Arrest the judge

You knew this was coming... This judge stopped the drip, drip, drip, leaking in favor of the dim wits to hurt Trump politically. It also stopped the use of information they were gleaning about Trumps personal affairs that they had no propagable cause to take or use against him. This Judge put the brakes on their corrupt game. Now they are pissed about it. That is why they are screaming like the little bitches that they are.

They had no problem using a judge who just six weeks prior recused himself from anything Trump related because in his own words "I cannot be impartial where Trump is concerned". That was ok because it fit their plan and dogma, never mind it violates Judicial Cannon and Ethical conduct... Not to mention he green lighted a warrant that violates the Fourth Amendment. Criminal acts are OK if they give democrats the edge.. The ends Justify the means.. That is why bloodshed is the only way to stop these radicals.

Democrats see laws as impediments to their power and that is why they ignore them. We must play by their rules and that will end in blood shed. Its way past time to take the gloves off and fight fire with fire.
Judge ordered the Special Master to determine if any documents -violate Attorney Client Privilege or Executive Privilege. The DOJ has already screened the documents for Attorney Client Privilege and any Executive Privilege applies only to correspondence between Trump and his executive branch advisor that would help with presidential deliberations. This really looks like just a delaying tactic.
When the people of a nation refuse to recognize the outcome of elections, refuse to obey the laws, refuse to recognize authority and eliminate the judges whose rulings they don't like, it's over.

Yes, it is over.....or very close to be over.....

The Banana Republic is in full bloom.

See post #8 moron. Then slink off in shame.
Give me a fucking break! That changes nothing! She did what she did and it was inappropriate

“How on Earth could a judge who made it through law school think that Donald Trump can take the property of the government, the federal government, take it home and then have to have a special master decide whether they can investigate him?” Joy Reid asked Mystal on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut.”
To which Mystal replied: “Because she’s biased and corrupt. ... I’ve been saying this since he took office: When you allow Republicans to control the courts, you get nothing. Trump judges do not believe in the rule of law. They do not believe in precedent. They do not believe in facts. They do not believe in logic. They just believe in whatever’s going to help Donald Trump and they’ve proven it again and again and again. So when I say you cannot trust Trump judges I don’t know what more evidence you need for that fact.”
Now you can go slink off but you are too stupid to feel shame
Worse to worse the DOJ will appeal. I don't see anyone in actual power making these statements.
Arguing violence over an online magazine article appears a bit extreme, yes?
The last news I saw about an appeal is the DOJ had not decided. I just think at the end of the day, outside of maybe four or five weeks of delay, I don’t think it’s a huge impediment to the DOJ investigation. The chance that a Special master will find Attorney Client Privilege or Executive Privilege that would damage the case seems pretty small. Nothing here is going to alter the fact that Trump had hundreds classified documents and thousands president documents that he was not entitled to. When you catch little Donald with both hand in the cookie jar, it's pretty hard to ignore the evidence.
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Democrats have accused Aileen Cannon of obstruction of justice by appointing a special master. Democrats have called her unfit for the bench and are demanding she gets impeached.

Enemy democrats are not willing to accept any election they didn't rig or the decisions of any judge they don't agree with.

This can't be settled by peaceful means.
Democrats are the censor/cancel party.
Judge ordered the Special Master to determine if any documents -violate Attorney Client Privilege or Executive Privilege. The DOJ has already screened the documents for Attorney Client Privilege and any Executive Privilege applies only to correspondence between Trump and his executive branch advisor that would help with presidential deliberations. This really looks like just a delaying tactic.
If there are docs that have to do with Trump's interactions with the likes of Roody Toot Toot or Kraken Lady or Lin Wood, they could be considered Attorney Client privilege...unless they showed evidence of a crime...
I firmly believe there are Prog judges who will send Repub voters to concentration camps to be killed.
All is needed is the direction by the politicians.
I firmly believe that would be the last day on earth for any such judge
Concentration camps?


You sick paranoid bastards
There is plenty of precedent from you leftfucks.

Scumbag Pelosi is already running her own little personal gulag.

And your brownshirts just stole Melania's underwear. How sick is that? They'll probably give it to Joe to sniff cause there aren't enough little girls around the White House.

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