Arkansas becomes 35 state to pass "Stand Your Ground" protections for Americans...

Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him
That didn't work for Michael Drejka.
Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground


This means your racist hypothetical scenario indicate YOU have a low opinion of people defending themselves. The chronic negativity of democrat's is hilarious and sad, since making absurd hypotheticals indicate you are morally deficient and irrational.

The Stand Your Ground criteria has to be met first before shooting:

"would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury."

Hardly anyone is going to shoot an unarmed non threatening person dead.
‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage racially charged violence

There's no proof of that, but to a lot of people, race applies to everything.

Yes....unfortunately that is the case and under the biden regime.....things will get more and more racially divisive.....the democrats have done everything in their power to start a race war.
Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground
I'm sure CNN wants you to believe that, but that's not how it works.
He was not covered by Stand Your Ground laws. I believe he was later convicted.
He tried using that law as an excuse, just like Zimmerman. That law needs to be rescinded every it's legal.
Zimmerman never used stand your ground, he used simple self-defense as a defense and it worked.
Yeah, it's not SYG when someone is on top of you and beating you.

Of course not....yet we see how so many on here are not really understand the stand your ground law.
Stand Your Ground” policy removes a duty to retreat before a would-be victim can use deadly force to defend against the imminent threat of death or great bodily injury.

Translation: I was afraid of the black guy so I shot him

What are your thoughts about what our resident negro had to say about killing a white guy because he was afraid?

That is stupid
We all know Stand Your Ground Laws only apply to white people
Perhaps you could provide evidence of this.
Actual translation: 2 men broke into my home and were heading toward my daughter's room. One was white. One was black. I shot them both before they got there...

The way Stand Your Ground works is

An unarmed black man is in front of your house. You are afraid of know how they are
So you shoot him, just to be sure

Stand your ground
I'm sure CNN wants you to believe that, but that's not how it works.

Yes, that person you responded to is a prime example of how the MSM have been able to indoctrinate so many into thinking Stand Your Ground laws makes it legal to hunt down negroes like they were wild animals.

Despite all the explanations above I doubt the liberal mindset will be is the deal boyos.....what liberals really want is to make it illegal for whites to ever shoot a negro no matter the circumstances......thus they are opponents of the concept of self defense unless you are defending yourself against a white man.
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So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a “stand your ground” law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Florida’s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, not only does an individual have “no duty to retreat” when faced with “imminent death or great bodily harm,” but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that “stand your ground” cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victim’s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the “stand your ground” law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka – claiming his hands were tied – a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

He was not covered by Stand Your Ground laws. I believe he was later convicted.

Correct. 20 years.

The drejka case was one of a miscarriage of justice.....hopefully the appeal will be successful.

I don't know anything about the case. I remember the guy's name and his sentence.

Stand your ground encourages “Shoot first and ask questions later”
It also allows a person who initiated a conflict to use lethal force.....Because he felt threatened
And you're using about the most biased source you could find for that analysis. They are extremely anti-gun in general.
Unfortunately, you do not have to be in your house. Castle Doctrine already covers that.

It applies to any confrontation where one person has a gun and the other doesn’t. All you have to do is claim you felt your life was threatened

Might makes right and Dead Men tell no tales
Uh, it has nothing to do with one person having a gun and the other not having one. Both people can be armed, and honestly, you have a better defense if the other person is armed.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

True, because the law is written for and by white men.
If you really feel that way, why not move to Ghana? It's got a fairly high standard of living and very few white people.
So this means I can shoot a white man in Arkansas because he's a klan member and I feared for my life.
If you can PROOVE the you had a REASONABLE fear of imminent harm or death, yes. But from reading many of your posts, you don't have a REASONABLE thought in your head. A jury would lock you up forever for murder if you were foolish enough to make anything near the comments you make here on the stand.

