Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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well they've put themselves in a fine mess. The abortion activist who put out this story....did she know that the actual rapist was an illegal living in columbus? AND he was JUST arrested. Did they think they could use this story and let the illegal rapist off scott free???
You yelled "fake news". Now you're playing dumb, talking about immigration.
That child would be better in Foster care.
It wouldnt surprise me the mom let him do it to the child, honestly.

Both the mother, the child, the rapist, ect. would be better off back where ever they came from.

And by "Better", I mean better for US. None of these people are likely to benefit US by being here.
Both the mother, the child, the rapist, ect. would be better off back where ever they came from.

And by "Better", I mean better for US. None of these people are likely to benefit US by being here.

They are a drag on our society
Infant mortality is caused by abortion.

I know you're one of the dumbest posters here, but infant mortality has NOTHING to do with abortion. Infant mortality happens when a baby dies after it has been born. American babies die more often than any other babies in the first world.

Republicans are big on protecting the unborn, but once you're born, they don't care if babies or their mothers, die. So much for being "pro-life".
Both the mother, the child, the rapist, ect. would be better off back where ever they came from.

And by "Better", I mean better for US. None of these people are likely to benefit US by being here.

There is certainly no benefit to the USA to have let in someone like YOU. Lying, cheating, trying to overturn the government. You should be deported back to where YOU came from. You're an anti-American shill for authoritarians.
Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
It's a messed up world. At least we can get some satisfaction in the pos that committed the rape is going to pay for it. He is in gladiator training on Jackson pike right next to the sewage treatment plant as we speak. Hope that plant stinks like hell.
well they've put themselves in a fine mess. The abortion activist who put out this story....did she know that the actual rapist was an illegal living in columbus? AND he was JUST arrested. Did they think they could use this story and let the illegal rapist off scott free???
Lol, he is not getting off Scott free. He was never getting off Scott free. No one wants him to get off Scott free. Only a slobbering idiot would think any one wants him to get off Scott free. How ever no morals right wingers we're quick to tell lies about the whole thing for their own political gain. Notice I said immoral right wingers used this to their gain not just right wingers. The party of Reagan if there is any left need to expell the trash that lied about it. TNHARLEY is a conservative and does not put up with the lies. Thank you Harley.
No exception for child rape in Ohio, Bones. CHILD FUCKING RAPE
Yep Ohio is no longer a bell weather state. A good percentage has bought into lunacy. I pray for better days ahead. This shit of the extreme on both sides being pandered to is getting old real fast. The loons get all the attention and the rest of us normal people are forgotten in the shuffle.
Idiot… does my quote not match the law…..I said they had an exception for the life of the mother you idiot.

except that the 'life' of the 10 yr old mother was not in immediate danger ... idiot ... under the current law - she could have been forced to incubate long enough to try & make it viable; then cut her open. the bill that hasn't passed yet made her pregnancy too far along at 6 weeks, 3 days.

that's why it's in legislation now, because the draconian law as it stands now- would make her nothing but a host.
The only people lying were the Republicans claiming this was a hoax
The doctor lied. She claimed the MAN was a minor, only 17. So he wouldn't be prosecuted as an adult sex offender.
The doctor lied. She claimed the MAN was a minor, only 17. So he wouldn't be prosecuted as an adult sex offender.

anything to deflect from what rw nutter congress critters & their mouthpieces on FOX did.
How long are you going to continue to accuse others of being who Democrats are and of doing what you have done & are still doing?

The same media that reported Hillary's Russian Collusion scam was real is rrporting tge 27yo illegal who was quickly arrested after the Drmocrats story about a 10yo being raped and denied an abortion went viral.

Other than the media saying its real, other than the police who initially said no such report was filed now claiming to have remembered it, there is no solid evidence any of this is real.

As I pointed out, we don't know
- The name of the girl
- The name of the facility
- No confirmation by anyone who worked there

....too many holes.

In the meantime you have demonstrated more concern for blaming one party over another than for a 10yo girl who was supposedly raped

In the meantime snowflakes have claimed being denied an abortion 8 days after being raped was more traumatic and damaging to that 10yo little girl than having a 27yo man physically, sexually abuse, rape her...which is ridiculous bullshit.

And you have proved that your ego is far more important than a 10yo getting raped by someone.

The bottom line, that has been lost in all this bullshit, is leftists wanted / want to use this story to oppose the USSC"s RvW decision.

Leftists are still trying to make the false argument that the USSC eliminated abortions in the US when the only thing the USSC did was to return the authority to legislate abortions to the states / people.

Neither the USSC nor its decision prevented that 10yo from getting an abortion.
Blah Blah Blah. When retards have noting to say, they will name-drop Hillary, Russian collusion, media etc etc etc :auiqs.jpg: Thanks for being consistent!

Still does not change the fact that this happened in a red state Ohio. A state where the Republican DA, without verifying all the facts, called the media reports a hoax.

This has nothing to do with Dems. This was a news article that was published in an Indianapolis newspaper that had quoted an Indianapolis doctor who had performed the operation but was not allowed to revel the child's name due to doctor-patient relationship.

When the Ohio cops did confirm that this was an actual rape and an arrest was made, the idiot DA was forced to eat his words.

You may try to muddle the issue with Clinton, media, Dems blah blah blah .... But, this has nothing to do with Dems. You idiots overturned the Roe v Wade law. The child who was raped and wanted to get an abortion is from Ohio. No Dems forced her to get an abortion. No Dems forced her to flee to Indanapolis to get the abortion.

And, the fact still remains that a Repub DA opened his stupid trap without confirming the issue with his own police force. If that doesn't show Repub incompetency, I don't know what will.

Next time, understand the issue. Understand who is to blame before posting. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:
anything to deflect from what rw nutter congress critters & their mouthpieces on FOX did.
Or the false narratives leftists are spreading about the USSC's RvW decision ... or continued leftist violence and terrorism, calls for Insurrection, and refusal to enforce laws
Blah Blah Blah. When retards have noting to say, they will name-drop Hillary, Russian collusion, media etc etc etc :auiqs.jpg: Thanks for being consistent!

hillary's name was JUST used as a deflection in another thread i was just on.
Or the false narratives leftists are spreading about the USSC's RvW decision


... or continued leftist violence and terrorism,

FSTV-Fox-News-Magnet (1).jpg

calls for Insurrection, and refusal to enforce laws

hillary's name was JUST used as a deflection in another thread i was just on.
Yup. That is the retard go-to strategy when they are failing. Name drop Hillary (or Pelosi, that too works!) to derail the thread and hope no one notices.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic!
Yup. That is the retard go-to strategy when they are failing. Name drop Hillary (or Pelosi, that too works!) to derail the thread and hope no one notices.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic!

know what my answer to the poster was after he brought up her name?

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