Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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wow. You're just about as disgusting a human being as I can imagine.

The story makes fools of the abortion doctors, in Ohio and Indiana. It makes fools of the child welfare service in Ohio. It makes fools of those who create or support sanctuary cities. It makes fools of the main stream media, of the President, and of you.
Lets see. A girl gets raped.and is pregnant. The medieval laws of Ohio means that she cant be helped there and she has to travel across the state lines for medical care.
The sleaze who raped her is arrested and charged.
Right wing knuckle draggers progress from denial it actually happened. To outrage that the rapist is an immigrant. And then through every type of deflection imaginable.

But the facts are that the medieval laws in Ohio mean that this is reality in modern America. This will happen many, many times and women will be treated as second class citizens.

The body count from botched back street abortions will rise and the use will divide into civilised progressive areas and backward theocracies.

Its disgusting and i hope that America votes out these extremists.
Isnt Ohio saying that she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio?

Did someone post the Ohio laws? Do they prohibit all abortions fot any reason, period?
They are saying that now

Where were they when a ten year old was in need of an abortion in Ohio?
Wasn't their "tail" that her mother didn't report it to the right people (police) because in fact she reported it to the right people (child protective services) where the child can be referred to care givers and the cops are supposed to be called .... assuming their law is at least as logically designed as Mississippi's ... and one can hope, LOL
In their culture it is common for men to rape the daughters of the girlfriend. It's likely the perp was living with the girl and the mom.

Now that a suspect has been arrested, there are even more questions. For example, why did the Columbus Police Department sit on the report of the rape of a child for three weeks? According to the police report (obtained by Megan), a police report was generated on June 22 but the rapist was not arrested until July 12, one day after the story went national with appearances by Megan and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost on Fox News. Were they working the case or was there some other reason? The perpetrator may have actually been living with (or at least near) the victim until his arrest. We don’t know for sure, but the scene of the crime was Fuentes’s apartment and his lawyer told the judge at a hearing on Wednesday that Fuentes “had an address where he could live that was not at the same location as the 10-year-old,” according to The Columbus Dispatch. Note the use of the word “could”—the suspect could live separate from the victim but perhaps was not at the time of the arrest.

No doubt the girl's story is tragic, on a number of levels. I happen to think right wing media disinformation is an enormous threat to the country. Something we may have to agree to disagree about.
I love how you brush it off. Publicizing a 10 year old's rape for abortion rights is ok, but holy fuck, you better not talk about their immigration status.........This is a total lefty argument.......10 year old girls, we can use as a pawn, but illegal immigrants are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of bounds........fuck you sickos.
Other than the law which gives no exception for rape or incest, or for preteen girls?

Does it concern you that an already traumatized 10 year old's HIPPA privacy rights were violated by the abortion doctor to make a political point?

Does it concern you that the medical and mental health authorities that were mandated to legally report the rape to police apparently never did so?

Does it concern you the illegal alien child rapist was allowed to walk the streets for 2 months before he was finally arrested?

Does it concern you the girl could have legally gotten an abortion in Ohio but never even tried?
LOL, Do you even read what you write? Talk about convoluted thinking!

This didn't happen in a blue state. It happened in the red state of Ohio. The DA claimed the case did not exist.

And yet... listen up, this is important... the same Ohio state police not only proved the story to be true, but they also have a perp in custody. And, the same DA who claimed it did not happen? Now rejoices a rapist is in custody!!!!

Where does the Dems fit in this story? Are you saying that the Dems paid off the DA and the police to change their story? You idiot!

The real issue here is why the DA not check his facts before mouthing off? Repubs are incompetent and this nut-job of a DA is the prime example!!

Next time, read over what you write before hitting the post button. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:
Who cares if it was in a red or blue state? Everuthing has to be about Dem versus GOP with you fuckers....

Why did the Da not know about the case?

Why did tbepolice 1st not know about it?

Wby did the police spring into action only after the story went viral?

Did anyone get the name of the location where the 10yo supposedly got tbemefical abortion?
- Was it confirmed?

You sure are eager to take the unconfirmed convenient reports from fake news media....

As I have said, failure by a mental health or medical professional to report a child rape to police is a felony in virtually every State. We already know the abortion doctor violated the young girls HIPPA rights to privacy. That alone will get her license suspended.

Failure to report to police will likely end her career.
All this deflection. Any woman should be able to get an abortion on demand at a place and time to suit them.
Anything else is authoritarian shit.

Yes....and the government should be able to commit mass murder whenever it wants to as well........anything else is authoritarian shit.......or something.....

Murder of a baby is murder of a can pretend all you like, but it doesn't change that fact..
As I have said, failure by a mental health or medical professional to report a child rape to police is a felony in virtually every State. We already know the abortion doctor violated the young girls HIPPA rights to privacy. That alone will get her license suspended.

Failure to report to police will likely end her career.

This story might be hopping here right now...but with that illegal alien involved, my predication is that this story is gonna vanish PDQ.

^^^ what an ass ^^^ rape is FUCKING RAPE & that's the focus here.

& <pssssst> know what else will be the CONtinuing focus all the way up to the election?

the overturning of roe v wade. count on it; ass.
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