Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.
Trump isn't treating red states any different than blue states. Blue states are just lying about the help they get. Red states say thank you. Blue states never miss an opportunity to make up lies about Trump. Blue states made this dempanic into something much worse than it ever was JUST to lie.

^^^ fake news ^^^.
Well then explain why some of those Governors in those Blues States are praising Trump in how he's dealing with them?

because they are playing the game & telling donny what he wants to hear in order for them to save lives.

Are Dims ever responsible for anything they do? Are you TDS morons always demanding that Trump take responsibility?

are you ever gonna admit the buck stops with donny & he dropped the ball?

And we might add, does a damn fine job of it..

lol so deranged haha
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
Trump could find a cure for cancer you would attack him lol Your TDs is entertaining
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Yet the Democrats didn’t mention it in their debates once and Congress was obsessed with Russia and Ukraine and zero with Pandemic responses. Hmmmm...let’s blame one man. Only the truly uneducated would do that.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
What country in Europe was prepared? Why was Canada not prepared?
Where is trump failing?

40,000 dead.... 23 million people have lost their jobs.
View attachment 325383
Typical: blaming Trump for what he isn't responsible for. Why not blame him for cancer while you are at it?

donny isn't responsible for covid- 19 ... but because he ignored all the warnings & how he totally fucked up the response with his too little too late approach.

You mean the warnings for Nazi Pelosi? Mayor DeBlasio? What should he have done, shut our economy down at the end of February when not a single person had died of Coronovirus?

You people are fucking lunatics. Blaming Trump for the Coronavirus is the ultimate in desperation. Only the gullible are falling for it.

the warnings by the pentagon in 2017. the warnings from our intel community. the warnings from the pandemic war game in 2019, where we were found to be failing at all levels in our response. the warnings from seeing it spread outa china & across europe.
What utter horseshit. The government has been promoting hysteria for decades. No president had ever done anything about it. Obama drewn down our stockpiles for medical supplies to deal with epidemics for 6 years. Obama even imported people into the country who were infected with Ebola and allowed them to run around loose.

This "pandemic" is no worse than the common flu.

^^^ fake news ^^^
According to the CDC things are going to change.
New York and California are going to have the bulk of the most of the Democrat votes are going to be history anyway....which means those states are shifting to Trump......if this pandemic is for-real.
Also...Michigan and Virginia are going Trump because the governors are going to cause a revolt.

You're living in a fantasy world. Biden is leading Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania.

22 million unemployed... Nobody gets back up from that.
Not one debate and no VP pick and you have given him the win? Amazing.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

you just proved you didn't watch it.


i don't know what bernie supporters have said or did. your what aboutism just doesn't fly.


i did watch it, almost to the end. Aside from someone using the term "beaner," what racist statements were made?

No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
Trump could find a cure for cancer you would attack him lol Your TDs is entertaining

your ankle grabbing for yer chosen one is even more amusing.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Did anyone predict that there would be a pandemic at the end of 2019? Nope.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
Trump could find a cure for cancer you would attack him lol Your TDs is entertaining

your ankle grabbing for yer chosen one is even more amusing.
Projecting? You should stop watching fake news nobody in America agrees with you Democrats everybody knows Trump is doing a great job
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

you just proved you didn't watch it.


i don't know what bernie supporters have said or did. your what aboutism just doesn't fly.


i did watch it, almost to the end. Aside from someone using the term "beaner," what racist statements were made?


Please quote another racist statement that someone made.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Did anyone predict that there would be a pandemic at the end of 2019? Nope.
Not one Democrat discussed it in their debates. Congress too busy squabbling over impeachment. 180+ countries infected. No one saw this coming.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Did anyone predict that there would be a pandemic at the end of 2019? Nope.

like i posted - the pentagon predicted a coronavirus pandemic would occur during donny's first term. it happened. just like they said.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
Trump could find a cure for cancer you would attack him lol Your TDs is entertaining

your ankle grabbing for yer chosen one is even more amusing.
Projecting? You should stop watching fake news nobody in America agrees with you Democrats everybody knows Trump is doing a great job

Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Patriotic Americans are his base.

you call those people in that video patriotic americans?

Here's a clue for you, moron: Islam is not a race.

You have one guy in the entire video saying something racist.

How many Bernie supporters said we should kill pigs? Some Bernie supporters actually did kill police. That's what you defend.

you just proved you didn't watch it.


i don't know what bernie supporters have said or did. your what aboutism just doesn't fly.


i did watch it, almost to the end. Aside from someone using the term "beaner," what racist statements were made?


Please quote another racist statement that someone made.

watch the video.
No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
So when did somebody give a date when this pandemic was supposed to occur?

BTW, shit for brains, people have been predicting pandemics since the 1980s.

the pentegon briefed the new (trump's) administration in jan. of 2017 that a this country was ripe for a pandemic - a CORONAVIRUS - & that upwards of 100K were going to die - & that our military will be affected - most likely to occur in his first term. donny did nothing to beef up our stockpiles & him LYING & WHINING that obama 'left the cupboatd bare' 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO just doesn't cut it. he had 3 FUCKING YEARS to build up our stockpile & chose to do nothing. AND when china finally let the world know a virus is breaking out - - -what did donny do? he sent TONS & TONS of PPE & equiptment obver to CHINA ... & left us dry.

Really? Do you have a link to this document?

BTW, moron, 80,000 people died from flu during the 2017-2018 season.

Obama reduced our stocks of medical supplies for dealing with pandemics for 6 straight years, and we haven't run short of anything during this pandemic.

You're pumping out horseshit.

donny had 3 straight years to build it up. donny could have & should have signed off on the defensive production act to increase manufacturing months ago.

& enjoy looking like the idiot we all know you are even though i know for a fact that you would never try to educate yerself:

Pentagon Influenza Response





Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming
Trump could find a cure for cancer you would attack him lol Your TDs is entertaining

your ankle grabbing for yer chosen one is even more amusing.
Projecting? You should stop watching fake news nobody in America agrees with you Democrats everybody knows Trump is doing a great job

View attachment 325429
Time line for you

No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"

Really? Who was warning him for months?
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.
Did anyone predict that there would be a pandemic at the end of 2019? Nope.

like i posted - the pentagon predicted a coronavirus pandemic would occur during donny's first term. it happened. just like they said.
Yet not one person in Congress. Not one brought a bill to the floor to cover that? Instead we had the green deal deal?

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