Arrest the judge

A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month, according to people familiar with the matter,
If "people familiar with the matter" actually said this they should be arrested and charged.

But I doubt there were any such people
A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month, according to people familiar with the matter,
I doubt this, seriously doubt it.

Otherwise, who cares. It's some other country. They didn't guard their nuclear secrets good enough and they were snatched by our spies. You do know that Trump didn't really snoop foreign nation's nuclear material.
I doubt this, seriously doubt it.

Otherwise, who cares. It's some other country. They didn't guard their nuclear secrets good enough and they were snatched by our spies. You do know that Trump didn't really snoop foreign nation's nuclear material.
Of course you doubt it. You're one of the most rattiest of MAGArats

You're among those Trump said he wouldn't lose if he shot someone in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Ave NYC.

Yea...he said that
Of course you doubt it. You're one of the most rattiest of MAGArats

You're among those Trump said he wouldn't lose if he shot someone in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Ave NYC.

Yea...he said that
He said that only in quoting what the New York Times said.

Make America Great Again
She actually said that??
It’s in a footnote. She said Bratt conceded that the DoJ was leaking. He said nothing of the sort based on the transcript.

But it sort of smacks of hypocrisy anyway. They claim to want transparency but the irreparable harm is people talking to the press about it.
A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month, according to people familiar with the matter, if the DOJ is so worried about these documents being leaked...why are they leaking them to the press?

Answer: It's a fabrication.
There's no law against leaking lies to the press. The only thing that is against the law is leaking the truth to the press.
She lied about the FBI leaking to the press.

The FBI is running out of time to leak shit to the press....and pretty soon all of those files will be scooped up and away from their hands....and then they won't be able to leak anything. If they do they'll be charged with obstruction.
The FBI is running out of time to leak shit to the press....and pretty soon all of those files will be scooped up and away from their hands....and then they won't be able to leak anything. If they do they'll be charged with obstruction.
Hey dickhead...they've had them for weeks. They already know what was recovered
The FBI is running out of time to leak shit to the press....and pretty soon all of those files will be scooped up and away from their hands....and then they won't be able to leak anything. If they do they'll be charged with obstruction.
They’re “declassified” so they aren’t leaking anything we aren’t entitled to know.
Of course you doubt it. You're one of the most rattiest of MAGArats

You're among those Trump said he wouldn't lose if he shot someone in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Ave NYC.

Yea...he said that

Individuals leak to the press all the time. Trump was famous for leaking

Claiming that is "the DOJ" leaking is a stretch
Only leftist shitbags leaked stuff to the press while Trump was president. Many got caught and are still in prison for it. Reality Winner, for example.
They are nuclear secrets and marked as such. These are likely just the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah! You really got him now!

Not our country's nuclear secrets, and they were probably in a SCIF guarded by Secret Service Agents, guy.
Yea. So well guarded that FBI agents without clearance got them. Game over. I thought maybe he’d skate with a wrist slap but he’s likely going to jail if he outlives the appeals. This is really big.
Yea. So well guarded that FBI agents without clearance got them. Game over. I thought maybe he’d skate with a wrist slap but he’s likely going to jail if he outlives the appeals. This is really big.
FBI agents with a cooked-up warrant? The SS let them in, begrudgingly, I'm sure.

So now these FBI agents are in possession of things they're not supposed to see, you say? Things several tiers above their pay grade?

This is why things like this should not happen.

Who's to say they won't leak them to a foreign country for lots of money or something? Or maybe a foreign country has leverage on one of them?
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