Arizona going to the USSC !! It’s ain’t over

You want mob rule. Aww, we see now.
Just saying that if you're worried about electoral fraud because it just takes a few states to swing a little bit, then a national popular vote would cure this.

We already use the states popular vote to decide the electoral votes in the individual states, it is a winner take all in 48 states. It works good, but can be better if the votes are tied to a representative percentage, It is what makes this a Republic, your way makes it a democracy, and make it easier for a future dictatorship to emerge, since barriers to power consolidation have been removed.
We already use the states popular vote to decide the electoral votes in the individual states, it is a winner take all in 48 states. It works good, but can be better if the votes are tied to a representative percentage, It is what makes this a Republic, your way makes it a democracy, and make it easier for a future dictatorship to emerge, since barriers to power consolidation have been removed.
Right. So either candidate already starts with a safe group of states. All they have to do is turn a few small swing states. If someone wants to steal an election by fraud, that reduces the hurdle because now they don't have to overcome a large popular vote deficit, but just create enough fraudulent votes to win a couple of states.

National popular vote increases the barrier to steal elections.
We already use the states popular vote to decide the electoral votes in the individual states, it is a winner take all in 48 states. It works good, but can be better if the votes are tied to a representative percentage, It is what makes this a Republic, your way makes it a democracy, and make it easier for a future dictatorship to emerge, since barriers to power consolidation have been removed.
Right. So either candidate already starts with a safe group of states. All they have to do is turn a few small swing states. If someone wants to steal an election by fraud, that reduces the hurdle because now they don't have to overcome a large popular vote deficit, but just create enough fraudulent votes to win a couple of states.

National popular vote increases the barrier to steal elections.

I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
You guys get the better areas
We will separate or it will be war
You aren’t going to do shit, champ

You don't know whats about to happen.

Why wait and just do it!

All these threats are just boring me and I prefer to see action and not hear a bunch of hot words or read them either!!

Do what? States should just start ignoring federal law and not recognizing biden as legitimate. No need for civil war. Problem solved.

Yeah, ignore the reality Trump lost because those like you hate reality!

Did you know Dominion Machines were used in twenty-four states?

Did you also know the Governor of Texas expanded early voting in the State of Texas?

So as you scream just ignore Biden the fact is you want America to ignore reality and settle on what the minority of voters wanted which is beyond stupid!

So get your Civil War started so you will be crushed quickly!

No civil war. Just ignore the illegitimate Biden and federal govt.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.
I wish some people here would drop all reference to war or succession ideas, because neither one has a legitimate basis to build on. The courts are doing their job, and so is the Supreme Court, who are allowing the process of the latest lawsuit unfold.

They may take up the case and go from there, or drop it, ending anymore lawsuits.

In my opinion, America will realize they made a terrible decision to vote Biden and Harris into the White House, the democrat party took a beating at the house and governorship level and will lose a lot more in two years. They have been extremely hostile to a lawfully elected President, supported absurd impeachment and prosecution investigations, they show support of terror groups and drawdown police support.

They allow a lot of widespread looting and burning in Democrat dominated cities, they seem to stick a middle finger to their own constituencies of their own party in those states that do little to stop all the looting, burning and violence. Most of the victims are the blacks who traditionally vote democratic, I think that will change now, since their own party don't give a shit about their destroyed business and looted homes they live in.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.

Swing states change over time, if you even look at the voting patterns over the last 150 years, you will see that most of the time swing states don't exist or matter, because the winner won overwhelmingly, which happens a lot more often than you think. Don't get so caught up on the "swing states" concept so much.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.

Swing states change over time, if you even look at the voting patterns over the last 150 years, you will see that most of the time swing states don't exist or matter, because the winner won overwhelmingly, which happens a lot more often than you think. Don't get so caught up on the "swing states" concept so much.
You’re glossing over things because they don’t happen “most of the time”. Most of the time the EC and national popular vote are the same so by that logic it’s irrelevant.

Swing states hav been relevant for the last 50 years and aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t going back to elections like 1972 in our lifetimes.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.

