Article: "Democrats debate themselves: Why do we suck?"

Mostly to advance certain concerns.

Here's the thing. My problem with the Republicans are less their ideology and more their general incompetence.

The debt is $31 trillion and counting, created by BOTH parties so both are pretty incompetent.
The debt is $31 trillion and counting, created by BOTH parties so both are pretty incompetent.
And both have much in common, but partisans of the duopoly think they are polar opposite’s.
The debt is $31 trillion and counting, created by BOTH parties so both are pretty incompetent.

Not what I was talking about, but please go back into thinking we just need to let Commie Bernie fix everything.

Looks like the Democrats will be smeared (to some degree) here in a couple of weeks. I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.

Yes, the main reasoning for this will be that this is what has historically happened -- the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections. Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power and (b) We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together. And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters. That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.

Both are true. BUT...

It doesn't look to me that the Democrats have yet looked honestly at what has (a) animated their political opponents and (b) kept other Americans from voting for them: Their positions on the wide range of issues that could be called "cultural". I've been screaming about Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the ten years I've been on this board, and now those tactics are coming home to roost. Do Democrats still feel that that's wrong, that those are winning issues for them at such a critical time?

PC/Identity Politics touches a wide range of topics, from the military to entertainment to education to crime. James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it. A few others get it. So do the Republicans. And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man. Does this hit home to Democrats, at all? I don't see it in this opinion piece, or anywhere else.
/------/ BLAH BLAH MUMBLE MUMBLE 54 states.

Looks like the Democrats will be smeared (to some degree) here in a couple of weeks. I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.

Yes, the main reasoning for this will be that this is what has historically happened -- the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections. Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power and (b) We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together. And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters. That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.

Both are true. BUT...

It doesn't look to me that the Democrats have yet looked honestly at what has (a) animated their political opponents and (b) kept other Americans from voting for them: Their positions on the wide range of issues that could be called "cultural". I've been screaming about Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the ten years I've been on this board, and now those tactics are coming home to roost. Do Democrats still feel that that's wrong, that those are winning issues for them at such a critical time?

PC/Identity Politics touches a wide range of topics, from the military to entertainment to education to crime. James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it. A few others get it. So do the Republicans. And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man. Does this hit home to Democrats, at all? I don't see it in this opinion piece, or anywhere else.
Not that I disagree with the point on the Dem's going too far with political correctness but........

......there is a historically high correlation between voting patterns and the price of gas. Moreover, this election cycle is going to be about the largely ignorant belief Biden is responsible for inflation. Would there be a red wave if not for inflation? No.
Not that I disagree with the point on the Dem's going too far with political correctness but........

......there is a historically high correlation between voting patterns and the price of gas. Moreover, this election cycle is going to be about the largely ignorant belief Biden is responsible for inflation. Would there be a red wave if not for inflation? No.

I agree overall. But I do think that the Left has absolutely played a role in the rise of Trumpism, and I just base that opinion on what I've seen the Trumpsters say a million times.

There was a study done based on interviews with many Jan 6 insurrectionists. They were asked what their main motivation was. You'd think it was "stopping the steal", right? Nope. It was White Replacement.

This is not to say the Left is wrong with many of its opinions and observations. The mistake has been in the way it has tried to push that agenda in response. In many ways, it increased and galvanized the resentment, anger and paranoia that is at the core of Trumpism.

Looks like the Democrats will be smeared (to some degree) here in a couple of weeks. I checked out this opinion piece to see what the pre-emptive self-reflection might look like.

Yes, the main reasoning for this will be that this is what has historically happened -- the party in power gets its ass kicked in off-year elections. Back and forth, back and forth, the two parties proving beyond any doubt that (a) they don't deserve too much power and (b) We the People wish they'd get the fuck over themselves and work together. And yes, if you look at the actual popular vote totals, the Dems still represent the most voters. That can only be denied by those who are being manipulated and lied to.

Both are true. BUT...

