Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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The doctor lied. She claimed the MAN was a minor, only 17. So he wouldn't be prosecuted as an adult sex offender.
You also claimed this was a hoax

You have NO credibility
pyetro said:
You yelled "fake news". Now you're playing dumb, talking about immigration.

oh no you don't. Your actiivist abortion doctor reported misleading information in order to protect another illegal. She fell into her own trap. You had no legitimate story and then one popped up...not the one she initially fabricated. She and those around her misled from the start...and you want to blame that on those of us who called the activist and the activist here on it...and y'all were apoplectic on your responses. Absolutely APOPLECTIC. You know...there's a damn good reason everyone considers the left a bunch of liars. giving half truths is still a lie and it is a favorite technique of satan and those doing his dirty work..
You also claimed this was a hoax

You have NO credibility
And it turns out to be a hoax. It turns out to be a common story among immigrants that was both used and abused. There is some speculation that the rapist is being protected by the fake victim and her mother because it's mommy's boyfriend. Now there's a possibility.
Blah Blah Blah. When retards have noting to say, they will name-drop Hillary, Russian collusion, media etc etc etc :auiqs.jpg: Thanks for being consistent!

Still does not change the fact that this happened in a red state Ohio. A state where the Republican DA, without verifying all the facts, called the media reports a hoax.

This has nothing to do with Dems. This was a news article that was published in an Indianapolis newspaper that had quoted an Indianapolis doctor who had performed the operation but was not allowed to revel the child's name due to doctor-patient relationship.

When the Ohio cops did confirm that this was an actual rape and an arrest was made, the idiot DA was forced to eat his words.

You may try to muddle the issue with Clinton, media, Dems blah blah blah .... But, this has nothing to do with Dems. You idiots overturned the Roe v Wade law. The child who was raped and wanted to get an abortion is from Ohio. No Dems forced her to get an abortion. No Dems forced her to flee to Indanapolis to get the abortion.

And, the fact still remains that a Repub DA opened his stupid trap without confirming the issue with his own police force. If that doesn't show Repub incompetency, I don't know what will.

Next time, understand the issue. Understand who is to blame before posting. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:

Why is the mefia lying?

Why are tgere so many hiles in the story?

You keep parroting the sane lines but still can't answer the questions.

The girl got a medical abortion, and the mother says she's 'fine'.

Democrats raised this story to accuse USSC Justices of taking away abortions for cases like this, but that's a lie and you know it.

The USSC made no ruling on abortions except to return self-governance and self-legislation of abortions back to the states / people.

Democrats responded with false narratives, lies, threats, calls for intimidation of and violence against USSC Justices, an assasdination attempt, violent criminal protests, attempts to undernine the govt & USSC, and calls for Insurrection...

Democrats thought they would bring up this story & people would not question it...they were wrong. It went viral, blew up, and did not go as they had planned.

I fully understand the isdue, what has gone on since the USSC decision draft was leaked, since the decisipn was released, and what is still going on.

All the lies, all the false narratives, and false accusations....Fang Fang Swalwell lied and said the USSC was going to make mixed martiages next, a stupid fucking statement considering ine of the Justices is in a mixed martiage AND alito cleay stated, even easy enough for you idiots to understand, that the RvW decision / case could NOT be used as the basis for any other issue, that it was a separate issue.

So stop your bullshit and bluster. This story is just another one of many the left has used / will use to claim the USSC's decision made girls / women unable to get abortions under circunstances like this.

That's a lie. If that happens, it will happen because of STATE levislative de isions / actions

oh no you don't. Your actiivist abortion doctor reported misleading information in order to protect another illegal. She fell into her own trap. You had no legitimate story and then one popped up...not the one she initially fabricated. She and those around her misled from the start...and you want to blame that on those of us who called the activist and the activist here on it...and y'all were apoplectic on your responses. Absolutely APOPLECTIC. You know...there's a damn good reason consider the left a bunch of liars. giving half truths is still a lie and it is a favorite technique of satan.
The doctor also lied and said the rapist was only a minor, age 17. Everyone has gone to protect this criminal.
Why is the mefia lying?

Why are tgere so many hiles in the story?

You keep parroting the sane lines but still can't answer the questions.

The girl got a medical abortion, and the mother says she's 'fine'.

Democrats raised this story to accuse USSC Justices of taking away abortions for cases like this, but that's a lie and you know it.

The USSC made no ruling on abortions except to return self-governance and self-legislation of abortions back to the states / people.

Democrats responded with false narratives, lies, threats, calls for intimidation of and violence against USSC Justices, an assasdination attempt, violent criminal protests, attempts to undernine the govt & USSC, and calls for Insurrection...

Democrats thought they would bring up this story & people would not question it...they were wrong. It went viral, blew up, and did not go as they had planned.

I fully understand the isdue, what has gone on since the USSC decision draft was leaked, since the decisipn was released, and what is still going on.

