Are You Going to Hell?

You do not follow what Jesus taught. If you did you would not be worshipping him as if he was God himself, you would not be misleading others to do the same, which amounts to murder, and you would not be denouncing his teaching that the law of God is figurative, the subjects hidden as revealed to him by God which is exactly what I am saying.

I didn't write the Bible but anyone who takes an honest look at what was written can see that what I am saying is exactly what Jesus taught which, because you reject that teaching, exposes you as an actor and lying fraud.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
This is what I know: Anyone who has seen the face of God does not treat others as you do--and it was Jesus who was at the root of my own experience. God loves us all, and wants no one to feel they are above anyone else, or speak for Him in their condemnations of others and/or their faiths. Who cannot be happy that you found a path that works for you. My doubts lie in recommending your path to anyone else as it seems to result in treating others and their faith with contempt. That is out of bounds.

Oh please. enough with the maudlin crap already. Out of bounds? really? lol

If you had faith you would have given up your iniquitous superstitious archaic lore a very long time ago.

If your feelings are injured when someone points out the obvious you can blame that on yourself.

No one is forcing you to lie in the name of God, no one is forcing you to reject the truth when you hear it, no one is forcing you live in a fantasy world, no one is forcing you to deny your sin of idolatry even though it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

Don't take it too hard. Because of your great faith many people of all religions languages and nationalities will come to believe that Jesus was right and the law of God remains in effect and in full force.

You say you love Jesus? But not enough to be proven wrong by Jesus being proven right?

Is that what you are telling me?
You can never know what Jesus taught because you don't accept who Jesus is or why he did what he did.

Jesus taught us to be honest with ourselves and not rationalize our sins. He taught us to acknowledge our sins. He taught us that we have no need to rationalize our sins because he paid for our sins with his sacrifice which is something you don't believe. He taught that we can’t fix what is broken until we acknowledge what is broken. He taught us that it is possible to transform ourselves. He taught a very personal message.

lol... yeah right. Jesus taught us this and Jesus taught us that and died to save ya'll from ya'll's sins. So what do ya'll do? Ya'll confess things that are not sinful and then to show God just how sorry ya'll are for ya'll's sins, ya'll violate the first commandment and get down on ya'll's knees to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life believing that if only ya'll had the faith to remain obstinate and oblivious for the rest of ya'll's life God will welcome ya'll into paradise.

Brilliant! lol....

Did ya'll think that God was an imbecile?
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You do not follow what Jesus taught. If you did you would not be worshipping him as if he was God himself, you would not be misleading others to do the same, which amounts to murder, and you would not be denouncing his teaching that the law of God is figurative, the subjects hidden as revealed to him by God which is exactly what I am saying.

I didn't write the Bible but anyone who takes an honest look at what was written can see that what I am saying is exactly what Jesus taught which, because you reject that teaching, exposes you as an actor and lying fraud.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
This is what I know: Anyone who has seen the face of God does not treat others as you do--and it was Jesus who was at the root of my own experience. God loves us all, and wants no one to feel they are above anyone else, or speak for Him in their condemnations of others and/or their faiths. Who cannot be happy that you found a path that works for you. My doubts lie in recommending your path to anyone else as it seems to result in treating others and their faith with contempt. That is out of bounds.

Oh please. enough with the maudlin crap already. Out of bounds? really? lol

If you had faith you would have given up your iniquitous superstitious archaic lore a very long time ago.

If your feelings are injured when someone points out the obvious you can blame that on yourself.

No one is forcing you to lie in the name of God, no one is forcing you to reject the truth when you hear it, no one is forcing you live in a fantasy world, no one is forcing you to deny your sin of idolatry even though it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

Don't take it too hard. Because of your great faith many people of all religions languages and nationalities will come to believe that Jesus was right and the law of God remains in effect and in full force.

You say you love Jesus? But not enough to be proven wrong by Jesus being proven right?

Is that what you are telling me?
You can never know what Jesus taught because you don't accept who Jesus is or why he did what he did.

Jesus taught us to be honest with ourselves and not rationalize our sins. He taught us to acknowledge our sins. He taught us that we have no need to rationalize our sins because he paid for our sins with his sacrifice which is something you don't believe. He taught that we can’t fix what is broken until we acknowledge what is broken. He taught us that it is possible to transform ourselves. He taught a very personal message.

lol... yeah right. Jesus taught us this and Jesus taught us that and died to save ya'll from ya'll's sins. So what do ya'll do? Ya'll confess things that are not sinful and then to show God just how sorry ya'll are for ya'll's sins, ya'll violate the first commandment and get down on ya'll's knees to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life.

