Arrest Warrants Issued To People Who Cheered At High School Graduation

why act like a monkey, unless you ARE one? Why can't the kid be fine with having you shake his hand, hug him and say "well done"? Why aint that enough for you, too?
You wouldn't understand unless you were a parent. Hell we cheered and applauded when my mother got her masters...everyone did the same for their relative that was graduating.
What a dick from Hell.....Or a Texican...
^ didn't read the article or would know this happened in Mississippi. My kid graduates I am yelling and cheering that dick of a supervisor can go to hell.
Welcome to the U.S.S.A. Next time why don't they just put sharpshooters up in the rafters? It would save a lot of time and resources

Arrest Warrants Issued To People Who Cheered At High School Graduation CBS Houston
This country is going to hell in a hand basket, in a hurry.
It's a nice hand basket...
why act like a monkey, unless you ARE one? Why can't the kid be fine with having you shake his hand, hug him and say "well done"? Why aint that enough for you, too?
It ain't prison or the military, so screw that...
What a dick from Hell.....Or a Texican...
^ didn't read the article or would know this happened in Mississippi. My kid graduates I am yelling and cheering that dick of a supervisor can go to hell.
I did notice it was reported from Houston but did not read every line...I guess i should apologize to the Texican's, Texass sucks.....
every year i go to at least a couple of graduations

i have a long history whooping it up -embarrassingly so -

at this point if i didnt the

graduate would think that i dislike him/her

throw me in jail if you dont like

i have plenty of friends and family that would bail me out

Cheering for HS graduation? Are you fucking kidding me? What's next, you're going to cheer when they spoon the soup in their mouths without getting any on the floor? If there are warrants, and it's hard to tell with stupid articles like these, they broke the law. Just because you think your shit don't stink doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
This is a supervisor that needs to be fired and in a hurry. After that a good tar and feathering would be in order. What an asshole.
This is a supervisor that needs to be fired and in a hurry. After that a good tar and feathering would be in order. What an asshole.
Sounds like the supervisor couldn't get a job at Yale, so takes it out on the kids and parents. What a prick.
Cheering for HS graduation? Are you fucking kidding me? What's next, you're going to cheer when they spoon the soup in their mouths without getting any on the floor? If there are warrants, and it's hard to tell with stupid articles like these, they broke the law. Just because you think your shit don't stink doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
They didn't break any law. They just pissed off a whiny ass supervisor...who has no say so on things like this. If rooting and cheering is law breaking gonna be A LOT of football fans in jail come August/September eh?
If they don't like how people respond to another person's accomplishment, they can get up and leave! Would they rather the people boo that person instead?

God bless you and those people always!!!

ever notice how it's the least educated people making the most noise at graduations?

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