Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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I don't believe putting a 10 \year old through an abortion is better than taking care of her putting her in a loving kind gentle environment and allowing the baby to be born. Matter of my mind i think it would be worse.

additionally. I'd like to know the immigration status of the child, her country of origin and parental status too. This has the potential to be even worse than we are being told. Is this child a sex slave?? Is she without parents. Haven't heard of any. How did these folk get word of this child and then intervene in her situation? Let's get a name and position of ALL involved.
1. The child is 10 years old.
2. Children are in no position to raise other children. Why would you force that on her? Why would you force her parents to?
3. The child was raped and had her childhood innocence ripped away from her.
4. The Ohio law was hastily crafted and never considered that 10-year-old girls could get pregnant.

At some point, our understanding must transcend politics to realize the barbarity of human nature. This is why I hate politics with a passion. It causes us to ignore the most basic, precious elements of our humanity.
the state law that outlawed abortion past 6 weeks with no exception for child rape did.
there are so many variables to consider that interfere with this, nothing is obvious. Please stop pushing on something you know nothing about right now.
By an illegal alien rapist. The Dims and their open border policies are 100% to blame for this child's suffering. You should be ashamed. :(
They are the party of rape. They are the party of sexual perversions of all kinds with no limitations or boundaries to their perversions.

They once called themselves the party of women. Now they can't (won't) even define a woman. They have thrown out 99% of women to protect less than one percent of men who want to fool other men into having sex with them by pretending to be a woman.

To the Democrat party today, even gay and lesbian homosexuals are too far to the right for them; homosexuality is just not perverted enough for the modern Democrat.

The Democrats passed Title 9, protecting girl's sports but now girls in sports are abandoned for transvestites in girls' sports.

The Democrats, and anyone who votes for any Democrat, are the party of rape, the party of child-molestation, child rape, anti-woman, anti-girl, and even more and more anti-gay and lesbian, as they're all too far to the right for the groomers.
I didn't doubt the story but refrained from saying anything. If that is truly the perp rapist POS, all those on this site should retract their statements calling this rape a hoax,
Over 330 million people in the nation and Progs take a case for agendas every chance they get. Even if it is something rare that happens. A lot of mileage has been had over the years. In our quest to seal up all the cracks we have lowered our standards and are on a spending binge that will eventually bankrupt us.

Gestational age is an estimate that can't be determined with dead-on accuracy within a matter of a few days. The abortion ladies wanted a story -- and now they've forced the media - finally - to report on illegal alien CHILD RAPE.

Liberals wanted an abortion horror story, but didn't want to inconvenience an ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILD RAPIST ... and they got caught.

Media quandary: Do we care more about protecting abortion to birth - or lying about illegal aliens committing child rape. Can't wait to see!

No wonder Ohio abortionist hid the CHILD RAPIST from us: IT WAS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN.

I want to know how today we now have an arrest after a week of hunting produced no one. Is this a convenience arrest? How does the public find out? Demofks are evil pricks and witches, I don't trust them with anything.
And actually, it still doesn't tell us when he entered the U.S. Only that he had been in Columbus for 7 years.
Give it some time and some journalist will report it all. I can wait. The same as not joining the bandwagon when the news came out about the 10 year olds issue.
Over 330 million people in the nation and Progs take a case for agendas every chance they get
Because anti intellectual pinheads dismiss anything and everything, except for when they are beaten within an inch of their life with facts and have no choice but to acknowledge them.
Issue for another thread, but any illegal caught engaging in pedophilia, rape, & murder (even vehicular manslaughter due to a DUI), and trafgicking large quantities of drugs / (fentynal) should be put to death IMO.
Instead, they're given a pass on their crimes and either released on small or no bail so they can escape back south-of-the-border or at worst, given little or no jail time and then the government deports them as if deportation is the punishment when, actually, deportation is, in effect, a pardon intended specifically to not punish.
Fox News is reporting the doctor who leaked this story will be prosecuted for violating the young girl's HIPPA privacy rights.

By hey, for Dims making a political point is way more important than respecting this girl's legal right to privacy.
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Who says the state forced this child to go through this? WHAT if this child's predicament was used by the left for their own political purposes. The left says they care about the children...yet they allow the president to sniffem, allow his son to rape, beat and humiliate them, force them into transgender surgery, turn them into homos, give them porno and sex toys and instructions in grade school..... and if the rumors are true, use these children for youth elixirs......and are allegedly engaged in child porno, child sex and slavery, leftist hollywood uses them up like they're nothing........ and you say the conservatives don't care about children.

Illegal? The linked article called him an "Ohio man". I'm sure his ancestors came over on the mayflower.
Where did my faith in humanity go? Oh... there it is. In the garbage where it belongs.

Of all the threads I had to click on. Why is there not a universal consensus on the fact that this whole situation was wrong? Why must it be viewed through a political lens?

Where did our valuance of life go?
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