Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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The abortion doctor made up a story, which is why she evaded investigation. She had no idea that there was a real 10 year old out there having sex since she was nine.
EvilCat Breath

That reminds me of a bible verse...

New Living Translation
If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead.
Proverbs 26:27

we;re seeing a lot of this aren't we.
And apparently, all that shit about nothing being reported in Ohio was a LOAD OF SHIT
Citing detectives, the newspaper reported that police were first made aware of the girl’s pregnancy through a referral filed with the local child services’ branch by her mother on June 22.
Did these mother fuckers lie about this child for political reasons?

So 40 days after the rape, two days before the reversal of Roe, the mother makes the report. The doctors and abortion clinics didn't make the report.

The local child services branch also violated the law and failed their obligation to report to the police because, according to the State AG, there were no police reports.

So, no, it wasn't reported to the police and no investigation into the rape began.

The Ohio doctors and abortionists didn't report. The Ohio child protective services didn't report it to law enforcement as required by Ohio law.
(c) Unless an arrest is made at the time of the report that results in the appropriate law enforcement agency being contacted concerning the possible abuse or neglect of a child or the possible threat of abuse or neglect of a child, and in accordance with requirements specified under division (B)(6) of section 2151.4221 of the Revised Code, notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of the report
Additionally, the child protective services is required to begin an investigation with the law enforcement agency within 24 hours:

the public children services agency shall investigate, within twenty-four hours, each report of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to have occurred and of a threat of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to exist that is referred to it under this section to determine the circumstances surrounding the injuries, abuse, or neglect or the threat of injury, abuse, or neglect, the cause of the injuries, abuse, neglect, or threat, and the person or persons responsible. The investigation shall be made in cooperation with the law enforcement agency and in accordance with the memorandum of understanding prepared under sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4234 of the Revised Code.

The penalty for not reporting is $1,000 and up to 6 months in jail. Everyone involved with possibly the exception of the parents, belongs in jail.

By the way, Indiana law also requires reporting a rape of a child so the doctor/abortionist there also violated the law in Indiana.
In love my ass. You used to be department of human services or child protective services? Tough job, I bet. I would hate to see what you have seen.
Nope. Wrong side. Criminal defense attorney with a healthy dollop of family law on the side. I had one girl, 13, trying to get child support for her baby go into hysterics when the judge ordered the immediate arrest of the dad. Hispanics, especially from rural areas do not have the same concept of child rape that we do. It's part of their culture.

I hate to see what I have seen.
I didn't forget anything. Next time you intercede in a thread maybe you should pay attention to what I responded to.
How do you know when he came in to the US...
Trump's watch maybe?
Fair enough. I was not concerned with the timing of his entry (and, in turn, who to "blame"), I was concerned with the fact that the POS is an illegal alien and should not be here at all.
long after the reversal of Roe,
It was a couple days before
The doctors and abortion clinics didn't make the report.
The DCS made a report and the AG didnt check it. The child abuse doctor apparently didnt report it.
Additionally, the child protective services is required to begin an investigation with the law enforcement agency within 24 hours:
I hope they investigate this further!
So 40 days after the rape, two days before the reversal of Roe, the mother makes the report. The doctors and abortion clinics didn't make the report.

The local child services branch also violated the law and failed their obligation to report to the police because, according to the State AG, there were no police reports.

So, no, it wasn't reported to the police and no investigation into the rape began.

The Ohio doctors and abortionists didn't report. The Ohio child protective services didn't report it to law enforcement as required by Ohio law.
(c) Unless an arrest is made at the time of the report that results in the appropriate law enforcement agency being contacted concerning the possible abuse or neglect of a child or the possible threat of abuse or neglect of a child, and in accordance with requirements specified under division (B)(6) of section 2151.4221 of the Revised Code, notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of the report
Additionally, the child protective services is required to begin an investigation with the law enforcement agency within 24 hours:

the public children services agency shall investigate, within twenty-four hours, each report of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to have occurred and of a threat of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to exist that is referred to it under this section to determine the circumstances surrounding the injuries, abuse, or neglect or the threat of injury, abuse, or neglect, the cause of the injuries, abuse, neglect, or threat, and the person or persons responsible. The investigation shall be made in cooperation with the law enforcement agency and in accordance with the memorandum of understanding prepared under sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4234 of the Revised Code.

The penalty for not reporting is $1,000 and up to 6 months in jail. Everyone involved with possibly the exception of the parents, belongs in jail.

By the way, Indiana law also requires reporting a rape of a child so the doctor/abortionist there also violated the law in Indiana.
They were all protecting the rapist who was here illegally. Mother, social worker, doctor. Why?
Better yet, why is Ohio forcing 10 year old rape victims to go through gestation? Why did the cops lie about nothing being reported?
You don't think it's better to keep 10-year-olds from being raped? And you don't think it's important that such rapes get reported so more 10-year-olds aren't raped by the same pervert or by others who know they can get away with it in Biden's America?

The abortion question in this case would be moot had we simply completed the wall and ended immigrant child molestation and rape at the border and in America.
So 40 days after the rape, long after the reversal of Roe, the mother makes the report. The doctors and abortion clinics didn't make the report.

