Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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This is what the left does and we should all be used to it. they make up a fib..we know it is a fib because it is convenient or we just know better, they get caught, they finagle a quarter or half truth in it ANYWHERE and WE are still the bad guy. LOLOLOL
Then put on your big girl pants, state the lie, and state why it is a lie. Your fake LOLs don't cut it.
We've said over and over why it is a lie. IF you can't make that discernment OR WON"T...then that is your handicap.
This is what the left does and we should all be used to it. they make up a fib..we know it is a fib because it is convenient or we just know better, they get caught, they finagle a quarter or half truth in it ANYWHERE and WE are still the bad guy. LOLOLOL
What lies, you idiot? Did the Ohio girl have an abortion in another state? Yes or No?

On your second point. You don't think a 10-year-old is traumatized when she gets raped and gets pregnant? Are you really that much of a retard?

Let me repeat this: A 10-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant and you think it is a walk in the park? Are you that much of a crazed individual that you have no empathy for this poor child?

Man, I thought the other retards on this site were bad. But you take the cake. Not only a retard but a woman who has no sympathy for a rape victim. Now, I have seen it all.
She wasn't forcibly raped. It's only rape because there is a statute against it. Otherwise, she just had an orgasm with her boyfriend,
who might have been mom's boyfriend too. This girl has been screwing this MAN at least since she was nine. Mom says her daughter is fine. On what basis do you dispute this? The girl isn't traumatized, she's not a candidate for therapy. She's fine. Your empathy is misplaced.

The alleged rapist is going to walk out of that prison charges dropped or time served.
The mother said that everything said about the rapist is a lie. This necessarily includes there being a rape.

Did mother report a rape to the social worker or was she signing her daughter up for benefits?
Fact: The only way Ohio child services knew about this case was because the child's mother reported it.

When someone below the age of consent has sex, it is termed rape. How come as a woman, you don't know that? Are you really this dumb or just acting as one on this site. I

I really cannot believe someone is this stupid.
She wasn't forcibly raped. It's only rape because there is a statute against it. Otherwise, she just had an orgasm with her boyfriend,
who might have been mom's boyfriend too. This girl has been screwing this MAN at least since she was nine. Mom says her daughter is fine. On what basis do you dispute this? The girl isn't traumatized, she's not a candidate for therapy. She's fine. Your empathy is misplaced.

The alleged rapist is going to walk out of that prison charges dropped or time served.
"she's not a candidate for therapy."
She will be.
"The alleged rapist is going to walk out of that prison charges dropped or time served."
Statutory rape? Don't bet on it.
Good God. Nice morals.
The doctor even tried to avoid that by reporting the alleged rapist as 17, which makes him a minor
"she's not a candidate for therapy."
She will be.
"The alleged rapist is going to walk out of that prison charges dropped or time served."
Don't bet on it.
The girl is fine. She just has to get another boyfriend.

That this alleged rapist will walk is going to happen. There is no victim.
The doctor even tried to avoid that by reporting the alleged rapist as 17, which makes him a minor
The girl is fine. She just has to get another boyfriend.

That this alleged rapist will walk is going to happen. There is no victim.
"That this alleged rapist will walk is going to happen. There is no victim."
You might want to look up 'Statutory Rape'.
She wasn't forcibly raped. It's only rape because there is a statute against it. Otherwise, she just had an orgasm with her boyfriend,
who might have been mom's boyfriend too. This girl has been screwing this MAN at least since she was nine. Mom says her daughter is fine. On what basis do you dispute this? The girl isn't traumatized, she's not a candidate for therapy. She's fine. Your empathy is misplaced.

The alleged rapist is going to walk out of that prison charges dropped or time served.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

So why didnt the child who was raped by an illegal alien get the abortion in Ohio? Because Sociopaths dont give a damn about people, just like you, it is only the cause that the progressive elites care for.

CBS"news" called the rapist an Ohio Man...Despicable what the Lame Stream Media is doing to cover for the shitter in chief...
Ohio 10-year-old's alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant: ICE source

A 10 year old is raped, think about that Coyote, by an illegal alien that Joe Biden's administration allows into this country. Do you approve of Joe Biden?

How long has he been here? Please provide verification.
There is certainly no benefit to the USA to have let in someone like YOU. Lying, cheating, trying to overturn the government. You should be deported back to where YOU came from. You're an anti-American shill for authoritarians.

Except I did not try to overturn the government. That was you lying. Which is ironic since your first complaint was that I was lying.

You are a partisan zealot. We have too many immigrants. We need an immigrant ban. For at least a generation. Maybe two.
except that the 'life' of the 10 yr old mother was not in immediate danger ... idiot ... under the current law - she could have been forced to incubate long enough to try & make it viable; then cut her open. the bill that hasn't passed yet made her pregnancy too far along at 6 weeks, 3 days.

that's why it's in legislation now, because the draconian law as it stands now- would make her nothing but a host.

And that's bullshit. A 10 year old cannot safely carry to term. Libs like you lied to her, to manufacture a story.
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