Armed Teachers vs Armed Guards


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Given the amont of training being equal, and both having state licensing, what are the pros and cons of having armed teachers vs. armed guards, in schools ?

Actually, what we call "armed teachers", could be any school employees, not necessarily a teacher. A janitor, a nurse, a psychologist, an administrator,maintenance worker, etc. They all have something in common. They all already have a job, and don't need to be paid to carry a gun, and volunteer as a schools safety officer.

Armed guards, however, do need to be paid, and would require some significant extra expense to have them. This is especialy true, when you consider that it's possible to have as many as a couple of dozen amed employee volunteers per school, but for armed guards, having anythng close to that number would not be economical.

So for those people who are opposed to arming the teachers and other school employees, do they want to pay the cost of hiring armed guards, out of their own pockets ? Or do they expect all of us to pay this unecessary extra cost ? (so as to have an equivalent amount of school protection)

And for those who oppose the idea of arming the school employees as safety volunteers, why ? What's the basis for the objection ? Please try not to be ridiculous when answering this .
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California Colleges and University's have their own police departments on campus...they are armed and trained by the state to protect the campus...why should we treat K thru 12 differently?

When 17 children are shot and killed in less than 5 minuets something must be done regardless of expense...

If we allow ourselves to bring back moral teaching ie God back into public education we may not have to arm the schools forever...

There is a serious lack of respect for life in America and that is what must change....

It starts in the home and at school and the entertainment industry must do their part as well...

When was the last time any of you saw a movie where no one gets shot?
We glorify murder and revenge to the point that a picked on bullied kid brings a gun to school for avenge his honor...

So to me it matters not whether we arm teachers or paid guards either one would be better than doing nothing...
Doesn't have to be either or, I don't see anything wrong with having both armed teachers, guards, and other employees, assuming they physically qualify, pass a serious background check, and pass a good training program. Hell, there's a lotta military and police retirees out there who would work as a guard for free to keep their grandkids safe. Or pay 'em the m-wage, fine.
Suddenly those opposed to arming school employees have gotten very silent. ****** Crickets ***** Crickets ******
Moral teaching will not suffice. That was proven in Texas where the target was precisely morality as a pimped-out drug. To make a moral case against nazism is as ridiculous, because nazism is morality itself.

Volunteer guards could indeed save lives as well as a teacher with a swipe-card to operate all partitions in the school, which helps to trump any cowardly blending with the crowd. Armor is opposed by armor not only worn by the guard but symbolized in the partitions, which are equipped with guard-and-teacher-only accessible shooting ports. The shooter is positively captured, even if taking hostages, the rest of the school is saved from harm. Having been closed off to certain areas, the partitioning system would continue to compress the shooter's movement, at which point other distractions could be introduced such as (oil [italics) sprinkling systems for certain areas, of the matrix. It makes sense that students may make a harder target when the shooter is (also) slipping around. The net and/or tear-gas technique is quite valid. As far as is known, there are no humans who have yet spoken of apparati such as locked nets/tear-gas housed in the ceiling that could be triggered by any teacher with a remote-controlled swipe-card.

The system can be developed, as long as fascist, knowledge-envious forces don't prevent the discourse and dissemination of ideas.
An exquisitely-timed fore-and-aft ten-gallon cooking-oil baptism drops the shooter in seconds, no exceptions.
Given the amont of training being equal, and both having state licensing, what are the pros and cons of having armed teachers vs. armed guards, in schools ?

Actually, what we call "armed teachers", could be any school employees, not necessarily a teacher. A janitor, a nurse, a psychologist, an administrator,maintenance worker, etc. They all have something in common. They all already have a job, and don't need to be paid to carry a gun, and volunteer as a schools safety officer.

Armed guards, however, do need to be paid, and would require some significant extra expense to have them. This is especialy true, when you consider that it's possible to have as many as a couple of dozen amed employee volunteers per school, but for armed guards, having anythng close to that number would not be economical.

So for those people who are opposed to arming the teachers and other school employees, do they want to pay the cost of hiring armed guards, out of their own pockets ? Or do they expect all of us to pay this unecessary extra cost ? (so as to have an equivalent amount of school protection)

And for those who oppose the idea of arming the school employees as safety volunteers, why ? What's the basis for the objection ? Please try not to be ridiculous when answering this .
I think armed teachers may work as a deterrent but once the shooting start they'd be a liability. If SWAT enter a school and see someone shooting they have to stop and figure out if they are armed teachers or bad guys. Will all the armed 'teachers' know each other or will they have the same problem, telling good guys from bad guys.

My first choice would be trying to keep guns out of the bad guys in the first place. Second choice is putting locks on the classroom doors and tighten security on the front door. Third choice would be armed & uniformed guards randomly placed throughout the school system.
No, armed teachers are not a liability behind the partition and "manning" a shooting port. That's why the partition system: the teachers don't have to know what other teachers are doing, or what SWAT is doing, at least as far as which partitions get activated. An activated partition tells SWAT, the teachers, the shrink, the janitor as they look on their swipe-card histories inside their helmets. Schools of the future will allow teachers to talk to the police/SWAT, or anyone else involved. The very near future?

