Aren't you getting tired of this crap?: trump denied he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution

If there was massive fraud, we just have to sit and take it?
That is what REAL AMERICANS do

You go to the courts with your evidence of fraud, you challenge the election results, demand a recount

Trump tried the Constitutional way and his challenges were mocked

That is why Trump wants to terminate the Constitution
That is what REAL AMERICANS do

You go to the courts with your evidence of fraud, you challenge the election results, demand a recount

Trump tried the Constitutional way and his challenges were mocked

That is why Trump wants to terminate the Constitution

The Constitution has no mechanism for dealing with what Trump is accusing.

The feds can't demand anything from the States, as they control their electoral process. There is no mechanism to fix a fraudulent election unless the President themself was involved, and even then the VP just takes over.

The only result would be a Constitution Crisis, and probably several States deciding to ignore federal authority.
Of course you don't personally choose the leader of the MAGA/teabagger/GOP party. Even that crazy party isn't stupid enough to give you that authority. You as in you and all the rest of you crazies have to decide if you want to keep trump as your leader, or rejoin the sane world.
You're an idiot, BULLDYKE.
The feds can't demand anything from the States, as they control their electoral process.

I disagree. The feds are REQUIRED by the Constitution to guarantee certain things to the States, and one of them is a republican form of government, which is completely impossible without a fair vote.

The only result would be a Constitution Crisis, and probably several States deciding to ignore federal authority
On this part we agree.
I respectfully disagree, sir. What really gets old is those left-wing commie shitlibs acting like they're the self-appointed God's gift to America. Their feigned patriotism kabuki theater when they bitch and moan about "Muh Democracy" and "Muh Jan. 6 insurrection" makes me want to throw up a little in my mouth. The truth is, if those little Marxist shitlibs had to face those British colonialists on the battlefield back during the Revolutionary War, they would have thrown down their muskets and surrendered like the Tories they really are.

These are the same inbred liberal kiddie-fuckers who were only ten years ago occupying Wall Street, burning American flags, and throwing bricks at police officers. But when Trump got elected in 2016, all of a sudden the entire left-wing turns into a bunch of phony-assed, flag-waving Yankee Doodle Dandy red, white, and blue patriotic Neo-McCarthyites. Except the great patriot Senator Joseph McCarthy would have recognized them for the little commies they are.

Being a Democrat myself at one time, I can see right through their bullshit. The only rules the left lives by are the "Rules for Radicals, which were written by a now-dead Marxist piece of shit named Saul Alisnky. It's their entire playbook. And when unrepentant fuckstick left-wing incels like the OP get all puffed up about something Trump said or did, the only thing they're doing is playing "holier than though" to conservatives, and invoking Alinsky's Rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules."

And that's why I seldom if ever take them seriously.

It can be both.
I disagree. The feds are REQUIRED by the Constitution to guarantee certain things to the States, and one of them is a republican form of government, which is completely impossible without a fair vote.

On this part we agree.

Which means what exactly?

My argument that the whole Interstate Electoral Vote Compact violates a "Republican" form of government by taking away the vote from people in the State was dismissed by the left.
The Constitution has no mechanism for dealing with what Trump is accusing.

The feds can't demand anything from the States, as they control their electoral process. There is no mechanism to fix a fraudulent election unless the President themself was involved, and even then the VP just takes over.

The only result would be a Constitution Crisis, and probably several States deciding to ignore federal authority.

Before Trump starts ranting about terminating Constitutional law and naming himself President he should maybe PROVE there was rampant election fraud
Do things like take your evidence to court, get convictions.

Crybaby Losers do not get to claim rampant election fraud on their own and expect us to terminate the Constitution because they are unwilling to admit they lost
Actually it does

Before Trump starts ranting about terminating Constitutional law and naming himself President he should maybe PROVE there was rampant election fraud
Do things like take your evidence to court, get convictions.

Crybaby Losers do not get to claim rampant election fraud on their own and expect us to terminate the Constitution because they are unwilling to admit they lost

Like you would believe any proof presented. It would be ignored and buried.

Again, his statement was qualified, not "just do it"

And coming from a side that ignores the Constitution when it sees fit, your bitching about this is comical.
Like you would believe any proof presented. It would be ignored and buried.

Again, his statement was qualified, not "just do it"

And coming from a side that ignores the Constitution when it sees fit, your bitching about this is comical.

Fat Donnie does not have to prove anything to me
He needs to take his wild claims to court with actual evidence

To date, his claims have been mocked by multiple courts and his attorneys have been sanctioned
Fat Donnie does not have to prove anything to me
He needs to take his wild claims to court with actual evidence

To date, his claims have been mocked by multiple courts and his attorneys have been sanctioned

Again, you wouldn't believe anything even if a court found people guilty of it.
Again, you wouldn't believe anything even if a court found people guilty of it.

Well why don’t you get an actual court to support the wild claims of a Crybaby Loser and we can see what I will accept

The courts have already rejected 60 of Trumps claims as without merit and YOU will not accept them
Well why don’t you get an actual court to support the wild claims of a Crybaby Loser and we can see what I will accept

The courts have already rejected 60 of Trumps claims as without merit and YOU will not accept them

The system protecting the system.
That system is called the US Constitution

You sound like Trump who considers it inconvenient

Like Dems pay anything above lip service to the Constitution.

Things like Free Exercise and the RKBA get ignored as your side sees fit.
Like Dems pay anything above lip service to the Constitution.

Things like Free Exercise and the RKBA get ignored as your side sees fit.

Democrats love and defend the Constitution

YOU voted for Trump
Democrats love and defend the Constitution

YOU voted for Trump

Except free speech.

and RBKA

and separation of powers.

and actual due process.

and free exercise besides members of the clergy.

and actual adherence to the purpose of the impeachment process.
Except free speech.

and RBKA

and separation of powers.

and actual due process.

and free exercise besides members of the clergy.

and actual adherence to the purpose of the impeachment process.
Plenty of stories in the news and in threads on this very board on these topics.

You don't need links, you know the issues and situations, stop being lazy.
Show us you know what you are babbling about

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