Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?

How convenient...

The DA already reportedy stayed there was never any such case reported, none on file...

Suddenly, after the story goes viral, the DA says there was never such a case, and it all starts to blow up in the Democrsts' faces...

Oh, wait...oh yeah, there was this case we completely forgot about...

There was this little girl, and she was raped by this wandering, homeless illegal (Open Borders & Importing criminals / rapists - Way To Go, Brandon)...

Turns out the mother reported it...the case never got to the DA ...and the police did not act on it / arrest the guy, who was just waiting around to be arrested, until the story went viral and began being questioned...

...and THEN the police sprung into action to make the arrest ... and save the story.

What city / town was the child taken to for the 'medical abortion'?

What was the name of the hospital / clinic?
- Can anyone there confirm the story?

After 8 days was there actually anything to abort...or was this precautionary, as is done with about every rape case today?

Sorry, at this point 'Just Trust Us' doesn't cut it, and more details are needed to actually confirm this 'fortuitous' / convenient turn of events.
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Long ago i did a research paper on the subject of abortion and how it affects the mother long term. I'll have to see if i can find it. I seem to remember.... I may have this off some. It is not a healthy situation for a ten year old to be giving birth but an abortion would be a worse long term scenario. Not only physically but emotionally and psychologically.
cause this country doesnt give a flying phuck about children...proven over and over again with bs like this
Or because you don't pay any attention to details.
1) Ohio officials stated from day one of this report that the abortion of this girl would have been legal due to the circumstances.
2) The only thing the left talked about in this case was that she "HAD" to drive to Indiana, which is false, and not one peep about the CRIME that occurred. 100% making it sound like the fact this young child had to make a couple hour drive is the worst thing that happened.
The worst thing that happened to her - WAS SHE WAS RAPED.

That was a lie.
How convenient...

The DA already reportedy stayed there was never any such case reported, none on file...

Suddenly, after the story goes viral, the DA says there was never such a case, and it all starts to blow up in the Democrsts' faces...

Oh, wait...oh yeah, there was this case we completely forgot about...

Thete was this little girl, and she was raped by this wandering, homeless illegal (Open Borders & Importing criminals / rapists - Way To Go, Brandon)...

Turns out the mother reported it...the case never got to the DA ...and the police did not act on it / arrest the guy, who was just waiting around to be arrested, until the story eent viral and began being questioned...

...and THEN the police sprung into action to make the arrest ... and save the story.

What city / town was the child taken to for the 'medical abortion'?

What was the name of the hospital / clinic?
- Can anyone there confirm the story?

After 8 days was there actually anything to abort...or was this precautionary, as is done with about every rape case today?

Sorry, at this point 'Just Trust Us' doesn't cut it, abd more details are needed to actually confirm this 'fortuitous' / convenient turn of events.

If they are going to use the story to beat up the other side, all facts need to be known except for the name of the girl.

That's the only fact that can be left out.
Better yet, why is Ohio forcing 10 year old rape victims to go through gestation? Why did the cops lie about nothing being reported?

An abortion would not have been necessary if Joe Biden and the Dims didn't let illegal alien child rapists into the Country. What kind of sick mofo's would let child rapists in our Country. Pedo Pete maybe?
Who says the state forced this child to go through this? WHAT if this child's predicament was used by the left for their own political purposes. The left says they care about the children...yet they allow the president to sniffem, allow his son to rape, beat and humiliate them, force them into transgender surgery, turn them into homos, give them porno and sex toys and instructions in grade school..... and if the rumors are true, use these children for youth elixirs......and are allegedly engaged in child porno, child sex and slavery, leftist hollywood uses them up like they're nothing........ and you say the conservatives don't care about children.
They left does love to rephrase things to their advantage.
Isn't being 10 and pregnant enough of a reason for an abortion? I mean.... seriously, have any of you NOT been in a delivery room?

And I don't see how a ten year can be pregnant without being raped, legally speaking. Maybe a 12 year old boy can contribute sperm, but I have no knowledge on that.
bodecea said:
So it wasn't all made up? Interesting.

Leftists were still lying their asses off and they're still covering up the particulars. taking advantage of a child for political activism. Have you no shame? Going after Ohio were you? Making them the enemy and turning people against them for the left's own purposes??
the state law that outlawed abortion past 6 weeks with no exception for child rape did.
The Ohio state law on abortion is detection of a fetal heartbeat which OFTEN coincides with approximately 6 weeks fetal age. Look it up yourself. The Ohio state AG has also stated that if the pregnant woman is a 10 year old girl then that certainly qualifies as an exception for life threatening risk.
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