Are you happy now?

I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?

I have no sympathy for the republicans.

They were warned in 2015 and 2016. Then again in 2018 and then again in 2019 at the impeachment.

If democrats are smart, they will make ads with this in 2022 to make sure people know what republicans are if they vote for them.

I hope the Lincoln Project quickly gets to work.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?

I have no sympathy for the republicans.

They were warned in 2015 and 2016. Then again in 2018 and then again in 2019 at the impeachment.

If democrats are smart, they will make ads with this in 2022 to make sure people know what republicans are if they vote for them.

I hope the Lincoln Project quickly gets to work.
Warned? You should be ashamed for all the concocted lies and trash you threw at the President. Total disregard for the law and any decency at all. Republicans work and appreciate opportunities like this guy gave us, you dregs want everything handed to you.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
Can you not for once not be a divisive prick? No one is happy our country is this divided. At least no one sane. Please shut your stupid ugly divisive mouth.

Trump is. He thrives on it.
Trump has built a giant Trump tower in your empty head. Even when he is long gone you'll remain a divisive prick.

LOL - I'm not divisive at all. We need consensus more than anything right now. That's why I despise Trump. He is the antithesis of consensus. He thrives of divisive conflict and anger. And his followers eat it up.

The one possible silver lining in all of this is that the total loss to the Democrats might make it easier for Republicans to separate themselves from the Trump idiots. We'll see.
I call it not taking the lifer bs from either party, from people way more interested in themselves than call that divisive. He pushes for individual opportunity and only some of us, evidently, are interested in that. The rest, the dregs, want to be taken care of. That is individual choice, not mandating everyone follow the edicts I tell you to.

He's a con man. I'm sorry you don't see it.
That's funny. You call out Trump for being a con man after you are conned day in and day out by your commie party.

*sigh* - for the thousandth time, I'm not a commie. Not a Democrat. I'm actively opposed to them and their agenda. The reason I despise Trump, the reason I've opposed him since he was elected, is because I knew that exactly this would happen. His populist nitwits would drag conservatism into the sewer, and Democrats would be left unopposed. Thanks.
They aren’t all populists. Your broad brush is disturbing.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?

I have no sympathy for the republicans.

They were warned in 2015 and 2016. Then again in 2018 and then again in 2019 at the impeachment.

If democrats are smart, they will make ads with this in 2022 to make sure people know what republicans are if they vote for them.

I hope the Lincoln Project quickly gets to work.
Warned? You should be ashamed for all the concocted lies and trash you threw at the President. Total disregard for the law and any decency at all. Republicans work and appreciate opportunities like this guy gave us, you dregs want everything handed to you.
Dana is a cowardly partisan hack. Never discusses issues just opinion and her fake morals.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.

Alex jones, qanon, newsmax, fox news and all the right wing media are some of the reasons why this is happening.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.

Alex jones, qanon, newsmax, fox news and all the right wing media are some of the reasons why this is happening.
And you live in liberal Bizarro World.
And why do you think that was? NO EVIDENCE to support convening a trial.

Are you a deliberate delinquent, Jack? How do you review and test mountains of evidence if you summarily refuse to even consider the case on technicalities? Quit being a LYING SACK-O-SHIT Jack. NOT ONE JUDGE SAID THERE WAS "no evidence."

No evidence. Are you dumb? Or just stupid? If there was evidence, there would have been a trial, complete with witnesses under oath. But, alas, crickets. He lost. Suck it..erm...Deal with it.

You really are a clueless fuck, Jack. You have NO IDEA how courts work or the details of any of these cases.

SHOW ME one instance where Trump's case was dismissed FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. SHOW IT.

I guess you think Rudy walked into these courts with nothing but his dick in his hand.

I'VE seen much of the evidence. So if little ME knows there was evidence, there was E*V*I*D*E*N*C*E.

You've seen what your alt-right media parrots want you to see. They just keep hammering it. Meanwhile, back in reality, all of the cases..were dismissed due to lack of evidence..except for the one SC case that was dismissed for lack of standing...way to go Texas! :auiqs.jpg:
And why do you think that was? NO EVIDENCE to support convening a trial.