Brilliant! lol....

Did ya'll think that God was an imbecile?
I just told you what I learned from Jesus. What you wrote doesn't sound anything like it.

lol... yeah right. Jesus taught us this and Jesus taught us that and died to save ya'll from ya'll's sins.
No. Weren't you listening. Jesus taught that we can be transformed. That it is possible. We still have to follow his example. It's not about theology or rituals or tradition, it is about the way.

So what do ya'll do? Ya'll confess things that are not sinful and then to show God just how sorry ya'll are for ya'll's sins
Yes we confess our sins out loud. That is how one releases the power sin holds over us. It is like a weight being lifted off of you. We are only as sick as our secrets. To be able to do that we must first acknowledge our sins, and to do that we can't rationalize our sins away. We have to be honest with ourselves because we can't fix what we don't acknowledge is broken.

ya'll violate the first commandment and get down on ya'll's knees to worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life.
That's a very Jewish statement. Are you evangelizing Judaism to a Christian?

You are literally taking exception based upon theology.

I happen to believe that everyone leads a spiritual life because we were created by spirit. You wish to argue theology. I wish to promote spirit. All religions strive to accomplish this goal.
Your mom will live again. I'm sorry for your anger and hopelessness

I always have hope and I enjoy my anger. If you are on the business end of my anger, you've probably done something to deserve it.

But getting back to the subject of Hell. Let's say you had a friend.

And this friend was constantly insisting you praise him, do what he tells you to do, and threatens to punish you if you don't adore him enough.

I think you'd want this person the fuck out of your life as quickly as possible.

So if you wouldn't tolerate this behavior from a friend, why would you tolerate it from a God?

Interesting caricature. No wonder you don’t know God.

God isn’t just some friend. He’s our father. He created us. He loved us so much but he made the ultimate sacrifice so we could have mercy.

We don’t praise him because he demand it. We don’t praise him because will be punished otherwise. We praise him because he loves us. We praise him because he’s good. We praise him because he’s full of mercy.

We love him because he loved us first. When you feel the love of God you will understand.
Why are you of the mind that God insists that you praise Him?

Oh, the first four commandments.... to start with. Man, the guy has a fragile ego.

Remember, the whole premise of this thread is that God will totally send you to Hell if you don't believe in him.

The first commandment God gave man was to multiply and replenish the earth. Another words, go have sex with your wife, Make families, be happy.

That’s an awesome God
We don’t praise him because he demand it. We don’t praise him because will be punished otherwise.
And yet the evil,vain god does demand it, and does say you will be punished otherwise. It's right there in your instruction book.
Why do you take a book you don't believe in and consistently take it out of context?

Can't your arguments stand on their own.

I think it is actually worse than that though, I don't believe these beliefs you hold are things you have actually researched yourself. I believe they are beliefs you accepted from others. You think they are sound arguments but under close scrutiny they won't stand up.

My point of all of this is that that is not the purpose of the book. The book is effectively a how to book. How to live and how not to live. The focus is on the journey or way. Not the destination. So I find your argument to be what I would call a fringe argument.
Oh, the first four commandments.... to start with. Man, the guy has a fragile ego.

Remember, the whole premise of this thread is that God will totally send you to Hell if you don't believe in him.
To begin with, the premise is wrong (something I learned as a child). Second, the first four commandments are for our benefit, not God's. It sets the type of priorities we should have for a fulfilling and peaceful life.

This perspective has nothing to do with a fragile ego, but rather someone who cares about our lives. Thus, fragile ego aside, we can open our eyes to a more in depth look at God and what He reveals about Himself. Notice His vulnerability. He comes to us as a child; in doing so, He is not above death; He needs the help of physical beings to assist others; He is not found in power and might, but rather the tiniest of whispers.

It’s very true that the commandments are for our benefit.

1) don’t have any other Gods before Hi
2) don’t make any graven images.

Both have the same premise: don’t waste your time with beings and things that can’t help you. Don’t be deceived by nothing and miss everything.

3) don’t take the Lords name in vain.

Don’t be insincere with your covenants. Don’t be a hypocrite.

4) work six days. Rest on the Sabbath

As Christ said, the Sabbath was made for man. We need to work. We need to rest. Both are blessings to us
Stop right there. Don't change lanes on me. We are talking about treating their faith with contempt. Not the same thing. Please correct your trick/error and fashion a more appropriate response. Thanks.
Nothing doing, not when you use a broad brush. Few of that faith are at bus stops murdering babies, and you know it.
Am I going to Hell?

