Arizona GOP Offering $50,000 Reward For 2000 Mules Conviction

If this were true your beloved party would not be begging people to find some evidence and offering to pay them 50 grand for it
I guess you cannot remember all the way back to election night and the huge leads Trump had only to vanish in the wee small hours of the morning. 81 million votes was also high comedy and remains that way.
I guess you cannot remember all the way back to election night and the huge leads Trump had only to vanish in the wee small hours of the morning

I remember it well, it was expected. everyone knew that when mail in votes were counted that Biden would get the vast majority of them since Trump and the GOP did all they could do try get you sheep not to vote that way.
I remember it well, it was expected. everyone knew that when mail in votes were counted that Biden would get the vast majority of them since Trump and the GOP did all they could do try get your sheep not to vote that way.
Everyone knew the shit. The lying MSM kept saying that over and over. Over 90% of ballot drops for Biden in 4 swing states is statistically impossible. They knew the fraud was taking place and were complicit. Again, so fucking obvious it stunk.
Over 90% of ballot drops for Biden in 4 swing states is statistically impossible.

No it is not. Plus there is no way to know what ballots were in drop boxes and what came in the mail.

All you do is parrot talking points and do not even know what the words mean.
No it is not. Plus there is no way to know what ballots were in drop boxes and what came in the mail.

All you do is parrot talking points and do not even know what the words mean.
Maybe because a lot have no chain of custody. If you watched the video about GA. they proved the election never should have been certified. You are wasting your time, your lie has failed.
Maybe because a lot have no chain of custody. If you watched the video about GA. they proved the election never should have been certified. You are wasting your time, your lie has failed.

If that were true your beloved party would not be prostrating themselves trying to get people to give them some actual evidence.
If that were true your beloved party would not be prostrating themselves trying to get people to give them some actual evidence.
The party has establishment RINOs they are a separate entity. People from both parties and independents know there was fraud and are going to prove it.

Either way, Trump will win in 2024. Short of assassination nothing will stop him.
Beagle my Friend, you are cluttering up the thread, wasting good people's time, and encouraging B.S.'rs to reply again and again with inane blather. They can't even read.
The reward specifically states it is "limited to two people."

Moreover once the guilty parties start getting deposed under oath and start chirping under immunity from prosecution, the Democrat doo-doo is gonna fly, far and wide and stink up the country.

"It takes an order of magnitude more effort to refute bullshit than was required to produce it." - Brandolini's Principle
True, true..
I guess you cannot remember all the way back to election night and the huge leads Trump had only to vanish in the wee small hours of the morning.
Yes. This was expected, by anyone paying attention. Bannon knew it. Trump knew it, going in. He used it, cynically, to bamboozle his marks.

This actually brings up an important point that, I think, really screws with perceptions regarding elections: there is no "race". There is no "lead" at any particular point. Candidates don't pull ahead or fall behind. When the polls close, the winner has been determined. The order in which the votes are tallied makes no difference.

We really need to block releases of pending vote counts until the count is concluded. In this case, it would have prevented all the confusion amongst dimwitted Trumpsters who went to bed thinking he was in the "lead", and woke up to discovered he'd actually lost.
I remember it well, it was expected. everyone knew that when mail in votes were counted that Biden would get the vast majority of them since Trump and the GOP did all they could do try get you sheep not to vote that way.
Can't help it.... Yeah, otherwise it set the stage for the lazy Democrat's that won't get off their ace to vote, to have it delivered right to them on a silver platter, and because of this it makes the COVID-19 virus look even more suspect/deliberate in the entire situation leading up to the Democrat's mysteriously taking power that night, otherwise coincidentally gaining the win born out of the ashes of it all.
How am I projecting?
I'll explain.

YOU said:
XponentialChaos said:
"You know, the 2020 election was a while ago. I think it has been plenty of time. You guys are just being naive at this point."

Roe V. Wade was adjudicated in 1973 and was just overturned THIS YEAR, 49 years later.

So two years is "plenty of time", for legal issues? You are truly chaotic.

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