Swing states change over time, if you even look at the voting patterns over the last 150 years, you will see that most of the time swing states don't exist or matter, because the winner won overwhelmingly, which happens a lot more often than you think. Don't get so caught up on the "swing states" concept so much.
You’re glossing over things because they don’t happen “most of the time”. Most of the time the EC and national popular vote are the same so by that logic it’s irrelevant.

Swing states hav been relevant for the last 50 years and aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t going back to elections like 1972 in our lifetimes.

It is clear you haven't studied the Presidential voting patterns of the last 150 years.

Ronald Reagan won both times by a landslide, Bush I won big too in 1988, no swing states then either.

You need to understand what Swing States really are, you seem to suggest differently, when actually they are states with two main possibilities.

States where neither party has a clear vote majority, or voters ignore party altogether and chose individual candidates aside from party affiliation.

Here is a LINK to Thought Co.


Swing Voters and Their Role
States that shift back and forth between candidates of both major political parties in presidential elections could be evenly divided between voters registered Republican and Democratic. Or they could have large numbers of swing voters, those who tend to vote for individual candidates and not the party and have no loyalty to a party.


Swing states only matters when you have weak or mediocre people running for office.

The list of swing states in the link are fluid and can change every 4 years. Trump Won Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Penn in 2016, lost all them in 2020.

You think New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts should stop voting overwhelmingly for a Democrat candidate as they have for many elections now?

I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.

Swing states change over time, if you even look at the voting patterns over the last 150 years, you will see that most of the time swing states don't exist or matter, because the winner won overwhelmingly, which happens a lot more often than you think. Don't get so caught up on the "swing states" concept so much.
You’re glossing over things because they don’t happen “most of the time”. Most of the time the EC and national popular vote are the same so by that logic it’s irrelevant.

Swing states hav been relevant for the last 50 years and aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t going back to elections like 1972 in our lifetimes.

It is clear you haven't studied the Presidential voting patterns of the last 150 years.

Ronald Reagan won both times by a landslide, Bush I won big too in 1988, no swing states then either.

You need to understand what Swing States really are, you seem to suggest differently, when actually they are states with two main possibilities.

States where neither party has a clear vote majority, or voters ignore party altogether and chose individual candidates aside from party affiliation.

Here is a LINK to Thought Co.


Swing Voters and Their Role
States that shift back and forth between candidates of both major political parties in presidential elections could be evenly divided between voters registered Republican and Democratic. Or they could have large numbers of swing voters, those who tend to vote for individual candidates and not the party and have no loyalty to a party.


Swing states only matters when you have weak or mediocre people running for office.

The list of swing states in the link are fluid and can change every 4 years. Trump Won Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Penn in 2016, lost all them in 2020.

You think New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts should stop voting overwhelmingly for a Democrat candidate as they have for many elections now?

Sure. Swing states don’t matter. Which is why we are now arguing furiously over the result in 4 closely contested elections when Biden won by 7 million votes.

Regardless if it was a swing state 4 or 20 years ago, elections are typically decided by a small percentage of the population in swing states that are almost completely arbitrary. And when swing states aren’t important, it’s because the election is a blowout which in that case there’s no difference in the EC or national popular vote because they’re both easily won by such a candidate.

So either the EC is irrelevant or it serves the opposite purpose that it was intended to serve.
I gave you a way to make the Electoral votes be given to candidates by their percentage of the vote total, you ignored it completely. Biden would have won by a bigger margin, while getting no increase in powers of office.

National vote proposal was not accepted by the Founding Fathers, which you would have known if you read the Federalist papers.
No. That still runs afoul of the first past the post problem.

Yeah, I've read the federalist papers. The federalist papers make it clear they didn't intend you or me to have any say on the president, which is why the electoral college was instituted in the first place. Hamilton specifically says he wanted the electoral college to be men of good judgement who would exclude demagogues and populists exactly like Donald Trump. These guys were supposed to be exercising independent judgement for us poor ignorant SOBs. Keep in mind, they didn't even see the party system coming so they clearly didn't quite foresee some of their unintended consequences.

