Aren't you getting tired of this crap?: trump denied he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution

Well....Biden did not place in social media a post that advocated suspension of the boy did.

Did *biden uphold the Constitution when he said "surge to the border"?

Did he uphold the Constitution when he had that Ukrainian prosecutor fired?

Did he uphold the Constitution when he colluded with big tech to silence his opposition?

Again, your OP is nothing but deflection from what the democrats are doing.
Did *biden uphold the Constitution when he said "surge to the border"?

Did he uphold the Constitution when he had that Ukrainian prosecutor fired?

Did he uphold the Constitution when he colluded with big tech to silence his opposition?

Again, your OP is nothing but deflection from what the democrats are doing.
You are stupid. Bye
Where is the video?

If trump is guilty as you say lets see the evidence
Here is the actual quote.
.So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!
Now I personally find this to be stupid thing to put out but nowhere does he call for the termination of the Constitution or suspension of it he asked a question and makes a statement that it could be done which is highly questionable but that is not calling for it. Lets not forget Lincoln took some liberties with the Constitution when he suspended the writ of habeas corpus as did FDR when ordered the rounding up and internment of Japanese Americans and no I am not comparing these to acts to the 2020 election which I have never claimed was stolen just pointing out this has happened before.
As long as trump is the leader of MAGA/GOP, he will continue to be relevant. I believe credible is the word you intended to use.
Well then, Trump doesn't need to try then, does he?

Either way Jim is being a dumbass.
Dear dumbass OP please feel free to highlight the parts of my original post that is fake. Do you consider the historical content about Lincoln and FDR fake? Are you claiming that asking a question is not really asking question? Here is a little tip for you when someone ask something in written form and puts a question mark at the end of it it’s a question. Now as we all know you won’t answer any of this because you are not capable of it so I will wrap this up and end any further enabling of your idiocy with something on a level you can understand. GFY.

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