It doesn't look to me that the Democrats have yet looked honestly at what has (a) animated their political opponents and (b) kept other Americans from voting for them: Their positions on the wide range of issues that could be called "cultural". I've been screaming about Political Correctness and Identity Politics for the ten years I've been on this board, and now those tactics are coming home to roost. Do Democrats still feel that that's wrong, that those are winning issues for them at such a critical time?

PC/Identity Politics touches a wide range of topics, from the military to entertainment to education to crime. James Carville gets it. Bill Maher gets it. A few others get it. So do the Republicans. And now they're so energized and animated over them that they're on the verge of taking over our very electoral system over a lie from an obvious con man. Does this hit home to Democrats, at all? I don't see it in this opinion piece, or anywhere else.
I love it….Good grief you are such an idiot…You seem not to even know that the popular vote IS how midterms work….America has had it up to their hard working asses with being called racists, and phobes….And people see what dems, and people like you that argue on their behalf’s have done to this country…

rents that are unaffordable
groceries that are unaffordable
gas that is unaffordable
and tantrums we call riots when you don’t get your way…

Those are but a few issues you people blew it on this past two years. Live with your obscurity…

You think coming in here whining that not enough people are thinking like you is a joke…like ALL of your other offerings in here.
I love it….Good grief you are such an idiot…You seem not to even know that the popular vote IS how midterms work….America has had it up to their hard working asses with being called racists, and phobes….And people see what dems, and people like you that argue on their behalf’s have done to this country…

rents that are unaffordable
groceries that are unaffordable
gas that is unaffordable
and tantrums we call riots when you don’t get your way…

Those are but a few issues you people blew it on this past two years. Live with your obscurity…

You think coming in here whining that not enough people are thinking like you is a joke…like ALL of your other offerings in here.
Wow, look at all that.

Wanna know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.
I agree overall. But I do think that the Left has absolutely played a role in the rise of Trumpism, and I just base that opinion on what I've seen the Trumpsters say a million times.

There was a study done based on interviews with many Jan 6 insurrectionists. They were asked what their main motivation was. You'd think it was "stopping the steal", right? Nope. It was White Replacement.

This is not to say the Left is wrong with many of its opinions and observations. The mistake has been in the way it has tried to push that agenda in response. In many ways, it increased and galvanized the resentment, anger and paranoia that is at the core of Trumpism.
The source of the 'White Replacement" obsession being what? Other than the xenophobia and inherent prejudices exacerbated by Trump's bigoted rhetoric. That and legit concerns about occupational displacement, the pace of change, all the things demagogues prey on.
The source of the 'White Replacement" obsession being what? Other than the xenophobia and inherent prejudices exacerbated by Trump's bigoted rhetoric. That and legit concerns about occupational displacement, the pace of change, all the things demagogues prey on.
This was building and existing long before Escalator Day. He just brought it out. Then it was like a fuckin' volcano.

So here it is, and it's flowing out just like Christian Nationalism is. It's a response, it's pushback, whether it's right or wrong.
Wow, look at all that.

Wanna know what I think of you?

I don't. Sorry.
Oh I know what you think of anyone who holds differing opinions from your decietful bs….A quick “thanks” and disappear…What a deep thinker you are. Not.

As crusader frank said earlier in the thread, “How’s that forward party“ doing? Any candidates winning under their banner? No. Any even running? No.

Tells me all I need to know loser…now I’m going to go early vote, do my part to add to the red tsunami….lol
This was building and existing long before Escalator Day. He just brought it out. Then it was like a fuckin' volcano.

So here it is, and it's flowing out just like Christian Nationalism is. It's a response, it's pushback, whether it's right or wrong.

You Mac. You are the volcano.

NO one but no one but no one talks about Trump more than Leftists here.

No Mac. YOU ARE the one obsessed. You.

Not us.

It's so funny that you are so self-unaware you can't see it.

As long as Trump continues to be in the spotlight and speak about himself, people are going to speak about him.

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