Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground are either lying or are just stupid or some combinaion thereof.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.

Do you understand that minorities have used this particular law more often that Whites......? And it has saved them from being prosecuted?

You dumb ass...
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

ā€˜Stand your groundā€™ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a ā€œstand your groundā€ law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Floridaā€™s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Floridaā€™s ā€œstand your groundā€ law, not only does an individual have ā€œno duty to retreatā€ when faced with ā€œimminent death or great bodily harm,ā€ but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that ā€œstand your groundā€ cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victimā€™s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the ā€œstand your groundā€ law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka ā€“ claiming his hands were tied ā€“ a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

You are a moron...

Who benefits from the law? Actually, since poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas are the most likely victims of crime, they are also the ones who benefit the most from stand your ground laws. The laws make it easier for would-be victims to protect themselves when the police can't arrive fast enough. Therefore, rules that make self-defense more difficult disproportionately impact blacks.

Blacks make up 16.6 percent of Florida's population but account for 31 percent of the defendants invoking the stand your ground defense. Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 8 percentage points more frequently than whites who use this very same defense.

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks.

Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

If blacks are supposedly being discriminated against because their killers so often are not facing any penalty, it must also follow that they are being discriminated in favor of when blacks who invoke a stand your ground defense are convicted at a lower rate than are whites. Those who interpret the data as evidence of racism are cherry-picking numbers.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

ā€˜Stand your groundā€™ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a ā€œstand your groundā€ law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Floridaā€™s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Floridaā€™s ā€œstand your groundā€ law, not only does an individual have ā€œno duty to retreatā€ when faced with ā€œimminent death or great bodily harm,ā€ but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that ā€œstand your groundā€ cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victimā€™s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the ā€œstand your groundā€ law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka ā€“ claiming his hands were tied ā€“ a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

He was not covered by Stand Your Ground laws. I believe he was later convicted.
He tried using that law as an excuse, just like Zimmerman. That law needs to be rescinded every it's legal.

Zimmerman never used Stand Your Ground as a should really try knowing a little something about what you post...
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

ā€˜Stand your groundā€™ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a ā€œstand your groundā€ law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Floridaā€™s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Floridaā€™s ā€œstand your groundā€ law, not only does an individual have ā€œno duty to retreatā€ when faced with ā€œimminent death or great bodily harm,ā€ but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that ā€œstand your groundā€ cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victimā€™s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the ā€œstand your groundā€ law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka ā€“ claiming his hands were tied ā€“ a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

He was not covered by Stand Your Ground laws. I believe he was later convicted.
He tried using that law as an excuse, just like Zimmerman. That law needs to be rescinded every it's legal.

Zimmerman was a different case. Not Stand Your Ground. He broke off the stalk, but what's-his-name then stalked Zimmerman. From that point, it became his.

People try to hide behind insanity pleas as well. Those laws should be rescinded.
Zimmerman was never stalked.

Yes....he Martin.....did you watch the all?
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

You use an extremist anti-gun group....I used the Chicago doofus.
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.
NRA created a solution in the absence of a problem

Existing self defense and Castle Doctrine laws covered everything the NRA complained about

Stand your Ground allowed shoot first, ask questions later
I was scared......BANG!
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.
NRA created a solution in the absence of a problem

Existing self defense and Castle Doctrine laws covered everything the NRA complained about

Stand your Ground allowed shoot first, ask questions later
I was scared......BANG!

No...the law didn't........if you defended yourself in public the burden was on you to prove you had no way to escape...which is idiot.
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.
NRA created a solution in the absence of a problem

Existing self defense and Castle Doctrine laws covered everything the NRA complained about

Stand your Ground allowed shoot first, ask questions later
I was scared......BANG!
Absence of a problem?
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

ā€˜Stand your groundā€™ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a ā€œstand your groundā€ law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Floridaā€™s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Floridaā€™s ā€œstand your groundā€ law, not only does an individual have ā€œno duty to retreatā€ when faced with ā€œimminent death or great bodily harm,ā€ but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that ā€œstand your groundā€ cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victimā€™s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the ā€œstand your groundā€ law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka ā€“ claiming his hands were tied ā€“ a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

As you know, the violent crime rate has dropped like a rock in Florida. Why do you suppose that has happened? Violent criminals know that anyone they might choose as their victim may well be armed and there is no reason for them to NOT unload their weapon at center mass.

Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

I doubt if any of these stats are that reliable as in these types of cases there are so many factors at play.

Irregardless.....of all the stats....or what anybody claims.....I think it is ridiculous to claim a person who is being threatened should have to flee....especially if he is in his own home.

I doubt that any of the above will be much help to those who are very confused about the stand your ground law......the media has messed up their minds to such an extent with all the garbage they have released concerning this stand your ground law....that the average person is just tooo befuddled by it.
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Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Yes you can. But you can also be arrested for doing so. Not so with Stand Your Ground.
You will be arrested either way. There's no place where you can shoot someone and not be arrested. A stand your ground defense will probably get you off, but it'll still be expensive, as courtrooms always are.

No, not really. As with most things, it depends on the circumstances. If it is obvious that the individual was attempting to hold you up while you were working at a 7-11, they'll take a statement from you and get back to you with the results. As with anyone else, if you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Circumstances can be interpeted in different ways and most important to realize is that the location is very important ......not the least of which is that different laws apply in different states.

The are lots of people running around with a pistol in their pocket and little or no knowledge regarding the law on self defense in the state wherein they live not even to mention the law in a state they may just be visiting or passing through.
Good for them....

The ever popular "I killed him because I was scared" laws.
Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.
NRA created a solution in the absence of a problem

Existing self defense and Castle Doctrine laws covered everything the NRA complained about

Stand your Ground allowed shoot first, ask questions later
I was scared......BANG!

Nonsense......The stand your ground law is not rocket science.....yet so many simply cannot wrap their heads around it. Since you are one of there anything you can tell us to let us know how are why you are so ignorant regarding a law you dare come on here and spout off about?
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Stand Your Groundā€ policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground

Wrong...dumb ass...

Those who conclude the law is racially biased point to data compiled by the Tampa Bay Tribune, which collected 112 cases where people charged with murder relied on Florida's stand your ground law, from the first cases in 2006 to July 24 of this year. The Tribune's "shocking" claim: 72 percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

But this doesn't tell the whole story as blacks are overwhelmingly killed by other blacks. Thus, it is also true that blacks claiming self-defense under the stand your ground law are convicted at a lower rate than are whites.

About 69 percent of blacks raising the stand your Ground defense were not convicted compared to 62 percent of whites.

The Tampa Bay Tribune collected a lot of other useful information on the cases: whether the victim initiated the confrontation, whether the defendant was on his own property when the shooting occurred, whether a witness was present, whether there was physical evidence, whether the defendant pursued the victim, and the type of case (a drug deal gone bad, home invasion, etc.).

While the results are not statistically significant, the regressions suggest that any racial bias would go the other way ā€” that killing a black rather than a white increases the defendant's odds of being convicted.

The estimates also show that white defendants are more likely to be convicted than black defendants.

Whether the person killed initiated the confrontation and whether there was an eyewitness were the most important factors in determining whether there was a conviction.

In Stand Your Ground states, these homicides are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the shooter is Black and the victim is white.16 Controlling for other factorsā€”such as who initiated the confrontation and whether or not the victim was armedā€”Florida Stand Your Ground cases involving minority victims are half as likely to lead to conviction, compared to cases involving white victims

How preposterous.

The distortion of self-defense law in the United States began in 2005 when the National Rifle Association (NRA) helped draft and pass Stand Your Ground legislation in Florida in an attempt to make the purchase and use of guns more attractive.

No....that is not what happened at all....many including you have been coinfused by the media regarding the stand your ground law.

If you think you really understand the Stand Your Ground law.....give us your interpetation of it and we will judge if you do or not.
Good for them....

The ever popular "I killed him because I was scared" laws.

Most would be very embarassed to reveal their ignorance the way you do.

Not only do you not understand the stand your ground do not even understand the law on self defense.

Though you are partially correct....under the law of self defense which is pretty much the same in all the must be in reasonable fear of your life to be justified to use lethal force.

The key woid being 'reasonable' as in you must convince a jury what you did is reasonable.....thus all these people running around with a pistol in their pocket best understand any time you go before a are in harms way.

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