Door and window is for the most part, bulletproof. Kevlar cages are foldable and already in place in the classrooms should the shooter decide to go through walls. In fact, classrooms of the future might have individual kevlar cocoons that drop over the student instantly.

As far as is known, there are no humans who have seriously considered speech-recognition software applied to listening security ears in schools. How good can they be? Could they detect an AR-15 and activate partitions? Duh.
I think armed teachers may work as a deterrent but once the shooting start they'd be a liability. If SWAT enter a school and see someone shooting they have to stop and figure out if they are armed teachers or bad guys. Will all the armed 'teachers' know each other or will they have the same problem, telling good guys from bad guys.

My first choice would be trying to keep guns out of the bad guys in the first place. Second choice is putting locks on the classroom doors and tighten security on the front door. Third choice would be armed & uniformed guards randomly placed throughout the school system.
1. You want to pay for that out of YOUR own pocket ?

2. Police typically arrive AFTER everything has happened. Resistance to the perpetrator needs to be immediate. If LAX didn't have a good guy with a gun on July 4, 2002, hundreds of people in that airport would have died in a bloodbath.
Given the amont of training being equal, and both having state licensing, what are the pros and cons of having armed teachers vs. armed guards, in schools ?

Actually, what we call "armed teachers", could be any school employees, not necessarily a teacher. A janitor, a nurse, a psychologist, an administrator,maintenance worker, etc. They all have something in common. They all already have a job, and don't need to be paid to carry a gun, and volunteer as a schools safety officer.

Armed guards, however, do need to be paid, and would require some significant extra expense to have them. This is especialy true, when you consider that it's possible to have as many as a couple of dozen amed employee volunteers per school, but for armed guards, having anythng close to that number would not be economical.

So for those people who are opposed to arming the teachers and other school employees, do they want to pay the cost of hiring armed guards, out of their own pockets ? Or do they expect all of us to pay this unecessary extra cost ? (so as to have an equivalent amount of school protection)

And for those who oppose the idea of arming the school employees as safety volunteers, why ? What's the basis for the objection ? Please try not to be ridiculous when answering this .

OR we could grow the fuck up and reform our shitty gun laws.
Yes, resistance needs to be immediate. Cooking oil immediately takes traction away from the shooter, is non flammable and the loss of the shooter's resistance against the surface of the floor, instantaneous. Partitions irreversibly capture the shooter, greatly reducing the carnage.
Epowering potential victims means what, rocks....sharpened pencils?

1.) First responder (outdoor human guard) has been killed just before activating the alarm system.

2.) Second responder is successful in activating the system.

3.) In the time-span between 1.) & 2.), sound recognition software has detected the sound of gunfire and alerted police, administration, etc. perhaps even before humans can signal, saving crucial seconds.

The software listens only for filtered frequencies, which exclude the human voice and many other things. What partitions to activate is based on the intensity picked up at various hearing stations, which signal is calculated in milliseconds. The potential location has been shown on the grid-screens of police and administration in a matter of seconds.

"In Case of Emergency, Break Glass to Retrieve....Cooking Oil?"
One of these every twenty feet. Why would a shooter want to break the glass, or even enter a potentially-oiled area?

If remote-control oil reservoirs are out of sight in the ceiling, what shooter will want to puncture them if they know about them? The shooter cannot previously don traction apparatus against cooking oil. Stairwells, locked with potential-to-oil. Hallway entrance to stairwell: remote-control partition with swipe-card/fingerprint-activated sighting/shooting port (sighting port is bullet-proof, as is the entire partition (kevlar technology) for the Rollers, Swat, teachers, the shrink, janitor, etc).
We need to control access to the building by locking the fucking doors and funneling all traffic through one point of entry.

All other doors should be locked at all times and only open when a teacher either uses a key or swipes an ID through a card reader

You do realize that all these school shooters just seemed to be able to walk into the buildings unnoticed don't you?
#17's one-way idea can be trumped because the first floor is always problematic, for example, windows can be shot through from the outside. One-way traffic through a metal detector will not suffice, and the attacker may not have ever been there or have had a thing to do with the school previously. Partitions that close off the second floor and higher means the rest of the school probably gets to live.

Bullet sound-activated alarms would be seen/heard at the police station and at the school in one second, with the potential to show the GPS.

If a gun was already in place on the second floor and higher, in less than one second everyone knows what to do. Constricting movement of the attacker can only happen once the attacker is inside. That's why the term, "at large." The cooking-oil system also drops a knife-wielder or anyone else, no exceptions. Trapped between the partitions, there is no escape.

Therefore, a teacher, janitor or shrink armed with a cooking-oil gun has the potential to "baptize" a hallway or stairwell and still escape to somewhere else as the partitions close upon the attacker..

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