Arrest Warrants Issued To People Who Cheered At High School Graduation

"I'm a conservative, and I don't like it, so let's make MORE laws and ban MORE things because I don't like it." :blahblah: :rolleyes-41:

The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
Yeah why should a parent show pride for their child's accomplishment, right Comrade?
Pride is one thing; disrupting the ceremony is another.

Unless you have witnessed it, and seen how a few groups that hoot and holler like idiots can drag out a graduation for an extra hour or more, it might seem like overkill to arrest a few.

Having been subjected to at least 25 HS graduations, I'd like to see a return to the whipping post for trash that can't act right in public.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I don't want a bunch of hooping and hollering for the kid on stage drowning out the announcement for my kid. I bet the parents of the next kid getting a diploma are perfectly happy the assholes yipping and screaming are perfectly happy to see them go to jail and pay a fine. I would be.
If you don't want to hear the cheering, you do not have to attend the party in the first place.
Perhaps graduations should be replaced by parties if that's what people want.

I don't consider cheering for your child to be "partying." Your parties must be lame. :p
"I'm a conservative, and I don't like it, so let's make MORE laws and ban MORE things because I don't like it." :blahblah: :rolleyes-41:

The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?
"I'm a conservative, and I don't like it, so let's make MORE laws and ban MORE things because I don't like it." :blahblah: :rolleyes-41:

The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
What more could the school have done than what it did? They asked everyone to hold the applause to the end and expected mature adults to act accordingly. A graduation of 800 seniors is lengthy enough and a certain tempo must be maintained to keep it from getting longer. So when the kid who was just announced is on stage getting her diploma, the next kid is being announced. When large children who can't control themselves are screaming their heads off, it drowns out the announcement for the next kid. You Leftists are assuming that the grownups are making rules just to be mean and calling them fascist and communist like spoiled teenagers call their parents for not letting them go to a party. You prove yourself LESS mature than the 18 year olds quietly and respectfully obeying the rules and going up to get their diploma.

Mature adults are a rare breed these days, you certainly prove that.
Well you know we can't have people cheer for some kids because there are kids out there with no one to cheer for them and that's just not fair now is it?
"I'm a conservative, and I don't like it, so let's make MORE laws and ban MORE things because I don't like it." :blahblah: :rolleyes-41:

The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
So you are at least admitting it is rude?
The GOP is the party of small government - except at graduation.

At graduation haters be like "sic the popo on the audience."


Regards from Rosie

Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
Enforcing a few rules during a graduation does not equate to a police state. Other places and times people are free to shout and holler to their hearts' content.
Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
So you are at least admitting it is rude?

I never said it wasn't rude. I said it's a stupid reason to issue an arrest warrant for a person, as well as a waste of taxpayer money and resources.
Yeah, there are a lot of people HERE who exhibit obnoxious and deplorable behavior. Perhaps I should call the cops? :biggrin:
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
Enforcing a few rules during a graduation does not equate to a police state. Other places and times people are free to shout and holler to their hearts' content.

Then let the SCHOOL enforce their rules and escort unruly people outside. Simple.
Public disorderly conduct.....its against the law.

I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
So you are at least admitting it is rude?

I never said it wasn't rude. I said it's a stupid reason to issue an arrest warrant for a person, as well as a waste of taxpayer money and resources.
It isn't a waste of taxpayer money. They're going to pay a steep fine. Everything else failing, maybe that will pique them to exercise self control in the future and succeeding graduation audiences will too.
I don't consider it disorderly conduct at all. That is just silly. You do realize that taxpayer dollars go towards this kind of thing? It's stupid as all hell. If the school cannot handle the guests, then they need to hire security or something. This isn't the United Socialist States of America yet!
If there are a thousands of other people there that do consider it disorderly, can you hold your applause till the end, or is it all about you and your graduate and f@ck everyone else?

That's not the point. The point is we don't want to have a police state where our behaviors are monitored and moderated by the police. Dealing with rude people is part of life. Get used to it.
So you are at least admitting it is rude?

I never said it wasn't rude. I said it's a stupid reason to issue an arrest warrant for a person, as well as a waste of taxpayer money and resources.
It isn't a waste of taxpayer money. They're going to pay a steep fine. Everything else failing, maybe that will pique them to exercise self control in the future and succeeding graduation audiences will too.

It is a waste. I'm sure that filing charges and issuing warrants, etc., is MUCH more money than anything these people will pay in fines. This whole thing is absolutely RIDICULOUS.
Pride is one thing; disrupting the ceremony is another.

