Arizona going to the USSC !! It’s ain’t over

I finally found it, and it says a lot about you.... and your diseased gash.

Awww. Incel is mad about being revealed.

If all women reject you, seek to make yourself less disgusting. Don't blame it on the women.

Or just turn gay. Well, gay-er. You already project a "NO CLOSET CAN HOLD ME!" vibe.
Awww.... your filthy gash is leaking and stinking up the place. Smells like the shit house door on a tuna boat.

You mind putting a garbage bag over that thing? Some people are sensitive to sulfuric acid.
Somebody cleaning fish?
You guys get the better areas
We will separate or it will be war
You aren’t going to do shit, champ

You don't know whats about to happen.

Why wait and just do it!

All these threats are just boring me and I prefer to see action and not hear a bunch of hot words or read them either!!

Do what? States should just start ignoring federal law and not recognizing biden as legitimate. No need for civil war. Problem solved.

Ot has to start somewhere, make it with you.

I'm not the one burning down cities. That would be the left. They have already started their war against the US Constitution.

tRump is the 1 that doesn't believe in the constitution, in fact said it was outdated and should be done away with. The GOP are the 1's advocating for a civil war, strange huh?


Throught the lefts ACTUAL actions and their burning of american it reminds me of mao and his cultural purgings ie 10 million dead.
Wow, you are old..

Lol, I wasnt around until the early 70s.
Sure, and then you say it reminds you of the cultural revolution which could only be see in person to understand the true horrors of a dictatorship of totalitarian industrial power. Or you could have watched the US burn during the 1960's and 1970's where we had our own cultural revolution from the military expansion and colonialist ideology and the police state that ran the US and their suppression of opposing views. Now they burn cities because the police state is overstepping it's tolerance level with the subjugated souls in the US...

My inlaws and some family members lived through it in red china. And you really think you need to be alive to know history. Seriously? And here I thought you were somewhat logical. Wow.
I finally found it, and it says a lot about you.... and your diseased gash.

Awww. Incel is mad about being revealed.

If all women reject you, seek to make yourself less disgusting. Don't blame it on the women.

Or just turn gay. Well, gay-er. You already project a "NO CLOSET CAN HOLD ME!" vibe.

A woman would have to be mad at her own ass to give him any
You guys get the better areas
We will separate or it will be war
You aren’t going to do shit, champ

You don't know whats about to happen.

Why wait and just do it!

All these threats are just boring me and I prefer to see action and not hear a bunch of hot words or read them either!!

Do what? States should just start ignoring federal law and not recognizing biden as legitimate. No need for civil war. Problem solved.

Ot has to start somewhere, make it with you.

I'm not the one burning down cities. That would be the left. They have already started their war against the US Constitution.

tRump is the 1 that doesn't believe in the constitution, in fact said it was outdated and should be done away with. The GOP are the 1's advocating for a civil war, strange huh?


Throught the lefts ACTUAL actions and their burning of american it reminds me of mao and his cultural purgings ie 10 million dead.

tRump is an amateur he is only at about 300,000 dead. But damn he is trying!!!


You'll let us know when you're concerned about the 3000 babies that are aborted each day. We got a ways to go before we hit 60 million dead adults to this wimpy virus.

Do you believe in God? Who are you to judge any of those women that choose abortion. God will deal with them, you and tRump. How do you feel about the tRump pandemic again?


Yes, I do. Oh yeah, God said he would deal with the people who harmed the little ones........................woe unto you.........
I finally found it, and it says a lot about you.... and your diseased gash.

Awww. Incel is mad about being revealed.

If all women reject you, seek to make yourself less disgusting. Don't blame it on the women.

Or just turn gay. Well, gay-er. You already project a "NO CLOSET CAN HOLD ME!" vibe.

A woman would have to be mad at her own ass to give him any
Round where I come from when the woman gives it to you, they use their ass. No wonder your so upset all the time. Your ass must be wore out by now.
You guys get the better areas
We will separate or it will be war
You aren’t going to do shit, champ

You don't know whats about to happen.

Why wait and just do it!

All these threats are just boring me and I prefer to see action and not hear a bunch of hot words or read them either!!

Do what? States should just start ignoring federal law and not recognizing biden as legitimate. No need for civil war. Problem solved.

Ot has to start somewhere, make it with you.

I'm not the one burning down cities. That would be the left. They have already started their war against the US Constitution.

tRump is the 1 that doesn't believe in the constitution, in fact said it was outdated and should be done away with. The GOP are the 1's advocating for a civil war, strange huh?


Throught the lefts ACTUAL actions and their burning of american it reminds me of mao and his cultural purgings ie 10 million dead.

tRump is an amateur he is only at about 300,000 dead. But damn he is trying!!!


You'll let us know when you're concerned about the 3000 babies that are aborted each day. We got a ways to go before we hit 60 million dead adults to this wimpy virus.

Do you believe in God? Who are you to judge any of those women that choose abortion. God will deal with them, you and tRump. How do you feel about the tRump pandemic again?


Yes, I do. Oh yeah, God said he would deal with the people who harmed the little ones........................woe unto you.........

So maybe ewe should let God handle it.

USA must secede !!
I had enough of the human cockroaches in NY,DC, Chi and California
Or welcome to hunt you down and drag you through the streets so the productive half of America can piss on you.


You have quite the imagination there, keyboard warrior.

You're not going to do a damn thing, drama queen. Keep crying.
Just weighing my options boy.

I don't need the permission of a filthy shit-eating animal like you... go back to sucking your girlfriend's cock.

The only thing you're going to do is throw lame insults around on an anonymous message board. You're not going to DO anything, are you snowflake?

Your internet tough guy routine isn't fooling anyone. Keep talking, drama queen. That's all you're capable of and you and I both know it.

Are you stalking me sissy boy?

If this is your awkward way of asking to suck my cock, the answer is no.

Look how quickly you resort to 6th grade insults when you get called out as a keyboard warrior who won't actually DO anything.

If you had any common sense, you would see that you're just proving my point.

I await your childish insults and your lack of action. You're not hard to predict.

Oh great.... I AM being stalked by a worthless piece of shit. I'm not worried. Cowards like you hide under your bed and never do a fucking thing when actually confronted by anyone. Keep puffing up on your keyboard and tell us how brave and awesome you are.

Just as predicted.

Enjoy the next four years, you little crybaby drama queen. :bye1:
You too, whiny gash..... hope you don't catch a round in the face doing something stupid. Stay under your bed, you'll be alright.


A round in the face from who? Certainly not you. A harmless little bitch is all you are.

You keyboard warrior drama queens aren't hard to predict at all. Keep talking, bitch. That's all you're going to do and we both know it.

Keep crying for me for the next four years. Makes me smile. :dance:
You're one of them "last word" bitches, ain't ya. I'll bet your girlfriend has to keep that whiny mouth full of her cock just to shut you up.

Go ahead..... get the last word ya little bitch _________________________ (right there)
USA must secede !!
I had enough of the human cockroaches in NY,DC, Chi and California
ok bye!
Wait until Biden steps down and that evil creature Harris is the new president lol

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