Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

The real questions Dims should be asking themselves are:

“How badly do we suck?”

“Why do we insist on sucking?”

“Is there anything we can do to stop sucking so much?”

“Does the fact that we suck have anything to do with the fact that we’re about to get trounced?”

“Does the fact that we suck contribute to voter disaffection with our Party?”

“Could it be that our far left agenda has an impact on how much we suck?”
I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.
Waste of time. Democrats are incapable of self-reflection. All they know is victimhood and blame.

the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections.
Then it must be murder in 12 days because democrats really suck, midterm or party in power or not. THey are actually running on MORE immigration! Marriage equality! Climate equality! Not even a mention of food prices, fuel, energy, rent, mortgage or crime!!!

Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power
The GOP is a sin of omissions, but you just gave the best reason in the world to start voting MAGA since you just admitted both regular parties are the dregs.

We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together.
Repubs try and try but Dems never want to work (compromise) with the other party to get along.

And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters.
Or at least the most ballots turned in come wednesday morning. So if California gets 81 million democrat votes, we should let one state decide for the other 49?

That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.
What can't be denied is that popular votes only count in mob rule, pure democracies or at the state level. But what if the GOP wins the popular vote in 12 days? Bye Bye democrats?

James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it.
Tulsi Gabbard gets it. Elon Musk gets it too. Anyone with a brain gets it.

And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man.
If its a lie then why can't you prove it? At least 60-70% of the people in this country feel certain that the bizarre 2020 election was way off the tracks.
The point of the $11 trillion is the fact that it was massive, historic stimulus. Artificial. And Trump bragged about how "great" his economy was. As did his flock.
So, you're admitting that you were, in fact, talking about debt and then attempted to change the subject.
So, you're admitting that you were, in fact, talking about debt and then attempted to change the subject.
Of course not. Since you clearly don't understand the distinction, there's nothing I can do about it. We exist in different universes.
Democrats just are not good at campaigning.... At any kind of social media and viral blog messaging... Or in person messaging...

And when democrats do get a rare Candidate that actually knows how to get their message across in a sweet, concise, meme-able message relating to the crowds, they win, big time! Obama, Bill Clinton come to mind..... They knew how to capture crowds.
LOOK! 👁️ There goes Macky again starting a topic he really doesn't want the answers to!!! Why ain't I surprised.
I don't know what this means, but I know you feel you have to try.

Ok, slugger, you keep trying.
Or, I'm just posting what I think, without regard to pleasing a political tribe. As always.

What you call tribes, I would call legitimate interest groups.

The problem you have is being part of the investor parasite class, you really want to vote Republican, but you just can't stand the icky religious nuttery.

So you want to feel better about yourself by voting Democratic, but you don't want to do that, either, because they want to address racism and homophobia as social ills.
I think alot of Democrats will vote for him simply because he's "handicapped". This will aspire
to their affirmative action and apologist veins. It will become more about that than even the issues that he stands on. Just like Democrats will simply vote for or hire someone because they are black over actually being qualified regardless of race, they'll vote for fetterman because they feel sorry for him. And they'll cheer themselves inwardly for putting an invalid in some kind of great triumph of social justice. In two years later they'll be able to thank their invalid when recently-released hardcore prisoners are raping their wives and children and breaking into their homes.

Actually, I think his health issues should be a legitimate concern.

But the only good reason to vote for him is that Dr. Oz is such a complete assclown. And the last thing we need are more celebrity assclowns in politics.
What can't be denied is that popular votes only count in mob rule, pure democracies or at the state level. But what if the GOP wins the popular vote in 12 days? Bye Bye democrats?

Here's your problem, guy, you are going to be disappointed.

Since 1980, we have seen one of both houses of congress change hands ten times. What really changed? Not much.

Control of Congress is going to rest on 4 senate seats and maybe 30 house seats, most of which will change hand because of Gerrymandering, not because you guys won anyone over in the popular vote.

If your side really thought that you won the people over, you'd be making it easier to vote, not harder.

Looks like the Democrats will be smeared (to some degree) here in a couple of weeks. I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.

Yes, the main reasoning for this will be that this is what has historically happened -- the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections. Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power and (b) We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together. And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters. That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.

Both are true. BUT...

It doesn't look to me that the Democrats have yet looked honestly at what has (a) animated their political opponents and (b) kept other Americans from voting for them: Their positions on the wide range of issues that could be called "cultural". I've been screaming about Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the ten years I've been on this board, and now those tactics are coming home to roost. Do Democrats still feel that that's wrong, that those are winning issues for them at such a critical time?

PC/Identity Politics touches a wide range of topics, from the military to entertainment to education to crime. James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it. A few others get it. So do the Republicans. And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man. Does this hit home to Democrats, at all? I don't see it in this opinion piece, or anywhere else.
Your narcissism is truly epic. Thanks for the laughs.
Democrats just are not good at campaigning.... At any kind of social media and viral blog messaging... Or in person messaging...

And when democrats do get a rare Candidate that actually knows how to get their message across in a sweet, concise, meme-able message relating to the crowds, they win, big time! Obama, Bill Clinton come to mind..... They knew how to capture crowds.

Sorry, no.

You have become a big tent of a bunch of fractured identities with no unifying principle. You're lost the working class; you're losing minorities at an astonishing rate.

Well on second thought: you DO have a unifying principle but dare not state it.
Sorry, no.

You have become a big tent of a bunch of fractured identities with no unifying principle. You're lost the working class; you're losing minorities at an astonishing rate.

Well on second thought: you DO have a unifying principle but dare not state it.

What a vivid imagination you have, Islamophobic twat.

If you guys really thought you won over minorities, you wouldn't be trying to prevent them from voting by ending mail in ballots and insisting on voter ID.

I'm surprised you haven't tried to bring back poll taxes and literacy tests.

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