All the lies, all the false narratives, and false accusations....Fang Fang Swalwell lied and said the USSC was going to make mixed martiages next, a stupid fucking statement considering ine of the Justices is in a mixed martiage AND alito cleay stated, even easy enough for you idiots to understand, that the RvW decision / case could NOT be used as the basis for any other issue, that it was a separate issue.

So stop your bullshit and bluster. This story is just another one of many the left has used / will use to claim the USSC's decision made girls / women unable to get abortions under circunstances like this.

That's a lie. If that happens, it will happen because of STATE levislative de isions / actions

Are you drunk? What the fuck does the above highlighted sentences mean? Too early to be hitting the sauce, retard. No wonder you are rambling.

Fact Number 1
Again, one more time for the retard, This was a story in the Indianappolis newspaper which quoted the doctor who performed the abortion on a 10 year old girl. A girl who was forced to flee to another state to get an abortion because it was no longer easy to do it in her own state.

Fact Number 2
Then the idiot Republican (are there any other kind?) Ohio DA jumped in and claimed the story was a hoax. The right-wing echo chamber then propogated that story. Now, all you idiots have egg on your face because the very same Ohio state police have corroborated the girl's story and have even made an arrest.

***Mod Edit: RED is reserved for mods.***

No Dems were involved in this story. Did Dems feel that it corroborated what they have been saying would happen if abortion was made illegal? Of course. Why wouldn't they bring it up as a text book case of what will happen? It proved their point, didn't it?

But did Dems instigate this? Of course not. Happened in a red state. Girl lives in the red state. Perp lives in the red state. The retard Ohio DA is a Republican. Dems have nothing to do with this story other then comment on it.

But, keep repeating yourself, retard. Keep proving how dumb you are. I am enjoying humiliating you over and over again. Thanks for the opportunity! :itsok:
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Yost said on Fox News that Ohio's law also allows an exception for a medical emergency and "this young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her – breaks my heart to think about it – she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment
Which is a lie, amd you are an idiot for believing it.

No, the same people who are forcing birth do not consider a pregnancy itself to be a medical emergency.

Are you drunk? What the fuck does the above highlighted sentences mean? Too early to be hitting the sauce, retard. No wonder you are rambling.

Fact Number 1
Again, one more time for the retard, This was a story in the Indianappolis newspaper which quoted the doctor who performed the abortion on a 10 year old girl. A girl who was forced to flee to another state to get an abortion because it was no longer easy to do it in her own state.

Fact Number 2
Then the idiot Republican (are there any other kind?) DA jumped in and claimed the story was a hoax. The right-wing echo chamber then propogated that story. Now, all you idiots have egg on your face because the very same Ohio state police have corroborated the girl's story and have even made an arrest.

No Dems were involved in this story. Did Dems feel that it corroborated what they have been saying would happen if abortion was made illegal? Of course. Why wouldn't they bring it up as a text book case of what will happen? It proved their point, didn't it?

But did Dems instigate this? Of course not. Happened in a red state. Girl lives in the red state. Perp lives in the red state. Dems have nothing to do with this story other then comment on it.

But, keep repeating yourself, retard. Keep proving how dumb you are. I am enjoying humiliating you over and over again. Thanks for the opportunity! :itsok:
You missed the dr is dems' supporter, and there is no rape reported. In the end, it is dems, WH and MSM take the story and run with it. We better find out the whole story given the mom said the whole story is not true.
Are you drunk? What the fuck does the above highlighted sentences mean? Too early to be hitting the sauce, retard. No wonder you are rambling.

Fact Number 1
Again, one more time for the retard, This was a story in the Indianappolis newspaper which quoted the doctor who performed the abortion on a 10 year old girl. A girl who was forced to flee to another state to get an abortion because it was no longer easy to do it in her own state.

Fact Number 2
Then the idiot Republican (are there any other kind?) DA jumped in and claimed the story was a hoax. The right-wing echo chamber then propogated that story. Now, all you idiots have egg on your face because the very same Ohio state police have corroborated the girl's story and have even made an arrest.

No Dems were involved in this story. Did Dems feel that it corroborated what they have been saying would happen if abortion was made illegal? Of course. Why wouldn't they bring it up as a text book case of what will happen? It proved their point, didn't it?

But did Dems instigate this? Of course not. Happened in a red state. Girl lives in the red state. Perp lives in the red state. Dems have nothing to do with this story other then comment on it.

But, keep repeating yourself, retard. Keep proving how dumb you are. I am enjoying humiliating you over and over again. Thanks for the opportunity! :itsok:
FACT number one.
The doctor lied through her teeth. No one had to go to another state to avoid abortion laws. As a 10 year old the girl automatically was an exception. Going out of state was an effort to avoid mandatory reporting requirements. The doctor lied again by claiming that the 27 year old was 17 taking the charge of statutory rape away.

