Army female says She can whoop any Marine on the Base

I love it when trans,lesbo freaks,snowflakes meet reality. did you see bodey in the red jacket and green tent shirt?

Never run your mouth if you can't back it up, that being said I've known both Army and Marine females that could beat this guys ass down they just don't brag about shit.
Video should be titled:

"Feminist dyke gets a reality check"
..... :cool:
You have to admit, that chick looks like she could probably kick most guys butts.
No, she looked awful. You're thinking that because she's a big girl that would translate into her fighting well, but that isn't how it works. Her instinct was to turn her head away from the strike. You'll notice, she fell away from the guy punching her when she got KO'd.
And personally, I'd prefer not to go toe-to-toe with an amazon like that.
I love it when trans,lesbo freaks,snowflakes meet reality. did you see bodey in the red jacket and green tent shirt?

That black boy has a lot more patience than me.

I'd cut that motherfucker off right in the middle of his shit talking and know for a fact he's in snooze land and I need to catch him before he hits the ground.

There's a trick to knocking people out, that's something I do know.

I'm jealous of that black guy's patience.
Never run your mouth if you can't back it up, that being said I've known both Army and Marine females that could beat this guys ass down they just don't brag about shit.
Nope, those girls would have lost to him too. Put boxing gloves on Rhonda Rousey and he would also knock her out..
I love it when trans,lesbo freaks,snowflakes meet reality. did you see bodey in the red jacket and green tent shirt?

That black boy has a lot more patience than me.

I'd cut that motherfucker off right in the middle of his shit talking and know for a fact he's in snooze land and I need to catch him before he hits the ground.

There's a trick to knocking people out, that's something I do know.

I'm jealous of that black guy's patience.

That was a chick.
Ya really have to wonder what was going through her mind when she made the challenge.
I could have whooped her ass with no problem.
Did she actually believe she could whoop a 220lb Marine?

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