Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
Playtime is triggered by the dislike/thumbs down. Keep em coming and she will trigger out.

lol.... projection certainly is your forte. i'm just playing yer game, troll boy. i will always have more likes than you can cancel out & it eats you up.
I want dislikes. I am the villain/heel of this message board. We have a Congress in case you forgot and I did not see one bill to boost our pandemic response effectiveness. You want to blame Washington? Fine. Blaming one person is illogical insanity.

<pffffft> you are nothing but a run of the mill trolling asshole. there are better, more creative villains on this board. you're junior league.
Name one. I got You so flustered you’re giving me thumbs down left and right

you mean mocking yer tactic by giving you what you give?

miketx came to mind instantly.
Mike is a good dude. He doesn’t trigger you nearly as much as I do. Don’t lie to yourself

nobody triggers me, & you are downright boring as hell compared to him. he's an artist at his craft.


Someone needs to get you a vibrator
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

One guy in the video says "beaner," and that means all Trump supporters are racist. Apparently we can assume that all Democrats are child molesters and cop killers.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.


take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.
Trump isn't treating red states any different than blue states. Blue states are just lying about the help they get. Red states say thank you. Blue states never miss an opportunity to make up lies about Trump. Blue states made this dempanic into something much worse than it ever was JUST to lie.

^^^ fake news ^^^.
Well then explain why some of those Governors in those Blues States are praising Trump in how he's dealing with them?

because they are playing the game & telling donny what he wants to hear in order for them to save lives.

Are Dims ever responsible for anything they do? Are you TDS morons always demanding that Trump take responsibility?

are you ever gonna admit the buck stops with donny & he dropped the ball?
Why did the democrat controlled house push to create legislation that would have killed the Presidents travel restrictions from China?
I would say they created the obstruction that tried to stop anything the President was trying to do.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

Get some sleep.. don’t let him destroy your mental state
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

asshat not all whites are racist but a race-baiting pander like you is a racist

One guy in the video says "beaner," and that means all Trump supporters are racist. Apparently we can assume that all Democrats are child molesters and cop killers.

Democrats have the racist history
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

he said Obama's birth certificate wasn't valid. He didn't say Obama was born in Kenya. As for the other two, they are off-the-cuff remarks.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.


Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

Damn, what a senile fuk
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
/——-/ Fake Poll. How many were likely voters, registered or illegal aliens? So they found 300 Biden supporters - big woopdie doo.
The poll, conducted by OH Predictive Insights in a survey of 600 people, shows Biden leading Trump by 9 points, 52%-43%,
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
/——/ Fake poll. So out of 600, how many support Giffords? The poll surveyed 600 likely Arizona voters on both cellphones and landlines from March 3 to 4. It carried a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
/——/ Fake poll. So out of 600, how many support Giffords? The poll surveyed 600 likely Arizona voters on both cellphones and landlines from March 3 to 4. It carried a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Here's ^^ a wag who goes "fake poll" and then two sentences later proceeds to post all the details of a poll that "never took place".


Self-delusion is a bizzaro game. :cuckoo:
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
/——/ Fake poll. So out of 600, how many support Giffords? The poll surveyed 600 likely Arizona voters on both cellphones and landlines from March 3 to 4. It carried a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Here's ^^ a wag who goes "fake poll" and then two sentences later proceeds to post all the details of a poll that "never took place".


Self-delusion is a bizzaro game. :cuckoo:
/——/ Hey Stupid Head. I didn’t say the poll never happened. I said it was a fake poll because it was flawed. Learn how to read, you moron.
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.


Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

Damn, what a senile fuk

Don’t talk about yourself like that
'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims
Allan Smith
NBC NewsApril 19, 2020

'Delusional,' 'Absolutely false': Governors cry foul on Trump testing claims

take yer pick of articles that all reported it & both politifact & snopes confirm it:

trump PPE china 17 tons - Google Search

fact. jack.
Exported for $$$ not “given away” thanks for the clarification

allowing them to sell to china instead of beefing up the stockpile for american citizens by imposing the DPA still means he pissed it away.

he cared about money more than american lives.
Get some rest, don’t let trump get in your head like this..

you have literally been here all day grabbing yer ankles for donny. are you a tweeker?
No I’m just happy the great job he’s doing.
great job ?he was warned and did shit until weeks later.... Americans at WHO warned him And republicans still kiss his ass

From their own website:

• The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020.

Our President got the same information the rest of the world got, and on the same day. Now if you'd like to see the timeline of what our President did and when, just ask.
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
/——/ Fake poll. So out of 600, how many support Giffords? The poll surveyed 600 likely Arizona voters on both cellphones and landlines from March 3 to 4. It carried a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Here's ^^ a wag who goes "fake poll" and then two sentences later proceeds to post all the details of a poll that "never took place".


Self-delusion is a bizzaro game. :cuckoo:
Pigo, buy a TV yet?
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.

Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

he said Obama's birth certificate wasn't valid. He didn't say Obama was born in Kenya. As for the other two, they are off-the-cuff remarks.

Get that? You can say anything you want as long as it's "off the cuff", and then take no responsibility at all.
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
/——/ Fake poll. So out of 600, how many support Giffords? The poll surveyed 600 likely Arizona voters on both cellphones and landlines from March 3 to 4. It carried a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Here's ^^ a wag who goes "fake poll" and then two sentences later proceeds to post all the details of a poll that "never took place".


Self-delusion is a bizzaro game. :cuckoo:
/——/ Hey Stupid Head. I didn’t say the poll never happened. I said it was a fake poll because it was flawed. Learn how to read, you moron.

Ah but "fake" and "flawed" are two different things in English.

Not sure if they mean the same thing in Russian?
Up till now, Trump has muddled along with a strong economy and no major screw ups.

But this crisis calls for strong leadership. Not the misinformation, waffling, petty infighting and divisiveness we are getting out of Trump.

The economy is on the verge of collapse as unemployment will approach 20 percent and GDP will plummet.

I don’t think Trump has the skills to handle it.
So you believe Biden will provide "strong leadership?"

He has done it in the past and has a lengthy record of bipartisan cooperation and pragmatic decision making

And no, I am not going to go tit for tat on embarrassing pictures of Biden and Trump
Biden's primary skill is pandering. That isn't "strong leadership." Furthermore, now he is senile. He can hardly complete a coherent sentence.

Trump panders to racists
Trump tells us George Washington captured airports, that Windmills cause cancer, that Obama was born in Kenya

Want to talk senile?
Trump never said anything like that.

Recall that Joe Biden claimed President FDR went on television after the stock market crash in 1929 to reassure the nation, and you TDS morons claim Trump is dumb.

Trump does not pander to racists, you fucking moron.

wanna bet? look who has been his faithful base.


Here's the video of trump literally saying the things you stated he said.

Here he is saying the continental army took over airports

Here he is saying that windmills cause cancer

Here he is disputing Obama's birth certificate.

Damn, what a senile fuk

Don’t talk about yourself like that


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