Arizona is screwed

Arpaio is a no nonsense conservative and a good friend of Trump

Arizona would be well served if he gets elected. ... :thup:

I've sensed for awhile now that at his over-ripen age our Sheriff Joe has come to bank more on style rather than substance. No county provided Trump more votes than Maricopa County, yet in 2016 Arpaio lost his election by 11% .
if a Republican wins the McCain or Flake seats.

Seeing the choices, I'd have to stay home.

"Republican Rep. Martha McSally is the Washington establishment's favorite, with a resume that includes time as an Air Force colonel. She's played up her allegiance to Trump but faces two outspoken conservative opponents: Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who lost to McCain in a 2016 primary, and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the 86-year-old immigration hawk once convicted of criminal contempt of court but pardoned by Trump."

Comments, opinions?

A red Arizona would be beautiful ...


probably would.

Got any actual Republicans available?

(That aren't blaming McCain dying to keep them from getting elected, or older than Methusala?)
If I lived in Arizona i would certainly vote for Arpaio.

The man is 86.

Not only would I not vote for him, I'd vote against anyone else that age running for office.

Yo, watch your back? If CNN or MSNBC sees your Racist Rant about his Age? They will tear you a new asshole! He is a Latino, you know the Hitler Democrat Party is trying to use them for Votes right now, especially the Illegal types!!!


ageist, not racist
If I lived in Arizona i would certainly vote for Arpaio.

The man is 86.

Not only would I not vote for him, I'd vote against anyone else that age running for office.

Yo, watch your back? If CNN or MSNBC sees your Racist Rant about his Age? They will tear you a new asshole! He is a Latino, you know the Hitler Democrat Party is trying to use them for Votes right now, especially the Illegal types!!!


ageist, not racist

Yo, it`s all the same, prejudice or discrimination, they will twist and turn until the word RACIST comes out!!!

I've sensed for awhile now that at his over-ripen age our Sheriff Joe has come to bank more on style rather than substance. No county provided Trump more votes than Maricopa County, yet in 2016 Arpaio lost his election by 11% .
A once very popular DA in my town, after losing his 4th run for election, told me after his defeat.

That after years of convicting people and putting them in jail. Eventually, the friends and relatives of the criminal's will collectively become a large voting block who will vote you out of office.

I'm pretty sure this is what happened to Sheriff Arpaio. .... :cool:
if a Republican wins the McCain or Flake seats.

Seeing the choices, I'd have to stay home.

"Republican Rep. Martha McSally is the Washington establishment's favorite, with a resume that includes time as an Air Force colonel. She's played up her allegiance to Trump but faces two outspoken conservative opponents: Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who lost to McCain in a 2016 primary, and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the 86-year-old immigration hawk once convicted of criminal contempt of court but pardoned by Trump."

Comments, opinions?

McCain's seat won't be voted on until 2020. In the meantime, the Governor will appoint a replacement.
If I lived in Arizona i would certainly vote for Arpaio.
Well, you'd be among the 13-15% of defective and unconscious voters here in AZ claiming they'd climb into your sinking ship with you! Arpaio has is nothing more than a spoiler for Kelly Ward's hope to beat Mcsally in the primary today.

McSally will win in the GOP primary but in the polls right now, Sinema, who will win the D primary today, is about 5% above McSally in head to head polling as of today.
if a Republican wins the McCain or Flake seats.

Seeing the choices, I'd have to stay home.

"Republican Rep. Martha McSally is the Washington establishment's favorite, with a resume that includes time as an Air Force colonel. She's played up her allegiance to Trump but faces two outspoken conservative opponents: Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who lost to McCain in a 2016 primary, and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the 86-year-old immigration hawk once convicted of criminal contempt of court but pardoned by Trump."

Comments, opinions?

McCain's seat won't be voted on until 2020. In the meantime, the Governor will appoint a replacement.

The three listed are the ones on the list to replace him.

and will have an inside track in 2020
if a Republican wins the McCain or Flake seats.

Seeing the choices, I'd have to stay home.

"Republican Rep. Martha McSally is the Washington establishment's favorite, with a resume that includes time as an Air Force colonel. She's played up her allegiance to Trump but faces two outspoken conservative opponents: Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who lost to McCain in a 2016 primary, and former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the 86-year-old immigration hawk once convicted of criminal contempt of court but pardoned by Trump."

Comments, opinions?

Meh, contempt of court is not really a crime. I got hit with it twice so that wouldn’t be a consideration for me. Still would have to say “NO” to Joe though.
Arizona is racist, fuck them, right?

MLK day and all...

in my limited experience-----I have observed---that ARIZIONIANS truly despise
Mexicans-----other than those Arizonians who are mexicans

So they should be all Republican in their voting, because Republicans are racist....but their House Representation is 5/5. 1 Pub in the Seante, One vacancy.

Seems balanced to me.

Representation is 5/5. 1 Pub in the Seante, One vacancy.


McCain dead, Flake not running

2 vacancies
1 vacancy. Governor Doucey will name a replacement for McCain who will serve until 2020. McSally is solid and we'll see who get's Flakes seat. Arizona is just fine thank you.
To this day I still can't believe that the electorate kept voting McCain into office.

Incumbents win 94% of elections.

Americans are creatures of habit and love familiarity.


It's why people can be in Congress for 50 years without ever having held a real job. MAJOR FLAW IN THE SYSTEM AND WHY WE NEED TERM LIMITS.

There are no incumbents, duh!
If I lived in Arizona i would certainly vote for Arpaio.

The man is 86.

Not only would I not vote for him, I'd vote against anyone else that age running for office.

Yo, watch your back? If CNN or MSNBC sees your Racist Rant about his Age? They will tear you a new asshole! He is a Latino, you know the Hitler Democrat Party is trying to use them for Votes right now, especially the Illegal types!!!


He's Italian!
If I lived in Arizona i would certainly vote for Arpaio.

The man is 86.

Not only would I not vote for him, I'd vote against anyone else that age running for office.

good for you - theres more than a few idiots who would vote for a dog turd if it ran on a republican ticket.

and there were more than a few that voted for the last name Clinton.

They even held their noses to do it.

just cant quite make it through the day without drooling over your obsession can you .....

I've sensed for awhile now that at his over-ripen age our Sheriff Joe has come to bank more on style rather than substance. No county provided Trump more votes than Maricopa County, yet in 2016 Arpaio lost his election by 11% .
A once very popular DA in my town, after losing his 4th run for election, told me after his defeat.

That after years of convicting people and putting them in jail. Eventually, the friends and relatives of the criminal's will collectively become a large voting block who will vote you out of office.

I'm pretty sure this is what happened to Sheriff Arpaio. .... :cool:

Good quote, I like it.

In Joe's case I believe the dough we here in the county were shelling out to defend him finally got to the point of being ridiculous.


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