Unless you have witnessed it, and seen how a few groups that hoot and holler like idiots can drag out a graduation for an extra hour or more, it might seem like overkill to arrest a few.

Having been subjected to at least 25 HS graduations, I'd like to see a return to the whipping post for trash that can't act right in public.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I don't want a bunch of hooping and hollering for the kid on stage drowning out the announcement for my kid. I bet the parents of the next kid getting a diploma are perfectly happy the assholes yipping and screaming are perfectly happy to see them go to jail and pay a fine. I would be.
If you don't want to hear the cheering, you do not have to attend the party in the first place.
Perhaps graduations should be replaced by parties if that's what people want.

I don't consider cheering for your child to be "partying." Your parties must be lame. :p
If my parties are "lame" then your's must be wilder than my imagination could possibly fathom.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I don't want a bunch of hooping and hollering for the kid on stage drowning out the announcement for my kid. I bet the parents of the next kid getting a diploma are perfectly happy the assholes yipping and screaming are perfectly happy to see them go to jail and pay a fine. I would be.
If you don't want to hear the cheering, you do not have to attend the party in the first place.
Perhaps graduations should be replaced by parties if that's what people want.

I don't consider cheering for your child to be "partying." Your parties must be lame. :p
If my parties are "lame" then your's must be wilder than my imagination could possibly fathom.

I was talking about Joe's Mama's parties.
Cheering for HS graduation? Are you fucking kidding me? What's next, you're going to cheer when they spoon the soup in their mouths without getting any on the floor? If there are warrants, and it's hard to tell with stupid articles like these, they broke the law. Just because you think your shit don't stink doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Yeah why should a parent show pride for their child's accomplishment, right Comrade?
Pride is one thing; disrupting the ceremony is another.

Unless you have witnessed it, and seen how a few groups that hoot and holler like idiots can drag out a graduation for an extra hour or more, it might seem like overkill to arrest a few.

Having been subjected to at least 25 HS graduations, I'd like to see a return to the whipping post for trash that can't act right in public.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I went to see the Jr. Hi kids I taught graduate.

Rarely did 1/3 make it; rarely was there not some assholes fucking it up for everyone.

Just like at about every other public gathering; some folks just don't know how to act right.
Cheering for HS graduation? Are you fucking kidding me? What's next, you're going to cheer when they spoon the soup in their mouths without getting any on the floor? If there are warrants, and it's hard to tell with stupid articles like these, they broke the law. Just because you think your shit don't stink doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Yeah why should a parent show pride for their child's accomplishment, right Comrade?
Pride is one thing; disrupting the ceremony is another.

Unless you have witnessed it, and seen how a few groups that hoot and holler like idiots can drag out a graduation for an extra hour or more, it might seem like overkill to arrest a few.

Having been subjected to at least 25 HS graduations, I'd like to see a return to the whipping post for trash that can't act right in public.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I went to see the Jr. Hi kids I taught graduate.

Rarely did 1/3 make it; rarely was there not some assholes fucking it up for everyone.

Just like at about every other public gathering; some folks just don't know how to act right.

Someone got fed up with it and decided to get the law involved. Serves them right. Grown ups acting less mature than the 18 year olds respectfully getting their diplomas is just sad. Maturity and the expectation of self restraint is all too rare if this thread is any indicator.
Cheering for HS graduation? Are you fucking kidding me? What's next, you're going to cheer when they spoon the soup in their mouths without getting any on the floor? If there are warrants, and it's hard to tell with stupid articles like these, they broke the law. Just because you think your shit don't stink doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Yeah why should a parent show pride for their child's accomplishment, right Comrade?
Pride is one thing; disrupting the ceremony is another.

Unless you have witnessed it, and seen how a few groups that hoot and holler like idiots can drag out a graduation for an extra hour or more, it might seem like overkill to arrest a few.

Having been subjected to at least 25 HS graduations, I'd like to see a return to the whipping post for trash that can't act right in public.
If you don't enjoy being "subjected" to it, then why would you attend those graduation ceremonies in the first place?

Were you forced to attend by law?

If not, you are just being a pissy little bitch IMO.
I went to see the Jr. Hi kids I taught graduate.

Rarely did 1/3 make it; rarely was there not some assholes fucking it up for everyone.

Just like at about every other public gathering; some folks just don't know how to act right.

For some reason, I don't doubt that an abnormally large proportion of your students failed.

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