Well... I am not a religious man, though I do try to treat people with respect, I try not to be a jerk, I try to be helpful... I open doors for women, help older folks when I can... I do my best to lead what some would call a morally good life, faithful to my wife, good to my kids and grandkids...

All that being said, I'll say this... If heaven is full of the assholes I've met on message boards who say THEY'RE going to heaven, then I can only hope my ticket is punched for Hell...

The after life is far more complex than the medieval church’s Heaven and hell dichotomy.

God will be perfectly just and he will be perfectly merciful
What is hell? What is heaven? What do you believe exactly and why should everyone else believe it?

The law of God is the firmament, the basis of heaven, the world above. Lawlessness is the firmament of the earth, the world below.

Conform to the instruction of the law and you will enter the kingdom of Heaven here and now on earth.

If not hell is all your life will ever be. Your world will be without shape or form and void, and darkness will cover the face of the deep, everything, no matter how much you whine about it, no matter how many times you go to church, no matter how loudly you curse the sky, will remain an incomprehensible mystery.

Even so, in the dungeons of hell, many people have had the best times of their lives.

God really isn't such a meanie .

But many are ok with this. Who says life has to have meaning?

Many people are Ok with this I know. I was OK with it until I found a more intelligent way to interpret scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality and left it all behind.

If someone wants to continue living a life without meaning, they can be my guest. If someone wants to enter the kingdom of Heaven and see God face to face while still living on earth, come, follow me in thinking intelligently and rationally to understand what Jesus actually taught about the only way to interpret and conform to the law of God that fulfills the promise of a eternal life while still in a human body on earth, whatever its condition.

You might not realize this but by being skeptical you are actually in compliance with the hidden teaching of Kosher law to stand guard over the purity of your own mind by discriminating between clean and unclean teaching.

You are already doing some of what the law demands. How could you not believe in its wisdom?

Why not go all the way?

I've been on both sides. Twice. I don't think I'm pure. I only think that I have my own right to choose. This is the epitome of the concept of freedom. All life is a risk. But there are no "right" answers. At least, none that are provable by the human mind.

That’s why we need to be taught by the Holy Spirit. He can reveal things to us that the human mind cannot prove
Am I going to Hell?

Well... I am not a religious man, though I do try to treat people with respect, I try not to be a jerk, I try to be helpful... I open doors for women, help older folks when I can... I do my best to lead what some would call a morally good life, faithful to my wife, good to my kids and grandkids...

All that being said, I'll say this... If heaven is full of the assholes I've met on message boards who say THEY'RE going to heaven, then I can only hope my ticket is punched for Hell...

The after life is far more complex than the medieval church’s Heaven and hell dichotomy.

God will be perfectly just and he will be perfectly merciful

Well, here's to hoping that if I'm wrong, you're right... :beer:
Nothing doing, not when you use a broad brush.
Transparent whining. The broadness of the brush only bothers you when it is your particular,preferred nugget of magical nonsense that is included. Then, suddenly, you conflate it with contempt for you, personally, because you internalize your magical beliefs.

So, you use this as a contrived, convenient little cudgel to avoid the difference between contempt for faith and contempt for those practicing it. And you do this because you are lazy and simple and want to cling to low hanging fruit that is easier for you to contend with. And you do this because it makes it easier to justify your own behavior.

I've seen this re-run before.
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Forgive me but I dont
Of course, that's a shamless lie, and you know it. How embarrassing. In reality, we should all be more suspect that the person carrying around the instruction book for these actions is the one guilty of them. That would be you
If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?

Last time I checked, humans Were saved. I’m pretty sure both you and I are human
God saved more animals than humans.
It's an allegorical account of a historical event, Taz. Don't get too emotional over it.
If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?

Last time I checked, humans Were saved. I’m pretty sure both you and I are human
God saved more animals than humans.
It's an allegorical account of a historical event, Taz. Don't get too emotional over it.
I like my fairy tale more. It has kangaroos in it. :biggrin:
If you believe that God is a prick you will become a prick whether you believe in God or not..
God would rather save kangaroos then save humans drowning. If not a prick, then what?

Last time I checked, humans Were saved. I’m pretty sure both you and I are human
God saved more animals than humans.

God saves 8 humans from the flood. The most He saved of any other animal was 7

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