Are you now ashamed if you did early voting for Biden?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Forget about his extreme far Left policies that will destroy this country.

Forget about his dementia.

Forget that he has never done anything in his life.

Forget that he is dumber than a doorknob that never gets anything right.

Forget about the fact that he was part of the worse administration in the history of the republic.

Now that his corruption has been exposed big time if you did vote early for the grifter aren't you ashamed that you voted for somebody that corrupt? He sold out his country.

We told you he was a terrible candidate. You never should have elected him to be the Presidential candidate for the Party of Moon Bats. As bad as he is Commie Bernie would have been a more "honest" candidate. Bat shit crazy but at least you knew where he was coming from.

Here is the chance for you Moon Bats to apologize to America if you have already cast your vote for the dickhead.
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PROGS are going on the new idea that shucks Biden is a caring man, share the love like Seattle has become the city of love, which is code for scum and riots.

PROGS have no honor
Forget about his extreme far Left policies that will destroy this country.

Forget about his dementia.

Forget that he has never done anything in his life.

Forget that he is dumber than a doorknob that never gets anything right.

Forget about the fact that he was part of the worse administration in the history of the republic.

Now that his corruption has been exposed big time if you did you early voted for the grifter aren't you ashamed that you voted for somebody that corrupt? He sold out his country.

We told you he was a terrible candidate. You never should have elected him to be the Presidential candidate for the Party of Moon Bats. As bad as he is Commie Bernie would have been a more "honest" candidate. Bat shit crazy but at least you knew where he was coming from.

Here is the chance for you Moon Bats to apologize to America if you have already cast your vote for the dickhead.

Nothing has been "exposed" regarding Biden. Until there is solid proof, and law enforcement actions - it's back to "any day now".

And you seem to be confused as to WHO is on the ticket. It's not Hunter.
You're not going to find very many people who are ashamed of voting against The Donald ...

Joe Biden is hiding his activities in The Ukraine ... The Donald is in our faces with his activities in The Ukraine ... I don't like what either did, but honesty does matter ...
Forget about his extreme far Left policies that will destroy this country.

Forget about his dementia.

Forget that he has never done anything in his life.

Forget that he is dumber than a doorknob that never gets anything right.

Forget about the fact that he was part of the worse administration in the history of the republic.

Now that his corruption has been exposed big time if you did you early voted for the grifter aren't you ashamed that you voted for somebody that corrupt? He sold out his country.

We told you he was a terrible candidate. You never should have elected him to be the Presidential candidate for the Party of Moon Bats. As bad as he is Commie Bernie would have been a more "honest" candidate. Bat shit crazy but at least you knew where he was coming from.

Here is the chance for you Moon Bats to apologize to America if you have already cast your vote for the dickhead.
The fools are simply too stupid to realize that they're all fools. If they're dumb enough to be a Democrat in the first place that alone is primiafacia evidence that they don't have sense enough to know what fools they are to begin with.
Forget about his extreme far Left policies that will destroy this country.

Forget about his dementia.

Forget that he has never done anything in his life.

Forget that he is dumber than a doorknob that never gets anything right.

Forget about the fact that he was part of the worse administration in the history of the republic.

Now that his corruption has been exposed big time if you did you early voted for the grifter aren't you ashamed that you voted for somebody that corrupt? He sold out his country.

We told you he was a terrible candidate. You never should have elected him to be the Presidential candidate for the Party of Moon Bats. As bad as he is Commie Bernie would have been a more "honest" candidate. Bat shit crazy but at least you knew where he was coming from.

Here is the chance for you Moon Bats to apologize to America if you have already cast your vote for the dickhead.

Nothing has been "exposed" regarding Biden. Until there is solid proof, and law enforcement actions - it's back to "any day now".

And you seem to be confused as to WHO is on the ticket. It's not Hunter.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats get your information from fake news like CNN and MSNBC and other idiot Left Wing new sources so you haven't heard the story of the exposed emails that clearly indicated he was selling out his country and the collaboration by Hunter's business partner.

Your boy got caught and all your filthy ass denial won't change that.

You Moon Bats are denying Biden corruption just like you assholes denied Crooked Hillary's corruption four years ago. Shame on you! Is a bigger welfare check so important to you that you will vote for some corrupt asshole like Biden that sold out his country so you can get other people to pay your bills? Where are your morals?

Where is your apology Moon Bat?
Hell, I was ashamed WHEN I voted for him. But the alternative is so ugly that it didn't matter, and still doesn't.
Now we are going to the outdo each other part to change the nation into a shithole. And the Progs are the ones who have had a head start for decades. So if they win in november we wil have a couple new Prog states, 4 more Supreme Court judges, trillions for eco environment. trillions in extra taxes for us all, trillions charged to us all for national health insurance, Massive increases in fuel and energy prices, huge increases in products and services, pay the bills for certain groups of the peasants, and a promise not to increase our federal income taxes if of the working class.
I wonder if these stupid uneducated Moon Bats have a clue as to how idiotic they sound in their denial of Biden's corruption when the sonofabitch has been caught red handed selling out his country?

Hell, I was ashamed WHEN I voted for him. But the alternative is so ugly that it didn't matter, and still doesn't.
The indirect premise that Americans deserve better candidates is spot-on. Although I maintain respect for what the founding fathers accomplished, considering the time period and having little to go by in the way of forming a democratic republic, there were of course things they had no way of foreseeing.

One thing that's not changed: elected officials are those who tend to sell themselves the best to the most voters, however they can. These are by far not the best people for the job, regardless of party. What denies the best people from running? The REQUIREMENT to have access to multi-millions (which will soon be billions) narrows it down to only the most wealthy, or having donors who are wealthy being able to run. Do I envy those who are wealthy? Absolutely not, if they're honest as hard work should pay off. Should it be a requirement to have millions or billions to run for office or does this level of wealth ensure that he or she is an exceptional candidate? Absolutely not.

As most know, corruption has infiltrated and ingrained itself in various political arenas (the perfect word for it-arenas). If we humans can't get it right there is another race going on globally that could soon become a factor. The use of AI replacing humans in key positions to "get things right" is no longer "sci-fi". As it stands, our constant political divisions (no longer a decent system of checks and balances but chaotic), one-upping, and all the other futile tactics are not working for us.

The way forward: candidates should be given a battery of tests including: IQ, personality, ethical decision making assessment, emotional IQ, and knowledge tests about the country and the world. Now there's something many would fail, including me! The results would be known by all voters, however, the individual names left out of it until the winner is declared based upon the results. Of course, we humans would still likely screw it up, bickering over the way the questions were worded or claiming that certain candidates didn't score as high as their backers assumed they would so it must have been rigged somehow. It's often wearing to be human;)

Can you imagine a country that actually decides to select the smartest, most globally informed, most emotionally stable, and most sane individual as its leader? I'm not sure which past president would have fared well given those screening measures as most of us do our best with limited skill sets, so upping the requirements for leadership seems quite reasonable. If and when Americans come together collectively to demand better representation, it can happen.
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