FACT number two.
This was correctly identified as a hoax in that a trivial romance was lied about and hyped for maximum sympathy. There never was a traumatized ten year old struggling with a physical and mental rape. The abortion was non surgical. She took a pill. Yes, she could have done that in Ohio. The entire actions on everyone's part was to protect the rapist because the girl is just fine.
FACT number one.
The doctor lied through her teeth. No one had to go to another state to avoid abortion laws. As a 10 year old the girl automatically was an exception. Going out of state was an effort to avoid mandatory reporting requirements. The doctor lied again by claiming that the 27 year old was 17 taking the charge of statutory rape away.

FACT number two.
This was correctly identified as a hoax in that a trivial romance was lied about and hyped for maximum sympathy. There never was a traumatized ten year old struggling with a physical and mental rape. The abortion was non surgical. She took a pill. Yes, she could have done that in Ohio. The entire actions on everyone's part was to protect the rapist because the girl is just fine.
Fact Number one

You fuckers have been lying about this from the beginning

You have no credibility
You missed the dr is dems' supporter, and there is no rape reported. In the end, it is dems, WH and MSM take the story and run with it. We better find out the whole story given the mom said the whole story is not true.
LOL, Another day. Another retard.

So, what if the doctor was a Dem? She is a qualified doctor, isn't she? And the rape was reported by the mother to child services. Who then reported to the Ohio police. Here is the link:

Columbus police were made aware of the girl's pregnancy through a referral by Franklin County Children Services that was made by her mother on June 22, Det. Jeffrey Huhn testified Wednesday morning at Fuentes' arraignment. On June 30, the girl underwent a medical abortion in Indianapolis, Huhn said.

So, on June 22, long before the story was broken by the Indianapolis newspaper, the mother spoke to the Franklin County Children's services, according to the Ohio detective who is involved in this case.

Now, prove that the mother said it did not happen. Prove it with a legitimate source. I will bet you won't because retards are long on accusations. Short on proof.

Prove me wrong. Go.
This is what the left does and we should all be used to it. they make up a fib..we know it is a fib because it is convenient or we just know better, they get caught, they finagle a quarter or half truth in it ANYWHERE and WE are still the bad guy. LOLOLOL
LOL, Another day. Another retard.

So, what if the doctor was a Dem? She is a qualified doctor, isn't she? And the rape was reported by the mother to child services. Who then reported to the Ohio police. Here is the link:

Columbus police were made aware of the girl's pregnancy through a referral by Franklin County Children Services that was made by her mother on June 22, Det. Jeffrey Huhn testified Wednesday morning at Fuentes' arraignment. On June 30, the girl underwent a medical abortion in Indianapolis, Huhn said.

So, on June 22, long before the story was broken by the Indianapolis newspaper, the mother spoke to the Franklin County Children's services, according to the Ohio detective who is involved in this case.

Now, prove that the mother said it did not happen. Prove it with a legitimate source. I will bet you won't because retards are long on accusations. Short on proof.

Prove me wrong. Go.
LOL, Another day. Another retard.

So, what if the doctor was a Dem? She is a qualified doctor, isn't she? And the rape was reported by the mother to child services. Who then reported to the Ohio police. Here is the link:

Columbus police were made aware of the girl's pregnancy through a referral by Franklin County Children Services that was made by her mother on June 22, Det. Jeffrey Huhn testified Wednesday morning at Fuentes' arraignment. On June 30, the girl underwent a medical abortion in Indianapolis, Huhn said.

So, on June 22, long before the story was broken by the Indianapolis newspaper, the mother spoke to the Franklin County Children's services, according to the Ohio detective who is involved in this case.

Now, prove that the mother said it did not happen. Prove it with a legitimate source. I will bet you won't because retards are long on accusations. Short on proof.

Prove me wrong. Go.
The mother said that everything said about the rapist is a lie. This necessarily includes there being a rape.

Did mother report a rape to the social worker or was she signing her daughter up for benefits?
FACT number one.
The doctor lied through her teeth. No one had to go to another state to avoid abortion laws. As a 10 year old the girl automatically was an exception. Going out of state was an effort to avoid mandatory reporting requirements. The doctor lied again by claiming that the 27 year old was 17 taking the charge of statutory rape away.

FACT number two.
This was correctly identified as a hoax in that a trivial romance was lied about and hyped for maximum sympathy. There never was a traumatized ten year old struggling with a physical and mental rape. The abortion was non surgical. She took a pill. Yes, she could have done that in Ohio. The entire actions on everyone's part was to protect the rapist because the girl is just fine.
What lies, you idiot? Did the Ohio girl have an abortion in another state? Yes or No?

On your second point. You don't think a 10-year-old is traumatized when she gets raped and gets pregnant? Are you really that much of a retard?

Let me repeat this: A 10-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant and you think it is a walk in the park? Are you that much of a crazed individual that you have no empathy for this poor child? ***Mod edit: RED is reserved for mods.***

Man, I thought the other retards on this site were bad. But you take the cake. Not only a retard but a woman who has no sympathy for a rape victim. Now, I have seen it all.
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