The local child services branch also violated the law and failed their obligation to report to the police because, according to the State AG, there were no police reports.

So, no, it wasn't reported to the police and no investigation into the rape began.

The Ohio doctors and abortionists didn't report. The Ohio child protective services didn't report it to law enforcement as required by Ohio law.
(c) Unless an arrest is made at the time of the report that results in the appropriate law enforcement agency being contacted concerning the possible abuse or neglect of a child or the possible threat of abuse or neglect of a child, and in accordance with requirements specified under division (B)(6) of section 2151.4221 of the Revised Code, notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of the report
Additionally, the child protective services is required to begin an investigation with the law enforcement agency within 24 hours:

the public children services agency shall investigate, within twenty-four hours, each report of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to have occurred and of a threat of child abuse or child neglect that is known or reasonably suspected or believed to exist that is referred to it under this section to determine the circumstances surrounding the injuries, abuse, or neglect or the threat of injury, abuse, or neglect, the cause of the injuries, abuse, neglect, or threat, and the person or persons responsible. The investigation shall be made in cooperation with the law enforcement agency and in accordance with the memorandum of understanding prepared under sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4234 of the Revised Code.

The penalty for not reporting is $1,000 and up to 6 months in jail. Everyone involved with possibly the exception of the parents, belongs in jail.

By the way, Indiana law also requires reporting a rape of a child so the doctor/abortionist there also violated the law in Indiana.

I am an LCSW and worked many years in mental health emergency services. You are 100% correct. Every State in the Union requires a mental health or medical professional to report this case to police. There are no exceptions. It is mandatory. I have made a number of these mandatory reports in my career.

Any sexual encounter between an a 27 year old man and a 10 year old girl is child rape. Period. This had to be immediately reported.

As it does not appear it was reported to police all providers involved should lose their license to practice and be subject to criminal prosecution.
You don't think it's better to keep 10-year-olds from being raped? And you don't think it's important that such rapes get reported so more 10-year-olds aren't raped by the same pervert or by others who know they can get away with it in Biden's America?

The abortion question in this case would be moot had we simply completed the wall and ended immigrant child molestation and rape at the border and in America.
I am VERY anti-illegal. VERY.
You have no idea how long he has been here.
I am an LCSW and worked many years in mental health emergency services. You are 100% correct. Every State in the Union requires a mental health or medical professional to report this case to police. There are no exceptions. It is mandatory. I have made a number of these mandatory reports in my career.

Any sexual encounter between an a 27 year old man and a 10 year old girl is child rape. Period. This had to be immediately reported.

As it does not appear it was reported to police all providers involved should lose their license to practice and be subject to criminal prosecution.
Yeah, she was just fucked all the way around. No pun intended..
I didn't forget anything. Next time you intercede in a thread maybe you should pay attention to what I responded to.
How do you know when he came in to the US...
Trump's watch maybe?
Per the Columbus Dispatch:
"Clark Torbett, an attorney with the Franklin County Public Defender’s office ....said Fuentes had lived in Columbus the last seven years and had a steady job at a café."
That would be Obama's watch.
An abortion would not have been necessary if Joe Biden and the Dims didn't let illegal alien child rapists into the Country. What kind of sick mofo's would let child rapists in our Country. Pedo Pete maybe?
Trump was vilified for pointing out that the Mexicans and other countries (all of them around the globe) who are sending people over our southern border are not sending us their technical, medical, financial, geniuses (those can all come through the front door); they're sending us their scum. There are enough really good people coming across, without a doubt, but those governments are also opening the doors to their prisons and jails for those who promise to leave their country and come to the United States.
Per the Columbus Dispatch:
"Clark Torbett, an attorney with the Franklin County Public Defender’s office ....said Fuentes had lived in Columbus the last seven years and had a steady job at a café."
That would be Obama's watch.
Now we know. A little due diligence never hurts. So, blaming Biden is moot.
Yeah, she was just fucked all the way around. No pun intended..

I had an 10 year old boy come to my ER with his mother. A 15 year old boy raped him. I told the mother I was mandated by Law to notify the police. The mother reluctantly agreed.

My idiot asshole boss at the time told me not to call the cops because the 15 year old agreed to be admitted to the hospital for "help."

I politely told my boss to go fuck herself. I called the cops. I do not regret doing the right thing.
I had an 10 year old boy come to my ER with his mother. A 15 year old boy raped him. I told the mother I was mandated by Law to notify the police. The mother reluctantly agreed.

My idiot asshole boss at the time told me not to call the cops because the 15 year old agreed to be admitted to the hospital for "help."

I politely told my boss to go fuck herself. I called the cops. I do not regret doing the right thing.
I would have done it too!
Nope. Wrong side. Criminal defense attorney with a healthy dollop of family law on the side. I had one girl, 13, trying to get child support for her baby go into hysterics when the judge ordered the immediate arrest of the dad. Hispanics, especially from rural areas do not have the same concept of child rape that we do. It's part of their culture.

I hate to see what I have seen.
Thanks for seeing it. Some people have to. Glad is wasn't me.
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