Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

More to the point, no pun intended, we have 4¼% of the earth's population and a THIRD of its C-19 infections. That sound like "winning" to you Bubbles?

We'e doing better than Europe. Their population is a little over 140 million people, and they have a little over a million cases. US population is 330 million, and we have 735,000 cases.

That's a disingenuous comparison. Europe was coping with C-19 WAY before we were.

And btw the population of Europe is way higher than 140 million no matter how we define what "Europe" is. There's a fake Googly Image going around that claims five countries (UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany) have a combined pop of 320, and it's actually 324 ....for just those five. More than twice your number.

At the moment we actually have 762,149 cases, more than triple the next closest country (which is Spain).
We have almost 7 times the population of Spain, dumbass.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
Trump had more likes then hills in 2016 and it eats you up.

dude - that excuse is too old to try to resurrect yet again. yep he won. trust us - we are over it. donny has done so much since he was installed - that 'beating hillary' is last on the list of things that donny sucks about.
More to the point, no pun intended, we have 4¼% of the earth's population and a THIRD of its C-19 infections. That sound like "winning" to you Bubbles?

We'e doing better than Europe. Their population is a little over 140 million people, and they have a little over a million cases. US population is 330 million, and we have 735,000 cases.

That's a disingenuous comparison. Europe was coping with C-19 WAY before we were.

And btw the population of Europe is way higher than 140 million no matter how we define what "Europe" is. There's a fake Googly Image going around that claims five countries (UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany) have a combined pop of 320, and it's actually 324 ....for just those five. More than twice your number.

At the moment we actually have 762,149 cases, more than triple the next closest country (which is Spain).
We have almost 7 times the population of Spain, dumbass.
Pigo sucks at math. Your comment is lost on him.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
No I’m just happy the great job he’s doing.
great job ?he was warned and did shit until weeks later.... Americans at WHO warned him And republicans still kiss his ass
In January republicans passed a bill for the cdc, pelosi refused to hear it, then pelosi tried to pass a law limiting who trump can ban from entering America.. you all are crazy!
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Where is trump failing?

40,000 dead.... 23 million people have lost their jobs.
View attachment 325383
Typical: blaming Trump for what he isn't responsible for. Why not blame him for cancer while you are at it?

donny isn't responsible for covid- 19 ... but because he ignored all the warnings & how he totally fucked up the response with his too little too late approach.
If that were the case we would be the only country that had issues. 180+ do. We have ~11.7 deaths per 100k. Relax snowflake.

Actually it's 122 per million but nice try moving the decimal point.

More to the point, no pun intended, we have 4¼% of the earth's population and a THIRD of its C-19 infections. That sound like "winning" to you Bubbles?


We don’t have a 3rd. We test more than any other country. If you believe the data from Russia and China you’re truly an imbecile. We are also the fattest country with an aging population. So we of course would be more susceptible. African Americans and Hispanics are at 4x greater risk. Before you post stupid shit, research it.
They don't need to research anything. The party dispenses their facts.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Monday Morning Qb. Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.

literally minutes ago.
democrats are guilty of treason !

^ 'Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.'

can't follow a link?
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification
What he really means is that China managed to sneak that much out of the country before anyone realized what was happening. He makes it sound as if Trump signed an EO donating it to China.

How typically liberal!
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Monday Morning Qb. Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.

literally minutes ago.
democrats are guilty of treason !

^ 'Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.'

can't follow a link?
You never posted a link. LOL. Click and see.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Monday Morning Qb. Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.

literally minutes ago.
democrats are guilty of treason !

^ 'Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.'

can't follow a link?
Don’t you have a husband or a partner that checks on you? Are you ok? Can we call someone?
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification
What he really means is that China managed to sneak that much out of the country before anyone realized what was happening. He makes it sound as if Trump signed an EO donating it to China.

How typically liberal!
It’s a she. At least that is what it claims to be.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
Mike is a good dude. He doesn’t trigger you nearly as much as I do. Don’t lie to yourself
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Monday Morning Qb. Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.

literally minutes ago.
democrats are guilty of treason !

^ 'Show one post where you vilify China for causing this.'

can't follow a link?
You never posted a link. LOL. Click and see.

i sure did. it's right there & works for me. otherwise find the thread with that title then & i'm in there.
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
Mike is a good dude. He doesn’t trigger you nearly as much as I do. Don’t lie to yourself

nobody triggers me, & you are downright boring as hell compared to him. he's an artist at his craft.


'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
Mike is a good dude. He doesn’t trigger you nearly as much as I do. Don’t lie to yourself

nobody triggers me, & you are downright boring as hell compared to him. he's an artist at his craft.


So you blame them once and blame Trump 1000 times LoL
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
Mike is a good dude. He doesn’t trigger you nearly as much as I do. Don’t lie to yourself

nobody triggers me, & you are downright boring as hell compared to him. he's an artist at his craft.


Nice. I ll Let him know.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

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