Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
Because the legislature passed a law that needs to be adjusted. But you will try and use this exceedingly rare exception to try and make the rule.
Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
the state AG said the girl didnt need to go to another state

the state AG said the girl didnt need to go to another state

The AJ also publicly stated her story was false. BUT according to Fox, it was uncertain whether an Ohio Dr had declined because he/she feared the law, or whether someone else referred her out of state.

And former Gov Dewine gave "no comment" when asked if the thought he did the right thing signing a law that did not allow abortion in the case of rape or incest.
Ohio attorney general Dave Yost said Ohio’s abortion law, which bans the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, has a “medical-emergency exception broader than just the life of the mother. This young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her . . . she did not have to leave Ohio” to receive an abortion
The rapist is a criminal illegal alien. We don't know the details of the girl, perhaps rightfully, but the question becomes whether this is yet another case of a small girl trafficked into the United States by the Joe Biden being raped and impregnated along the way.

I had to search this out because I didn't believe it for a minute when the news report was "Gershon Fuentes, 27, of Columbus". I had a feeling he wasn't actually from Columbus. More lies from the government press.

May 12th to june 30th is more than 6 weeks.

You might want to run those numbers again, that's 39 days, six weeks has 42 days. But another question comes to mind, why didn't she get a pregnancy test earlier? It's just a simple blood test.

The AJ also publicly stated her story was false. BUT according to Fox, it was uncertain whether an Ohio Dr had declined because he/she feared the law, or whether someone else referred her out of state.

And former Gov Dewine gave "no comment" when asked if the thought he did the right thing signing a law that did not allow abortion in the case of rape or incest.

Rape or incest is not a reason to kill a baby....they are the 2nd victim in those crimes and do not deserve to be killed....

The life of the mother is the only moral argument for an abortion....then it becomes triage, trying to save at least one life of the two....and that choice should be up to the mother, since many mothers decide to go through with the pregnancy even though it may cost them their life...

The other point he made in the original interview we cited was that there was no reason to travel to Illinois to get the abortion, because it would have been legal under Ohio law as a threat to the life of the mother. you care to explain why an illegal alien was allowed to rape a 10 year old girl?
After the reversal of rvw, a judge lifted the injunction of their 6 week ban. Right now, it is 6 weeks isn' is a baby heart beat ban....if you can hear a heart beat you can't do the abortion....and their is an exception for the life of the mother, you dumb ass...
Long ago i did a research paper on the subject of abortion and how it affects the mother long term. I'll have to see if i can find it. I seem to remember.... I may have this off some. It is not a healthy situation for a ten year old to be giving birth but an abortion would be a worse long term scenario. Not only physically but emotionally and psychologically.
Pregnancy in such a young child is devastating. I have had several such cases and examined and cross examined numerous doctors. If I may present another view. It is impossible for the average 10 year old to give birth. The child is taken by cesarean. Abortion doesn't really impact them because they don't have that firm a grasp on the reality of what's going on. They don't see a baby. They don't see anything. The connection isn't made.

Physically, a pregnancy is devastating. The baby will take whatever it needs without regard to the needs of the mother, herself a growing child. There are dental problems as growing bones weaken, easily broken bones, an explosion of diseases caused by deficiencies and the mother's body is deprived of nutrition. It can't be made up with diet or supplements either. The sudden change in hormones on an unprepared brain is incalculable. Milk forms in undeveloped ducts to non existing breasts. Girls survive, but will never develop a normal body. Her growth is irreversibly stunted. The baby will be healthy though.
I didn't doubt the story but refrained from saying anything. If that is truly the perp rapist POS, all those on this site should retract their statements calling this rape a hoax,
What a fucking liar.. you didn't doubt it but you didn't say anything.. that way you can come down on either side and claim moral superiority.

But you are right; we conservatives made a huge mistake in this case. We foolishly believed that had there been an actual child molester going around raping little girls that the mother, the police, the doctors, the abortionists, would all have reported it and protected girls. But they didn't, thus bringing into question the authenticity of the entire story.

I never posted (that I recall) that the story seemed fake but I did think it. I was wrong. But I was wrong because I assumed that all of those whose legal and moral responsibility is to protect children would actually protect children first and then use the children for their political advantage second.

Yes, I was wrong. I'll try to always remember, in the future, that the left doesn't care about little girls being raped and that they didn't report it, or do anything else to prevent it or reduce the risk of it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen.
So why did it takes weeks to arrest the illegal alien rapist? Maybe because Fox News reported zero arrests for a 10 year old rape victim in Ohio and it left the progressives scrambling? If my 10 year old daughter was raped I would not allow weeks to go by before the known rapist was even arrested. I call bullshit.

This story is fishy on so many levels.
Rape or incest is not a reason to kill a baby....they are the 2nd victim in those crimes and do not deserve to be killed....

The life of the mother is the only moral argument for an abortion....then it becomes triage, trying to save at least one life of the two....and that choice should be up to the mother, since many mothers decide to go through with the pregnancy even though it may cost them their life...

The other point he made in the original interview we cited was that there was no reason to travel to Illinois to get the abortion, because it would have been legal under Ohio law as a threat to the life of the mother. you care to explain why an illegal alien was allowed to rape a 10 year old girl?
Well, more then ten people agree with you on that.
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