You want to keep the EC as it is, I suggest going to a rank choice voting with proportional distribution of electoral college votes.

I actually think a percentage of the states votes should factor in how many EC votes be distributed to each candidate, this gives third party candidates a better chance to win, since the winner take all to a single person is no longer in effect.

It is a LOT harder to manipulate 50 individual states voting totals than it is to manipulate a single national voting total.
Elections would still be locally managed it’s just the tallies would be aggregated.

Right now, elections are decided by a few swing states. That’s all you have to steal.

If the EC was intended to prevent small number of people to be determinant of the outcome of an election, its doing a garbage job.

Swing states change over time, if you even look at the voting patterns over the last 150 years, you will see that most of the time swing states don't exist or matter, because the winner won overwhelmingly, which happens a lot more often than you think. Don't get so caught up on the "swing states" concept so much.
You’re glossing over things because they don’t happen “most of the time”. Most of the time the EC and national popular vote are the same so by that logic it’s irrelevant.

Swing states hav been relevant for the last 50 years and aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t going back to elections like 1972 in our lifetimes.

It is clear you haven't studied the Presidential voting patterns of the last 150 years.

Ronald Reagan won both times by a landslide, Bush I won big too in 1988, no swing states then either.

You need to understand what Swing States really are, you seem to suggest differently, when actually they are states with two main possibilities.

States where neither party has a clear vote majority, or voters ignore party altogether and chose individual candidates aside from party affiliation.

Here is a LINK to Thought Co.


Swing Voters and Their Role
States that shift back and forth between candidates of both major political parties in presidential elections could be evenly divided between voters registered Republican and Democratic. Or they could have large numbers of swing voters, those who tend to vote for individual candidates and not the party and have no loyalty to a party.


Swing states only matters when you have weak or mediocre people running for office.

The list of swing states in the link are fluid and can change every 4 years. Trump Won Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Penn in 2016, lost all them in 2020.

You think New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts should stop voting overwhelmingly for a Democrat candidate as they have for many elections now?

Sure. Swing states don’t matter. Which is why we are now arguing furiously over the result in 4 closely contested elections when Biden won by 7 million votes.

Regardless if it was a swing state 4 or 20 years ago, elections are typically decided by a small percentage of the population in swing states that are almost completely arbitrary. And when swing states aren’t important, it’s because the election is a blowout which in that case there’s no difference in the EC or national popular vote because they’re both easily won by such a candidate.

So either the EC is irrelevant or it serves the opposite purpose that it was intended to serve.

Ha ha ha, I never said they don't matter, it is that they are fluid in their impact in the election. I gave you the link showing that the effect of swing state in the last 11 elections, they tend to be predictable most of the time. They are the ones getting the majority of attention, since they go either way on a whim or a mandate.

Why do you think Trump ignored California when he was doing his rallies?

Why do you think he ignores New York and Massachusetts, could it because they vote for Democrat presidential candidate overwhelmingly over and over?

He did most of his rallies in states where he has to work for the vote in certain states because there are no overwhelming voting block in them.
You guys get the better areas
We will separate or it will be war
You aren’t going to do shit, champ

You don't know whats about to happen.

Why wait and just do it!

All these threats are just boring me and I prefer to see action and not hear a bunch of hot words or read them either!!

Do what? States should just start ignoring federal law and not recognizing biden as legitimate. No need for civil war. Problem solved.

Ot has to start somewhere, make it with you.

We have one final shot at the USSC for a fair election

Yes. It is over.

It is a waste of time:

The decision follows the Arizona Supreme Court’s dismissal of the lawsuit Ward brought forth, concluding that plaintiffs “offered no evidence” that the 1,626 duplicated ballot samples were not sufficient or that counting more ballots would result in the exposure of widespread fraud.

According to the Patch, the “court-ordered sampling of 1,626 duplicated ballots found Trump lost seven votes due to errors in ballot processing in Maricopa County.”

It’s over
T still should never concede to the hoax
You dummies won’t be so happy in this new dystopia

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