Areas Prep for Riots...

Why do ninety percent of those people look like street urchins?
And then you have the scene were some chick is leading what appears to be a twelve year old around by the hand. What a great idea!! Lets bring the kids down to the protest so we can get a jump on the charges they'll be accruing for the rest of their lives.
Pure trash!!
With few exceptions, riots grow out of peaceful demonstrations where people just show up to show their support for whatever. Someone decides to have some fun by throwing a rock or bottle and it starts. Most peacefully demonstrations remain so. Riots are the exception.

As with everything, what you see on media is not the norm but the exceptions.

Maybe if you gather up a bunch of degenerates.
You never saw that at a Tea Party rally.
I doubt there will be riots like there was in 1992.

Cell phones make flash mob riots much more probable. Get 200 or 300 in a flash mob. They can loot, vandaluze and set fires then be gone before the police can get there.
Sounds like a Wednesday night in Chicago.
If there are riots, I hope all involved are shot dead! We are in perilous times, and we can't afford to have anymore negative impacts on our economy. This is a national security issue!
It's not that whites don't "riot", but when was the last time the Nat'l guard had to be deployed after endless days of chaos and entire cities in turmoil over a stupid football game riot?

Furthermore were any of these "sports riots" limited to whites?

I would guess they're limited to bed wetters who vote the same way you do if they vote at all.

So where was the premise of my thread proven to be bullshit then? You are the only one bringing up the National Guard. Nice uh...what did you call it? Oh Nice deflection asshole

Your "premise" is that whites are more prone to riots. That's bullshit, because there have been no riots limited to white people since?????

My premise is that whites riot more often than blacks YET whites pretend blacks riot all the time. So often that the last time was 20 years ago :doubt:

Are you now narrowing this topic to riot exclusivity? There have been no riots limited to blacks either...doesn't stop you from pretending tho does it?
The LA riot was the last LARGE riot to grip the nation, before that it was the Watts riot. But recently black flash have been terrorizing areas and have been MOTIVATED solely by racial hatred! WI fair was one of them! Chicago has seen them regularly. Woman and children are targeted as long as they were white (or even Asian or Latino).

See Ghook is saying the same as most others that say they aren't racist BUT they just happen to agree with others. Cries about unfair "race cards"

Then Ghook goes behind the scenes and says this when no ones looking


:lol: Blacks just like to go shopping together. Sometimes they get a little hyper. :lol:
Windows covered with plywood ... inside and out. Check

Bathtubs filled and fire extinguishers charged. Check

Doors braced with 4x4's check.

AK-47's charged. Check.
Why do ninety percent of those people look like street urchins?
And then you have the scene were some chick is leading what appears to be a twelve year old around by the hand. What a great idea!! Lets bring the kids down to the protest so we can get a jump on the charges they'll be accruing for the rest of their lives.
Pure trash!!
With few exceptions, riots grow out of peaceful demonstrations where people just show up to show their support for whatever. Someone decides to have some fun by throwing a rock or bottle and it starts. Most peacefully demonstrations remain so. Riots are the exception.

As with everything, what you see on media is not the norm but the exceptions.

Maybe if you gather up a bunch of degenerates.
You never saw that at a Tea Party rally.
Most of people at Tea Party rallies, are the "haves" in society who are there to make sure they keep what they've got. People with education, jobs, and money are less likely to turn to violence.
With few exceptions, riots grow out of peaceful demonstrations where people just show up to show their support for whatever. Someone decides to have some fun by throwing a rock or bottle and it starts. Most peacefully demonstrations remain so. Riots are the exception.

As with everything, what you see on media is not the norm but the exceptions.

Maybe if you gather up a bunch of degenerates.
You never saw that at a Tea Party rally.
Most of people at Tea Party rallies, are the "haves" in society who are there to make sure they keep what they've got. People with education, jobs, and money are less likely to turn to violence.

Is that an excuse? Well I guess the OWS crowd should get of their collective asses and start working for a living. They might have a legit reason for protesting then.
As it is they're a bunch of lazy ne're-do-wells.
Windows covered with plywood ... inside and out. Check

Bathtubs filled and fire extinguishers charged. Check

Doors braced with 4x4's check.

AK-47's charged. Check.

You forgot about strategically placed clay flower pots full of tannerite in the front yard.

Pits dug, and punji sticks deployed. Check.

Spring guns installed in attic. Check.
are we expecting a verdict today?

Man I wish! The anticipation of the riots is killing me!

Seriously though,I cant imagine they'll be able to do it this fast.

I still find it amusing that no one even envisions conservatives causing even a mild disturbance if GZ is convicted. Yet those of us considering the possibility that blacks may riot are clearly racists, even though the race pimps have threatened to burn the state of Florida.

I can't believe people can be as stupid as the liberals here.
If the post not guilty verdict rioters in waiting were anticipating a quick, less than ten second length, introduction into the surgical use of a fixed bayonet in crowd control situations, they wouldn't be chomping as eagerly at the bit as they are.

Instead they've be given the signal from DC that its 'carte blanche' for the rioters to "Do whachuwill."

If George Washington hadn't responded as decisively to the Whiskey Rebellion as he did, there would likely have been no United States around to fight the War Of 1812.

"A house divided against itself cannot long stand" Even someone as historically illiterate as Comrade Barack Obama has to be familiar with that quote. Hundreds of evil men before our Comrade Barack have tried to use precisely that technique to achieve their illicit ends.

"Your chance to get even"(Against whites) Barack Obama during his 2012 campaign
"The Cambridge Police acted stupidly"
"To prosecute the Philadelphia NBPP for voting rights violations would be demeaning to my people"

Supppose GWB had said things as haughty and divisive, but in the other direction, racially?
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are we expecting a verdict today?

Man I wish! The anticipation of the riots is killing me!

Seriously though,I cant imagine they'll be able to do it this fast.

I still find it amusing that no one even envisions conservatives causing even a mild disturbance if GZ is convicted. Yet those of us considering the possibility that blacks may riot are clearly racists, even though the race pimps have threatened to burn the state of Florida.

I can't believe people can be as stupid as the liberals here.

And it's not just about the trial. You see it everyday here.
They come up with the most mind boggling conclusions from evidence that clearly points the opposite way.
I predict a hung jury on the lesser count which may squelch an eruption of violence. I remember as a boy after the ML King riots in D.C. my sister buying coffee for the national guard soilders posted on the corners of our upscale neighborhood ( Chevy Chase ) We were so afraid that the "*******" were going to burn our house down! Later when we saw what had happened along 14TH st, every store burned. It was indelible, it took over 20, years for the scars to go away.

I think we have come along way since then - I hope so! If their are riots, they ought to lock that fucking sharpton up!
Yes, I agree that the Lamestream Media has been overwhelmingly in favor of burning Zimmermann at the stake.

Same goes for Jackson and Sharpton, and, to a lesser extent, Fearless Leader, as well.

Fortunately for the States, their Governors are in charge of the National Guard when they're not in active Federal service, so, the Governors can call out their muscle and bitch-slap the rioters, if it comes to that.

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