be. Your world will be without shape or form and void, and darkness will cover the face of the deep, everything, no matter how much you whine about it, no matter how many times you go to church, no matter how loudly you curse the sky, will remain an incomprehensible mystery.

Even so, in the dungeons of hell, many people have had the best times of their lives.

God really isn't such a meanie .

But many are ok with this. Who says life has to have meaning?

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