To the racist any challenge to racism is unreasonable. I think that in some of the cases where white men shot blacks claiming to be standing their ground they did not have a reasonab.e fear, but they figured idiots like you would sit on the jury and agree that a person is a threat just because they are brown skinned. No jury would lock me up for presenting evidence of racism in America, nor would a jury lock me up under stand your ground laws if I proved the white man was a white supremacist and I acted because I feared for my life. Unless itd a jury of white supremacists and given this is America that is highly possibe.

We know why stand your ground is being passed especially is states like Arkansas.

‘Stand your ground’ laws encourage racially charged violence

In 2005, Florida was the first state to enact a “stand your ground” law, which allows people to fatally shoot others in public without attempting to escape if they feel threatened, all without fear of criminal prosecution. States across the country have passed their own versions of this law, but Florida’s arguably goes the furthest to protect the shooter.

Under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, not only does an individual have “no duty to retreat” when faced with “imminent death or great bodily harm,” but a recent change to the law made it even easier for defendants to get off by shifting the burden of proof to the state. In other words, the state must prove that the shooter was not acting in self-defense.

It should be no surprise, then, that “stand your ground” cases in Florida have come under the spotlight. Just last month, for instance, Michael Drejka, a white man, fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, an unarmed black man, in front of the victim’s loved ones in a dispute over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater. Invoking the “stand your ground” law, the Pinellas County sheriff did not arrest Drejka – claiming his hands were tied – a decision that even some NRA lobbyists and Republican sponsors of the legislation refute.

He was not covered by Stand Your Ground laws. I believe he was later convicted.
He tried using that law as an excuse, just like Zimmerman. That law needs to be rescinded every it's legal.
Zimmerman never used stand your ground, he used simple self-defense as a defense and it worked.

It is hard to run when your attacker has you on the ground and is pounding you.

One argument goes that Zimmerman's ultimate claim may not be "stand your ground" at all, since he technically was on the ground and unable to retreat any further at the moment he shot Trayvon. In that scenario, he could claim self-defense under pre-"stand your ground" laws.
If we already have Castle Doctrine and self defense laws......
Why do we need Stand Your Ground?
You talk like you have never been to a trial....never even seen one on T.V.?????

Let me break it down for you.....hold on let me get mah color crayons.....o.k. boyo here da ticket........The law on self defense......which is very similar in most states ....essentially use justifiable deadly force in case of self must be in REASONABLE fear of your life. Who determines whether or not the force you used is reasonable....a jury of course.

Next.......were there any witnesses?

If there were no witnesses then you of course are in a favored position.

Unless the jury for whatever reason does not find you credible or they may just not like you or your appearance, or the way you talk or the way you look

It is no small or irrelevant thing to go before a jury even if you are absolutely innocent....your life is being put in the hands of a jury by the is the jurys job to decide your fate.....juries have been known to make fact it happens all too often.
One more time for the slow of thinking: the dead guy can't talk, so he can't tell his side of the story. He never gets his day in court, and even if there were witnesses and the accused doesn't walk the dead guy is still dead. No justice for him.
By that logic, cops should never kill people either.

In reality, killing someone is something that few people take lightly. If you kill someone without any witnesses, you'd better hope your story sticks, because Stand Your Ground does not automatically apply to every situation. If no one witnessed you being approached or threatened by the person you shot, then you have to hope that the forensic evidence backs up your story.

Anyone who thinks that SYG gives you the freedom to "shoot first, ask questions later" is terrible at assessing legal risks. SYG doesn't change the fact that, if you shoot and kill someone without witnesses in an area other than your home, you'd better get your story straight when the investigation begins.
If we already have Castle Doctrine and self defense laws......
Why do we need Stand Your Ground?
Not every state has Castle Doctrine, but SYG covers some gaps in both that and standard self-defense laws. In areas without SYG, you're supposed to flee most dangers you encounter outside of your home or when you're not in close quarters with the source of the threat. SYG makes it easier for people to use a gun in self-defense in situations that might be a greyer area under standard laws. It still doesn't guarantee acquittal, but it shifts the burden of proof slightly.

More often than not, it aids someone in cases where the person shot survives. Killing someone is still going to put the defendant at a higher risk of a conviction, but SYG does make lethal defense slightly easier.
You talk like you have never been to a trial....never even seen one on T.V.?????