Are you a deliberate delinquent, Jack? How do you review and test mountains of evidence if you summarily refuse to even consider the case on technicalities? Quit being a LYING SACK-O-SHIT Jack. NOT ONE JUDGE SAID THERE WAS "no evidence."

No evidence. Are you dumb? Or just stupid? If there was evidence, there would have been a trial, complete with witnesses under oath. But, alas, crickets. He lost. Suck it..erm...Deal with it.

You really are a clueless fuck, Jack. You have NO IDEA how courts work or the details of any of these cases.

SHOW ME one instance where Trump's case was dismissed FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. SHOW IT.

I guess you think Rudy walked into these courts with nothing but his dick in his hand.

I'VE seen much of the evidence. So if little ME knows there was evidence, there was E*V*I*D*E*N*C*E.

You've seen what your alt-right media parrots want you to see. They just keep hammering it. Meanwhile, back in reality, all of the cases..were dismissed due to lack of evidence..except for the one SC case that was dismissed for lack of standing...way to go Texas! :auiqs.jpg:
The leftyvirus finally gave you the method to get rid of the President...the fake mailin ballots did it.
And why do you think that was? NO EVIDENCE to support convening a trial.

Are you a deliberate delinquent, Jack? How do you review and test mountains of evidence if you summarily refuse to even consider the case on technicalities? Quit being a LYING SACK-O-SHIT Jack. NOT ONE JUDGE SAID THERE WAS "no evidence."

No evidence. Are you dumb? Or just stupid? If there was evidence, there would have been a trial, complete with witnesses under oath. But, alas, crickets. He lost. Suck it..erm...Deal with it.

You really are a clueless fuck, Jack. You have NO IDEA how courts work or the details of any of these cases.

SHOW ME one instance where Trump's case was dismissed FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. SHOW IT.

I guess you think Rudy walked into these courts with nothing but his dick in his hand.

I'VE seen much of the evidence. So if little ME knows there was evidence, there was E*V*I*D*E*N*C*E.

You've seen what your alt-right media parrots want you to see. They just keep hammering it. Meanwhile, back in reality, all of the cases..were dismissed due to lack of evidence..except for the one SC case that was dismissed for lack of standing...way to go Texas! :auiqs.jpg:
The leftyvirus finally gave you the method to get rid of the President...the fake mailin ballots did it.

Can you, even for a moment, consider the possibility that it was Trump's personality that did it? Maybe you love the guy, but many, many of us don't. We see him as a con-man and a liar. Even if he's telling us what we want to hear.
You've seen what your alt-right media parrots want you to see.

You haven't a fucking clue what I see Jack. That's why you can't produce ONE CASE thrown out for lack of evidence.

Read...and feel free to scream at the sky. And this, ain't even close to all of them.

"In Nevada, a suit asked that Mr Trump be named the winner in the state or that the results be void with no winner certified, alleging illegal voting. This was rejected by the state's Supreme Court, stating there was "no credible or reliable evidence" of fraud ".

And why do you think that was? NO EVIDENCE to support convening a trial.

Are you a deliberate delinquent, Jack? How do you review and test mountains of evidence if you summarily refuse to even consider the case on technicalities? Quit being a LYING SACK-O-SHIT Jack. NOT ONE JUDGE SAID THERE WAS "no evidence."

No evidence. Are you dumb? Or just stupid? If there was evidence, there would have been a trial, complete with witnesses under oath. But, alas, crickets. He lost. Suck it..erm...Deal with it.

You really are a clueless fuck, Jack. You have NO IDEA how courts work or the details of any of these cases.

SHOW ME one instance where Trump's case was dismissed FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. SHOW IT.

I guess you think Rudy walked into these courts with nothing but his dick in his hand.

I'VE seen much of the evidence. So if little ME knows there was evidence, there was E*V*I*D*E*N*C*E.

