Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

Looks like the Democrats will be smeared (to some degree) here in a couple of weeks. I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.

Yes, the main reasoning for this will be that this is what has historically happened -- the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections. Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power and (b) We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together. And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters. That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.

Both are true. BUT...

It doesn't look to me that the Democrats have yet looked honestly at what has (a) animated their political opponents and (b) kept other Americans from voting for them: Their positions on the wide range of issues that could be called "cultural". I've been screaming about Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the ten years I've been on this board, and now those tactics are coming home to roost. Do Democrats still feel that that's wrong, that those are winning issues for them at such a critical time?

PC/Identity Politics touches a wide range of topics, from the military to entertainment to education to crime. James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it. A few others get it. So do the Republicans. And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man. Does this hit home to Democrats, at all? I don't see it in this opinion piece, or anywhere else.
It's very simple.

Democrats are congenital liars.

No Democrat has told the truth since I've been alive.
GUESS as long as we make brand more important than knowledgeable educated honest country first persons running for office. We will continue to get lower & lower quality persons running for jobs that enhance their pocket books and only embrace the better interests of a smaller part of the population.
Odd that you spend 100% of your time trashing Conservatives and worshipping democrats, but Forward we go!
I have no doubt that that’s what you perceive.

I can only hope that I’ll never become infected with the simplistic, binary thinking and selective perception that infected you.
Democrats are congenital liars.

No Democrat has told the truth since I've been alive.
That’s what you perceive, because you been conditioned to assume that, if someone dares to disagree with you or have different life perspectives than you, they can only be lying.

That’s just not true.

I don’t engage in Stolen Election fantasies
It seems to me that Democrats pride themselves for standing up for oppressed groups. Okay, in a vacuum, that's perfectly noble and good. And needed.

So when you talk about "message", I would agree if your point is that the problem may be the way they go about standing up for oppressed groups, because that's where I think the party has completely failed -- both themselves and those groups, ultimately.

To that point, Democrats would say, "well, they're just bigots and racists". Well, whether that's true or not, they vote, they know how to take over election control, and they're motivated as hell. At war with Satan 'n Hitler 'n stuff. So that fact has to be factored in to the strategies.

So the way they have done it certainly succeeded in some ways, but at the same time it created massive resentment -- and electoral pushback -- in larger groups. There's more than one way to do something, and it sure seems like the way they have chosen to do it has backfired on them.
You are so full of shit sometimes Mac.
Do you even realize how absurdly biased this post even is??
Basically you are saying - "Republican motives are always devious and crazy, Democrats are just misunderstood"

FFS... one of your worst post ever
You are so full of shit sometimes Mac.
Do you even realize how absurdly biased this post even is??
Basically you are saying - "Republican motives are always devious and crazy, Democrats are just misunderstood"

FFS... one of your worst post ever
Not even close. Your hypersensitivity skews your perceptions, and causes you to make weird assumptions and extrapolations.

That's your problem, not mine.
That’s what you perceive, because you been conditioned to assume that, if someone dares to disagree with you or have different life perspectives than you, they can only be lying.

That’s just not true.
Dumbshit, I've been alive long enough to understand the difference between a lie and a varying opinion.

Democrats fucking LIE.

It ain't spin. Not at all. It's LIES
Not even close. Your hypersensitivity skews your perceptions, and causes you to make weird assumptions and extrapolations.

That's your problem, not mine.
You are very good at convincing yourself how superior you are.
Unfortunately for you, we do not interpret your posts with your inherited ego filter
You are very good at convincing yourself how superior you are.
Unfortunately for you, we do not interpret your posts with your inherited ego filter
No problem. I just consider the source.

If you don't like my posts, too bad.

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