Are You Going to Hell?

"If you vote for lefts"?

I'm beginning to wonder if English is your first language.

We've run into this before. There is no end to the bigotry of the left against non-native speakers. Carry on Baron.
I don't think you guys get it.

Imagine a Wiccan putting down the Xbox controller long enough to tell you that he is going to curse you, unless you accept his patron demon as your master. Would this elicit anything but mockery and laughter from any of you?

Of course not. But this is exactly how you sound to me. Your magical chants and threats simply carry no weight whatsoever. Your religion is no more special or significant to me than is Hinduism, or astrology, or satanism, or paganism.
Like many others Joe was fed some bad meals as a child
Ironically enough, I was raised Christian and immediately became atheist when I read the vile Old Testament at about age 12. It was just so disgustingly evil, as was the "god" depicted in it. So the "bad meal" I was fed was the iron age fairy tale itself.

No you were just given tasteless unleavened bread.

Add just a little understanding to the same dough and the whole loaf will rise into something much more nutritious and tasty, pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
Haha,no. No amount of additional,madeup, pseuso-intellectual or pseduo-philosophocal nonsense is going to cover up the evil that is the old testament. If you want to twist yourself into a little blob of pseudo-intellectual and amoral amorphosity in order to swallow it, be my guest.

You have underestimated the dedication and intelligence of the people who wrote the OT, not to mention the actual historical settings in which they were written during times of oppression and exile and persecution by nations far more numerous violent and powerful than a collection of tribes of nomadic shepherds.

The words used are figurative, the subjects hidden deliberately to protect themselves and curse their superstitious and intellectually deficient enemies.

Still works like a charm.
A lot of it was dative as many worried about losing their heads as it was all being translated. Not only that but peeps like fortfun desire and thing to the worldly aspect not looking into the spiritual hosts within them. They seem to think it is a different realm somewhere off in the distant past and has nothing to do with what is in them in the present.

Fortfun is a product of puritanism. He has no concept of man as a unified being.
Ironically enough, I was raised Christian and immediately became atheist when I read the vile Old Testament at about age 12. It was just so disgustingly evil, as was the "god" depicted in it. So the "bad meal" I was fed was the iron age fairy tale itself.

No you were just given tasteless unleavened bread.

Add just a little understanding to the same dough and the whole loaf will rise into something much more nutritious and tasty, pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
Haha,no. No amount of additional,madeup, pseuso-intellectual or pseduo-philosophocal nonsense is going to cover up the evil that is the old testament. If you want to twist yourself into a little blob of pseudo-intellectual and amoral amorphosity in order to swallow it, be my guest.

You have underestimated the dedication and intelligence of the people who wrote the OT, not to mention the actual historical settings in which they were written during times of oppression and exile and persecution by nations far more numerous violent and powerful than a collection of tribes of nomadic shepherds.

The words used are figurative, the subjects hidden deliberately to protect themselves and curse their superstitious and intellectually deficient enemies.

Still works like a charm.
A lot of it was dative as many worried about losing their heads as it was all being translated. Not only that but peeps like fortfun desire and thing to the worldly aspect not looking into the spiritual hosts within them. They seem to think it is a different realm somewhere off in the distant past and has nothing to do with what is in them in the present.

Fortfun is a product of puritanism. He has no concept of man as a unified being.
Don't be a sissy, you can post right to me.
You take correcting your ignorance and error as criticism?
No dummy, I take your criticism as criticism. Geesh,you have deluded yourself to the point where you feel you are "correcting" people to push your goofy myths. I'm sure devout followers of Satan feel the same way. And devout followers of Mohammed.
You are the one in the religious section child. You are free to think you are an atheist all you desire but that doesn't mean that you will not ne corrected when you start calling God of Bible an evil being because you read it once when you were twelve years old; again you have the mind of a child. Fact you haven't made child status yet so you must be in than zygote stage somewhere; perhaps you just need to look at that abortion option if you approve of it.
You are the one in the religious section child.
And here you are, claiming one is absolutely correct. So maybe you should get out of the religious section and go to the Christian cult section, if you can't handle your preferred little nugget of hilarious, magical nonsense being lumped in with voodoo and astrology. And it is clear you are not equipped to handle this.