Let me break it down for you.....hold on let me get mah color crayons.....o.k. boyo here da ticket........The law on self defense......which is very similar in most states ....essentially use justifiable deadly force in case of self must be in REASONABLE fear of your life. Who determines whether or not the force you used is reasonable....a jury of course.

Next.......were there any witnesses?

If there were no witnesses then you of course are in a favored position.

Unless the jury for whatever reason does not find you credible or they may just not like you or your appearance, or the way you talk or the way you look

It is no small or irrelevant thing to go before a jury even if you are absolutely innocent....your life is being put in the hands of a jury by the is the jurys job to decide your fate.....juries have been known to make fact it happens all too often.
One more time for the slow of thinking: the dead guy can't talk, so he can't tell his side of the story. He never gets his day in court, and even if there were witnesses and the accused doesn't walk the dead guy is still dead. No justice for him.
By that logic, cops should never kill people either.

In reality, killing someone is something that few people take lightly. If you kill someone without any witnesses, you'd better hope your story sticks, because Stand Your Ground does not automatically apply to every situation. If no one witnessed you being approached or threatened by the person you shot, then you have to hope that the forensic evidence backs up your story.

Anyone who thinks that SYG gives you the freedom to "shoot first, ask questions later" is terrible at assessing legal risks. SYG doesn't change the fact that, if you shoot and kill someone without witnesses in an area other than your home, you'd better get your story straight when the investigation begins. mentioned before too many people running around with pistols in their pocked but with no concept of how the law it can even be used against you when you are completely innocent.

Best advice to anyone who ever gets into a situation where they get arrested.....never talk to the police....only say to them the exact following woids......'I WANT A LAWYER'

Remembering....and they are required to tell you this though they may only claim they did.......'ANYTHING YO SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW

Also these days....very,very important to understand there is always a double-standard at play in any case where a negro gets shot by a white guy or white woman.

The system as it now stands will bend over backwards to prove you are of the first things they do is to scour your computer with forensic tools to see if you are racist, to see if you have ever used the N word, to see if you have any white sumpremacist friends etc.etc. in a nutshell do everything possible to make it into a racism case.

Then they will interview your neighbors, your friends, your associates....people at your place of work, fellow students you had in your school years etc.etc. aka interview anyone you ever had contact with in order to determine whether or not you ever expressed any hostility towards blacks.
Not every state has Castle Doctrine, but SYG covers some gaps in both that and standard self-defense laws. In areas without SYG, you're supposed to flee most dangers you encounter outside of your home or when you're not in close quarters with the source of the threat. SYG makes it easier for people to use a gun in self-defense in situations that might be a greyer area under standard laws. It still doesn't guarantee acquittal, but it shifts the burden of proof slightly.

More often than not, it aids someone in cases where the person shot survives. Killing someone is still going to put the defendant at a higher risk of a conviction, but SYG does make lethal defense slightly easier.

We have very liberal laws when it comes to the licensed shooter in my state. However our SYG law only got passed last month and goes into effect next month.

Until that time, if some road rage idiot is screaming at me, by law, I'm not allowed to engage. I must do what I can to leave the area. If I yell back at the idiot, and it leads to me having to use deadly force to stop an attack, I can still be charged with murder (or manslaughter) because I decided to stand up for what I thought I was right on.

So SYG is the difference between a justified shooting and murder. Nobody should have to back down when being accosted simply because they are carrying a firearm.
If we already have Castle Doctrine and self defense laws......
Why do we need Stand Your Ground?

In many states the Castle Doctrine protects the shooter when he or she is in their own home, but not out in public. Castle refers to your home, which you are not in walking down Broadway.

In my state, the Castle Doctrine also applies to my vehicle. Trying to break into my car is no different than trying to break into my home as far as the laws are concerned. The Castle Doctrine allows me to confront an intruder in my home or vehicle with deadly force. It does not protect me from going toe-to-toe with a maniac in a restaurant or doughnut shop who objects to me sitting at his usual table. The SYG law does.

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