You've seen what your alt-right media parrots want you to see. They just keep hammering it. Meanwhile, back in reality, all of the cases..were dismissed due to lack of evidence..except for the one SC case that was dismissed for lack of standing...way to go Texas! :auiqs.jpg:
The leftyvirus finally gave you the method to get rid of the President...the fake mailin ballots did it.

Can you, even for a moment, consider the possibility that it was Trump's personality that did it? Maybe you love the guy, but many, many of us don't. We see him as a con-man and a liar. Even if he's telling us what we want to hear.
Did what? Those things definitely got him elected as a welcome change. Don't love him, just the things he did for someone trying to keep a good job and make some money before I retire. If those aren't goals for you then of course, go back to the Kumbaya, everyone needs to be taken care of, $15/hour fast food jobs, no good jobs stay in America regime.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?

Democrats are after single party rule.

Americans are after getting the government off our backs - as was intended. Destroy the ring instead of embracing its evil.

I am utterly satisfied. Finally the forces of good are fighting back and not cucking and caving like a wet blanket.
Read...and feel free to scream at the sky. And this, ain't even close to all of them.

Swing and a miss. Nice try using a fallacy of equivalence. You said all of the cases were thrown out for LACK OF EVIDENCE. Now you are trying to claim one case was thrown out for NOT PROVING FRAUD. I don't think fraud was the argument in ANY of the cases! :21:

The Texas case was based on the equal protection under the law clause and it was only dismissed because Roberts didn't want the court involved in an election dispute so argued lack of standing claiming they should have filed months before the election before there was any harm or damage to base the case on! :laugh2:

You are so fucking red-faced busted again.
That's why you can't produce ONE CASE thrown out for lack of evidence.

Pure dogshit.

Did you actually go through specific reasons case after case after case after case was thrown out???

Most were in fact thrown out for LACK OF EVIDENCE. Meaning the court considered what little evidence was presented and found it to be inadequate to support the claims.

Here, have a read through one such ruling:

Though it alleges many conclusions, the Second Amended Complaint is light on facts. Take the nearly identical paragraphs introducing Counts One, Two, Four, and Six: “Democrats who controlled the Defendant County Election Boards engaged in a deliberate scheme of intentional and purposeful discrimination . . . by excluding Republican and Trump Campaign observers from the canvassing of the mail ballots in order to conceal their decision not to enforce [certain ballot] requirements.” Second Am. Compl. ¶¶ 167, 193, 222, 252. That is conclusory. So is the claim that, “pon information and belief, a substantial portion of the approximately 1.5 million absentee and mail votes in Defendant Counties should not have been counted.” Id. ¶¶ 168, 194, 223, 253. “Upon information and belief” is a lawyerly way of saying that the Campaign does not know that something is a fact but just suspects it or has heard it. “While legal conclusions can provide the framework of a complaint, they must be supported by factual allegations.” Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 679. Yet the Campaign offers no specific facts to back up these claims.

Read...and feel free to scream at the sky. And this, ain't even close to all of them.

Swing and a miss. Nice try using a fallacy of equivalence. You said all of the cases were thrown out for LACK OF EVIDENCE. Now you are trying to claim one case was thrown out for NOT PROVING FRAUD. I don't think fraud was the argument in ANY of the cases! :21:

The Texas case was based on the equal protection under the law clause and it was only dismissed because Roberts didn't want the court involved in an election dispute so argued lack of standing claiming they should have filed months before the election before there was any harm or damage to base the case on! :laugh2:

You are so fucking red-faced busted again.

Facts are not the language these utter morons speak. They only understand force and sometimes at best immediate visual feedback.

Well, here is the feedback of today. This, even a moron understands.


And yes, Americans are happy of the sight. Very, very happy...
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If you voted for this, I don't care how much pressure you used when clenching your nose while preverbally pulling the lever, you're an asshole.

Agreed. If indeed you're in Georgia and you voted for the Dim takeover for the Senate, you truly are an asshole.

Considering the topic of this thread your comment is idiotic. Then again you're one of the assholes who voted for the Imbecile Jesus currently hiding out in the Whitehouse.

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