And get it straight: you are not "correcting" anyone to reiterate your claim that your magical spells,chants, and texts are the"correct" ones, anymore than a jihadist is "correcting" people when he blows them up at a bus stop. You are both delusional believers of magical horseshit.

And let's be clear about another thing: the one being chdish is the one believing in zombie gods and vengeful spirits and doting sky daddies. That would be you. I long ago put away these childish toys. Grow up, son.
Like many others Joe was fed some bad meals as a child and is still regurgitating from them. Perhaps one day he'll find a way to overcome all of that.

Naw, I'll never forgive the people who lied to me throughout my childhood, thanks.

Interesting. At 11 and 12 I still did not understand what it all meant in portions of the Old Testament so I did not concern myself with the portions that were beyond my comprehension.

Oh, really? It's perfectly clear.

The Old Testament was written by Bronze Age savages who called everything they didn't understand as "God".
You are the one in the religious section child.
And here you are, claiming one is absolutely correct. So maybe you should get out of the religious section and go to the Christian cult section, if you can't handle your preferred little nugget of hilarious, magical nonsense being lumped in with voodoo and astrology. And it is clear you are not equipped to handle this.

And get it straight: you are not "correcting" anyone to reiterate your claim that your magical spells,chants, and texts are the"correct" ones, anymore than a jihadist is "correcting" people when he blows them up at a bus stop. You are both delusional believers of magical horseshit.

And let's be clear about another thing: the one being chdish is the one believing in zombie gods and vengeful spirits and doting sky daddies. That would be you. I long ago put away these childish toys. Grow up, son.
Listen to yourself you little turd. You came into a conversation post about Jesus and start claiming that someone is forcing their beliefs on you. That makes your full of crap.
Like many others Joe was fed some bad meals as a child and is still regurgitating from them. Perhaps one day he'll find a way to overcome all of that.

Naw, I'll never forgive the people who lied to me throughout my childhood, thanks.

Interesting. At 11 and 12 I still did not understand what it all meant in portions of the Old Testament so I did not concern myself with the portions that were beyond my comprehension.

Oh, really? It's perfectly clear.

The Old Testament was written by Bronze Age savages who called everything they didn't understand as "God".
Like I said you ate some bad meals apparently and now you seem to want to blame that on everyone.
Like I said you ate some bad meals apparently and now you seem to want to blame that on everyone.

I posted a thread here about this a few months ago. Liberalism is an emotional stunting in childhood. The Democrat Party is the norming of pathologies rather than trying to cure them.
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Pssst...Jews dont believe Jesus is God either.

and you never wonder why?

No. I know why. Which is irrelevant. The point is Christianity isnt a rabbinical jewish religion. So why would you say "Jews dont believe in hell" any more than you would say "Hindus dont believe in Hell". Neither are Christians.
You have no more idea what Jews believe than you you do about Christians. All that survived the destruction of the Temple were the Pharisees. Judaism died.

"Why isnt Hell mentioned until the New testament" is as ignorant a question as "why doesnt Shinto mention the Apostle Paul"
Listen to yourself you little turd. You came into a conversation post about Jesus and start claiming that someone is forcing their beliefs on you.
I made no such claim, and that is a shameless lie that anyone can see for themselves by reading the thread. Lies make baby Jesus cry.

I said you claimed your magical voodoo is absolutely correct. Of course you have to say this, because the whole thing falls apart if you don't. I say your preferred bit of magical nonsense is no different than any other, in that it's magical hooha. And then you threw a little fit.

But, if history has taught us anything, you absolutely would force your beliefs on me, if you could. But, thanks to our modern society enlightened by secular ideas, you can't. So trust me, I'm not worried.
Like I said you ate some bad meals apparently and now you seem to want to blame that on everyone.

No, I specifically blame the lying assholes who told me if I prayed REALLY Hard, my mom's cancer would get better.

And then this BITCH of a nun had the fucking nerve to show up at her funeral and say God had a reason.

Fuck Religion. Fuck liars with bibles. And Fuck you too, I wouldn't want you to feel left out.

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